RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Video Games Database.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Video Games Database.
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Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
Nintendo 3DS U S Stella Glow Atlus 2015 RPG

CountryMembernameView CollectionCommentsQtyBoxManPM
 acequeenkingView Collection3DS. Digital only.000PM
 amprice5474View Collection 110PM
 anac03View CollectionNot beaten110PM
 BoneSnapDeezView Collection 111PM
Wilkes-BarreCKsGalleryView Collection 100PM
 darth_vladimirView Collection 111PM
 DecrotedView Collection 110PM
 DsyenrkoView Collection 110PM
 DysnekroView Collection 111PM
 faldorView Collection 000PM
 grepskiView CollectionNew111PM
 imstarryeyedView Collection110PM
 itattonView Collection 111PM
Prince GeorgeMaterialHandlerMikeView Collection 110PM
 mistmonsterView CollectionSpecial Edition111PM
 mykieView Collection 111PM
 renegadevikingView Collection 111PM
 SargeView Collection000PM
 ScyntView Collection 111PM
 slackurView Collection 111PM
 soullessgingerView Collection 111PM
 SpriteCellView Collection 111PM
 tachusvelocView Collection 110PM
 TaroView Collection 000PM
 The Great MelonView Collection 111PM
understatementView Collection 111PM

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