RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Video Games Database.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Video Games Database.
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Collection Description:
I collect Amiga CDTV/CD32 games and some older PC CD games from around 1991-1996.

Current Setup:
Amiga 1200 with 6MB RAM, CF-HD, Diskdrive.
Amiga CD32 with the rare SX32 Pro Expansion (64 MB RAM, 68030, 50 MHz, FPU, 8GB CF-HD, Diskdrive).
Commodore C64 (Rare rev. 250466 motherboard from 1986) with a 1541-II Floppy Disk Drive.
PC: Ryzen 5900X, 4.7GHz, 32GB RAM, GeForce RTX 3070Ti 8GB.

Collection Stats:

Sort By:
Commodore Amiga CD32  29 (83%)
Commodore Amiga CDTV  4 (11%)
Commodore Amiga  1 (3%)
Commodore Amiga CD32  1 (3%)

Collection Images:
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