RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Video Games Database.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Video Games Database.
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What is the RF Generation Collection Software used for?

The software is intended to allow video game collectors everywhere to have a place on the web to keep track of their video game collections. Not only can collectors keep a running tally of the number of cartridges, boxes, and manuals they own of each game in our ever-growing database, but they can also show off their collections to other collectors around the globe without having to send giant Word or Excel documents to one another.

Additionally, the software allows collectors to see what games other site members are interested in buying, trading, and selling. Through the message board Personal Messaging system, collectors can find other collectors in their area and arrange trades, sales, and purchases easily, while building a strong community of collectors and gamers alike.

How do I sign up?

Simply register an account at our message board, and you will be able to post messages there, as well as use the RF Generation collection software and other members-only site features. If you already have a message board account, simply click the "Start My Collection" link on the menu and you will be ready to start your collection.

Collection and Folder Management

How do I add games to my online collection database?

There are two ways of adding games to your collection. The first way of doing this is by following the "Add Games" link in the Collection Software navigation bar. This will bring up a window that looks not unlike the Advanced Search tool. It should be used exactly as the regular search would be, except that the results can be added to your collection. Just check the boxes of the games you would like to add, and at the top of the screen select the action you would like to make, such as "Add to Collection." Then hit the "Add" button, and the games will be in your collection!

An alternate way of adding a game to your collection is by browsing to the game's database page. There will be an "Add to collection" link on that page. It will do just that.

How do I edit my collection?

There are a couple ways of doing this. When you add games to your collection with the "Add Games Search," you have the option of selecting a checkbox that says, "Add game information upon adding." If you check this box, you will be able to easily edit all of the new additions at once. You can enter the quantity of cartridges or CD's, boxes, and manuals here. Also, you can give the games your personal review rating (which will help determine the average user rating of that game on the game's database page) as well as add personal notes about the game: condition, codes, where you got the game, how much you paid, or anything else you want to keep track of.

If you have already added the game to your collection that you want to edit, or you want to change the number of cartridges you own of a game, for instance, go to the "Edit Collection" link in the Collection Software navigation bar. Once there, the editing works just the same, with a few extra options. Click the "Edit" link by a game and you will come to a page similar to the one described above. However, if you need to remove a gave from your collection, hit "Delete." If you are deleting, copying, or moving several games at once, simply check the boxes next to the games you are changing and select the appropriate action from the drop-down box at the top.

What if I need a new folder that isn't standard?

Follow the "Manage Folders" link in the Collection Software navigation bar. Once on that page, you can add new folders with a description for personal use.

What if I don't want the public to see my puny collection?

You can set whether or not individual folders are public or private. This can be done in the "Manage Folders" section of the Collection Software. Just look in the "Permissions" column and hit the link to change permissions for each folder you want to change. You may also choose whether or not to make your game comments public or private through the same page. The default permission setting is public.

What if I want to add a description to my folders? Why would I need one?

Go to the "Manage Folders" section of the Collection Software. Click the "Edit" link in the "Description" column for the folder which you want to edit the description of.

Folder descriptions ARE public, so use these to let viewers know what they are looking at. You can add notes about what your favorite systems are, where you buy your stuff, and more for your Collection" folder for instance. Perhaps you only wish to sell to buyers in your country. Let potential buyers know this in your "For Sale/Trade" folder description.

Collection Viewing and Searching

How do I view my collection?

Click the "My Collection" link. By default, your main "Collection" folder will be displayed in "Simple" view. Switching to "Detailed" view by hitting the link at the right will display individual game descriptions and personal review scores.

Quick navigation boxes can be found in the top navigation bar. You can quickly view all the games in any given folder or on any given console that you have in your collection by selecting them accordingly from the drop-down boxes at the top.

How do I see other user collections?

Follow the "All Collections" link. A list of all members with public collections will be displayed. Their usernames link to their profiles, and the "View Collection" links will.... show you their collection.

What is the "Search Collection" link used for?

This link is used to allow users with especially large collections to find games in their list easily. Also, if you're looking at another user's collection and wonder if they have a particular game, this feature will help you check.

Be sure that you have folder you want to search in selected when you use this feature.

I found a game I want to buy/sell/trade. What now?

Once you have found a buyer/seller/trader for your game, simply PM the user via the message board, or open up a topic about your request in the Sales Extravaganza forum at our message boards.

Be sure to check your PM's often in case of any offers or responses you may receive. The number of PM's you have in your inbox is displayed at the top of the navigation bar for the collection software and on the right bar on the front of the site.

How do I show my collection to others?

You can use this page to find links to your collection. Just copy and paste the urls any place you want your collection to be seen.


What's with the user ratings?

User ratings are your place to give each game you play a review score. All of the ratings each user enters are pooled for each game and an average user rating is calculated. This is displayed on the game's database page, with the number of votes entered. Hopefully this will eventually give you an idea of what games might be worth your while and what games probably won't be.

You can vote on a game by going to its database page and using the vote caster there, or by adding a game to your collection and voting when it is added. To re-vote on a game, either go to the game page again and simply re-vote, or go to the "Edit" page for games in your collection.

Why can't I add photos of my collection for others to see?

This is a feature we hope to add in the near future. For now, you will just have to wait.

Well the wait is over! If you look on your collection profile page you will see an upload image link in the lower right corner. Feel free to add up to 5 Megs of pictures. Please keep them video game related.

How come you didn't answer my question?

We must not have thought of it yet. Any new questions should be directed to our message boards here.


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