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LEGO Rock Raiders
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Console: IBM PC
Region: NL Netherlands
Year: 1999
RFG ID #: E-016-S-06070-A
Part #: 2299571
UPC: 5036749006206
Developer: Lego Media
Publisher: Lego Group
3+ (ELSPA)

Genre: Strategy
Sub-genre: Real Time Strategy
Players: 1
Controller: Keyboard/ Mouse
Media Format: CD-ROM
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  • 4 of 7621 collectors (0%) have this game in their collection
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  • 0 of 7621 collectors (0%) have this game for sale or trade.

Sirgin's review:

Lego Rock Raiders is a 1999 PC game based on the popular Rock Raiders franchise. The game is aimed at children who like the actual Rock Raiders Lego but can also entertain teenagers or adults looking for a way to spend a couple of hours.

Story of the game is simple: While cruisin' in their Lego Spaceship, the Rock Raiders get trapped in a space storm and have to make an emergency stop at the nearest planet. Only way to make it back home is by digging into the planet's caves for energy crystals to repair their ship.

Each of the 33 missions starts out with Chief briefing you in about what needs to be done. This can range from gathering X amounts of energy crystals to saving a group of stranded Raiders. Although the missions seem to embody enough variaty, the actual gameplay does not.

Rock Raiders is a Real Time Strategy (RTS) game where you spend most of your time looking for resources. What differentiates Rock Raiders from a typical RTS like Warcraft III is that gathering resources is all you do.

Like in any RTS game, building up your base is one of your primary concerns. Each building has its specific function like processing crystals, supplying your cave with air or for teleporting Rock Raiders and vehicles. Building one of these usually takes a number of ores and one or two (of the rarer) crystals. To find ores and crystals, your Raiders need to drill in the walls surrounding them. This will not only reveal the resources inside but also expand your playable area further and further, when you discover more caves, underground lakes or even lava streams. Occassionally, you'll run into a Rock monster that can destroy your base if you're not careful. However, placing some electrical fences or giving a couple of your Raiders lightguns will solve the problem easily.

Biggest problem of the game is that the Rock Raiders don't listen to your commands directly. You can, for example, click on a wall and request it to be drilled. Sure enough, some moments later a Raider will do so. This has probably been done to make the game easier for children (so they don't have to select a Raider individually and give him an action), but it can make the game very frustrating in the later levels. Especially when requesting a wall to be dynamited (this is required for stronger walls) it can take several minutes for it to actually happen. Also sad is that you can't save during a mission, so you need to finish missions in one go if you want to make progress.

Good thing is that graphics & sound for this game are good. Especially the graphics will appeal to the younger audience with sharp and colorful textures. Buildings and Raiders look exactly like you would expect and animations of buildings being build, raiders running around and monsters scaring your Raiders are generally good. Music is limited to some forgettable techno beats, but the sound effects and voices of the Rock Raiders are funny and informative. Graphical variation is being offered in the form of three different cave types: normal, ice and lava. Walls and monsters also come in these three variaties.

All in all Lego Rock Raiders is an average game which could've been much better if the gameplay wasn't so repetitive and frustrating. Although the Lego fan might enjoy this, I can't reccomend it for regular RTS players, looking for a diversion. 6.5/10

Extra Media:

Game Case
Game Case Insert Front
Game Case Insert Back
Inside Box
Inside Flap Left
Inside Flap Right
LEGO Software Catalogue
Registration Card
LEGO Media Helpdesk

Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
IBM PC U S LEGO Rock Raiders LEGO Group 2000 Strategy
Page Credits:

Michael Collins: Page Design, HTML Code
Eddie Herrmann: Perl Script
David Murnan: PHP Script
Sirgin: Title Addition, Review, Scans, Photos, Release Type, UPC, Extra Media edit
Shadow Kisuragi: Region Edit
ugr: title uniformity

Last Updated: 2024-01-19 06:37:24
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