RF Generation was founded on April 28, 2004, in no particular order, by Laurel Settee, Michael Collins, Mark Hartholt, Eddie Herrmann, Mike Leon, and Rick Kuethe. Unsatisfied with the success of previous projects in the video game collecting community, these six people pooled their collective work together to create RF Generation, a group of collectors, gamers, writers, and programmers devoted to bringing the gaming community the best coverage of any and all things gaming related.
Since its founding RF Generation has seen many changes for the good. The staff here is dedicated to bring you guys - our community - new and exciting things that make this site better everyday. Whether it is adding new content, approving new content, or adding new functionality, our staff does an excellent job ensuring that the content and functionality of the site never goes stale.
Similarly, our site is nothing without you, the readers and members of our community. A site is nothing without its strong community, and the community we have here is ever strong. Without our community, our site would never have grown at the pace it currently is. Whether it is contributing for our forum or contributing to our site, the RF Generation community is an amazing group of people that keep the site growing. We are ever grateful for the community we have.
You may be wondering what exactly we have on our site. Here is a short list of just some of the things we currently have to offer on our site.
- Games and Hardware Databases with over 74000 entries and well over 132000 images
- Collection Tools to keep track of your video game and hardware collections
- "Stuck on Channel Three", the RF Generation community forum.
- A gaming and collectors blog.
- A submissions system so that members can contribute missing information to the site.
- A community that is dedicated to making sure that our site continues to grow.
These features are only some of the things that RF Generation, and there are always new features in the pipeline. Some of these projects are major, some are small, but one thing is certain - all additions are meant to make this site better for you. If you keep it tuned to us here on channel three, you�ll find that we always have new things up our sleeves.
RF Generation lives with the motto that we always keep it on channel three, and you, our friends - our community - should always keep it tuned to channel three. This site is a testament to the dedication of everyone involved, ranging from those of us on staff to those members that keep the community lively, to those just stopping by. I'm sure that I speak for the original webmaster when I say we are truly grateful for the community that our members foster, and with classic video games, "The Winner is ALWAYS you!"