Yeah, some folks need to learn about Google Lens

Not going to rank them, other than to say that Faith No More's "Album Of The Year" is indeed my album of the year for 1997, but this is my top 10 plus honorable mentions, and depending on the day, some may slip in or out of that top 10.
Ethereal Scourge - Judgement and Restoration
Drain S.T.H. - Horror Wrestling
Common Children - Delicate Fade
Faith No More - Album Of The Year
Talk Show - Talk Show
Collective Soul - Disciplined Breakdown
Big Wreck - In Loving Memory Of...
Incubus - S.C.I.E.N.C.E.
Fu Manchu - The Action Is Go
Tourniquet - Crawl To China
Megadeth - Cryptic Writings
Living Sacrifice - Reborn
Saviour Machine - Legend Part I