Hey guys,
ok, this month is a no-brainer for me, as G.Darius is my favourite STG. I'm in.

I don't claim to be an expert, but i've spent quite some time with the game so i can give you a few tips for scoring and survival that might be useful:
Needless to say you get points for everything you shoot, but here is some info about the bonuses:
- you get a bonus for every enemy formation you destroy
- you get a x2 bonus for every enemy formation you destroy by using your secondary weapon from captured enemies
- you get a x4 Bonus for every enemy formation you destroy by using your Alpha Beam
- you get a x6 Bonus for every enemy formation you destroy with the alpha beam, if you use the captured captain (midboss) to initiate your beam.
- you get a bonus for destroying the Boss using your Alpha Beam. Bonus increases when you counter the boss' beam. The more beams you counter, the higher the bonus (double/triple/fourfould – counter). The bonus increases if you use a captured captain for the beam counter.
- you get a 100.000 pts bonus if you end the stage with a captured captain (you don't want to do that because it's very tricky to save the captain throughout the bossfight and the bonus for feeding the captain to your counterbeam usually is higher).
- After defeating the final boss you get a 1.000.000 bonus for every extend left and 300.000 for each captain you captured (so you gotta catch 'em all!)
- the upper route might be the most approachable. (I recommend ADGMU)
- The M2 Gadgets give you information about which Power-Ups are available in the different paths of the stages. So it helps you to plan your route.
- Capture-Ball management is extremely important for both scoring and survival. Make sure you have at least one capture ball left, when you enter a bossfight. If you plan at which spots to beam and which enemies to pick up on your route, things can become a lot easier.
- Don't be fooled by the ver.2 Beginner Mode, it really is the beginner mode only for ver. 2. It has just 3 Stages but the difficulty is comparable to ver.1 Arcade (some parts are even harder than ver.1). So if you're looking for a smooth entry, go with the Beginner Mode of the PSone port.
- Power Ups eat bullets. I don't think you can use this as a strategy but it's awlays good to get rid of one or two enemy bullets. So if you can, let them float around a bit before you pick them up.
- Enemies with a golden shield are immune to your alpha beam, so it's good to know where they pop up and to avoid beaming at this spots. (The captains also have golden shields which you need to destroy before you can capture them)
I also recommend watching Icarus' videos for ver.1 and ver.2 Lambda Route, those helped me a lot with my first clears of the game and getting better scores afterwards.