RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Video Games Database.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Video Games Database.
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Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
Sega Genesis U S TNN Outdoors BASS Tournament '96 ASC Games 1996 Sports

CountryMembernameView CollectionCommentsQtyBoxManPM
 adiemusView Collection 111PM
HoustonADMView Collection 000PM
 aexlerView CollectionSealed111PM
SeattleAm4zingGam3rView Collection000PM
 asz22View Collection 111PM
Kentatari_wizardView Collection111PM
MilwaukeeAtarian75View Collection 111PM
Granite CityBear78View Collection 010PM
 Beardcore84View Collectionone is sealed222PM
 bigbrutisView Collection 100PM
 bigunsgamesView Collection 111PM
 BIZView Collection 100PM
Prairieville, LAboognishdView Collection 100PM
Lockport, NYbum-manView Collection 10;Cover damage111PM
 chris cummingsView Collection 111PM
 CKDYNAMOView Collection 100PM
 CouchmomView Collection 111PM
 CynnabellView Collection 111PM
 DanielMartz07View Collection 100PM
 DeadmanView Collection 100PM
 den68View Collection110PM
Lebanon, Ohiodouglie007View Collection 111PM
 drewku99View Collection 110PM
 esquireView Collection000PM
 Fokakis79View Collection 100PM
 FrugalGamerView Collection 110PM
New CaneyFuyukazeView Collection 111PM
 gamereviewgodView Collection 111PM
ChicagogaragelootView Collection 110PM
 genesisguyView Collection 000PM
 gerardius84View Collection 000PM
Terre HauteGhost SoldierView Collection 111PM
Birmingham, ALgorezView Collection000PM
 GozmitView Collection 111PM
 grepskiView Collection 110PM
 Grim FandangoView Collection111PM
 hallcodyView Collection 200PM
 InsouciantSoulView Collection 110PM
 J_CadaverousView Collection 111PM
 johnjohnView Collection 100PM
 KeyserSoze61View Collection100PM
 LaKieschView Collection 100PM
 MantisToboggnMDView Collection 111PM
Woodstock, ILMarkM2112View Collection100PM
 MartyMouse666View Collection 000PM
 megamattView Collection 100PM
 MertView Collection111PM
 Mr IrrelaventView Collection 111PM
Centralia ILMrFizzleView Collection 110PM
 MrMark0673View CollectionFormer Rental110PM
YoungstownNES_RulesView Collection110PM
 NMELIVESView Collection 111PM
AlbanynupoileView Collection 100PM
 OldSchoolGamer101View Collection 111PM
RocklandPaully3433View Collection 111PM
 PeartView Collection 111PM
 RockRusticView Collection 110PM
 RorschachView Collection 000PM
 Round2GamingView Collection 100PM
 ScrimbleView Collection000PM
 segasimonView Collection 100PM
 SegaSportsGuyView CollectionCondition: Mint, very minute damage to cart. Second Copy: Rental Stickers on each side201PM
 serioView Collection 111PM
 SigoyaView Collection 100PM
 slackurView Collection110PM
NorthbrookstillplayingnesView Collection 110PM
 SylentwulfView Collection 000PM
Idaho FallsTechie413View Collection101PM
Calgarythe_wizard_666View Collection 111PM
 thegreatskaView Collection 111PM
 TheLagginWagonView Collection 111PM
 thomas_surlesView Collection 100PM
SurpriseTynstarView CollectionComplete111PM
 ugrView Collectionmedia2 G5, in ballistic box100PM
 VBForeverView Collection 100PM
Louisville, Kentuckyzcrich01View Collection 111PM

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