Jan 8th- Limbo (PS4) I love the art style and concept and game design a lot, but I suck I puzzle so I had to look up solutions to half the game lol.
Feb 11th- Tomb Raider Legend (PS3) On Hard. Also Platinum on the trophies. And boy were the bosses a bitch and had me cursing, pretty much all of them took at least 20 tries. A few 30. And the final boss I had to do the time trials to unlock the cheats to use it on, too hard on Hard without them. Played through the game on Easy again to unlock the ability to use cheats and then loaded the Hard save on the final boss with said cheats enabled.
Feb 14th- Street Fighter II: The World Warrior as part of PS4 30th Anniversary Collection- Saw ending of Zangief, although I cycled through most fighters during tournament, although only 6 playable in this first version of SFII. His ending is a great history lesson and blast from the past. Me being born in 1990 I didn't grow up with Gorbachev as a figure in my life, but I have learnt about him and know all about him and the fall of the Soviet Union. It is a very funny and joyful ending.
Feb 15th- Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting again in the Collection- Saw the ending of Blanka, but again cycled through many fighters, just happened to be him when defeating Bison. But his ending is the best one I think, its up there for sure, its funny and heartwarming all at the same time.
Feb 15th- Street Fighter II: Champion Edition again in Collection- Saw ending of Balrog, but again cycled through many. A boring ending, but him being one of the 4 bosses essentially and bad guys he doesn't deserve a grand ending I guess. Its just Mike Tyson with a new name anyway, lol.
Feb 16th- Street Fighter II Turbo again in Collection- Saw ending if Chun Li where she continues being an average single woman beating up punks who flirt too much with her when they are drunk, lol.
Mar 15th- Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition PS4 (Platinum Trophy)- After taking a break from this and played Inside I beat the Year of the Snake DLC on March 29th. And the Nightmare in Northpoint DLC on April 2nd.
Mar 18th- Street Fighter II: The New Challengers as Fei Long. His ending and character is pretty much a tribute to the mighty Bruce Lee.
Mar 25th- Inside on the PS4- I liked it a little more than Limbo although I loved it too though. I love the art style and graphics and the story and concept, and the ending was cool and I didn't totally see it coming but it makes perfect sense too. There was more variety to how you interact with the environment and some of the "enemies" were cool and eerie as they are suppose to be, as the world has the right feeling to it too. As well as having certain "friends" that help you, that is maybe my favorite part.
Apr 26th- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed PS3
May 23rd- Final Fantasy 1 on Origins for PS1 (Using PS3, but will use actual PS1 when I do FF2)
June 4th- Zone of the Enders HD on Hard
June 25th- Prince of Persia Sands of Time HD
August 12th- Final Fantasy II Origins (PS1 on PS1)
September 5th- God of War (PS3 Remaster) On Normal. But I will be doing the challenges that unlock after beating it. And then I will do the 5 hour speedrun to Platinum it, which can be done in about as little as 3 and a half hours I have read.
September 18th- Crash Bandicoot (PS4 Remaster) I didn't know it had a reputation for being so hard. And the remaster the dev's admitted was even harder. Well I experienced this and I cursed more getting through this and levels like The High Road, I can 100% say, than is in The Big Lebowski.
September 19th- Crash Bandicoot 2 Cortex Strikes Back (PS4 Remaster) Powered through in a day, as I had read much easier than the first. But a few parts still had me cursing, namely the bees in the 4th set of levels. And as I had read the bosses being laughably easier than the first is very very true. Cortex in this one is a pre school level easy. I didn't die on some of the bosses and the one i died on the most was like 4 times on N. Gin before I got the hang of him, all others were no die or only once. And on the last 5 levels I found 3 of them almost too easy for that part of the game. Night Fight was as easy as levels in the start area and the jet pack levels are very easy. But I cursed on Spaced Out and lucky out getting 3 masks to get invincibility to power through part of it. The other level being medium difficulty IMO. Either way I liked it more over all, and although sometimes too easy, there was enough parts that were difficult, and cheap deaths at the devs expense, that it still wasn't a cake walk.
September 21st- Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped (PS4 Remaster) As I had seen people say, the easiest of the three, in fact too easy most the time. I like that there is more variety and that there are some vehicle levels in this one, although I hate the second of the three motorcycle levels,and I like the waverunner and bi-plane levels and underwater. I like the themes also, from China,Arabia,Egypt,dark ages Europe,Dinosaur times to Futurism. I liked it, but I feel the second game is the best, and its difficulty is the most balanced. Its not as hard as the first but its not as easy as this third.
October 12th- Kingdom Hearts Final Mix 1.5 (PS4) Beat on Proud. Beat in 15 hours without continues and no equipment changes on November 4th. Beat everything in Olympus arena,the Clock Tower Phantom,the Mysterious man,the required Gummi stuff and all synthesizing. Platinum done.
October 26th-LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars- This game is pretty good, it has everything in it that made the first 2 SW Lego games fun plus some new mechanics. Such as the levels where you do a sort of Real Time Strategy battle taking over the command posts of the enemy and building up a little army along the way. Such as taking over a post and building a barracks to add more clone troopers to the battle, or a vehicle station to bring in tanks, or a cannon, or a shield to protect other things you have built at the post. It reminds me a lot of Battlefront. And I generally do not like Real Time Strategy, but this I had no trouble getting a hang of. The idea of selecting the planets from a map to get to the next level is also like Battlefront, but I still think its a cool idea and its done well here. I believe you don't even have to go in an exact order for the levels. There is 3 branches, one where Count Dooku is the main bad guy, one with General Grievous and one with a lady villain named Asaaj Ventress, plus 2 or 3 extra levels where you play the bad guys or bounty hunters. In the 3 branches there are 6 levels in each, so you could do level 1 in each then do level 2 in each, or do all 6 levels of one branch like I did and then go on to one of the others.
Also have been playing Toukiden Kiwami, a Monster Hunter type of game made by Koei Tecmo. I like it but it is a long game and the hack and slash nature can get old so I take a break every few chapters and play something else.
Been playing Civilization a lot. Mostly V but also some IV and some original Civ, mostly the IBM version on DosBox.