RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Video Games Database.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Video Games Database.
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Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
Nintendo DS U S MySims SkyHeroes Electronic Arts 2010 Simulator

CountryMembernameView CollectionCommentsQtyBoxManPM
 edawgView Collection 111PM
 Espins1113View Collection 100PM
 jamieView Collectioni have the british version but there is no british version on this site111PM
 JavyView Collection 100PM
Edmontonjcalder8View Collection5 from EB Games 7/19/11111PM
 nightryder87View Collection 100PM
 oldgamedudeView Collection bought complete at garage sale for case on Arnold Ave on 5/5/17 for $4111PM
 Sauza12View Collection111PM
 slackurView Collection 110PM

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