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Author Topic: RFGen 2019 NES Challenge  (Read 487782 times)
Sega Dreamcast
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« Reply #1290 on: March 06, 2020, 01:59:26 PM »

This game was tough, thanks for the tips about the pit.  Once I got that down to around the 30sec mark I was not stuck in last all the time. Zodas Revenge is next for me. [img width=504 height=245]https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200306/d02e2c13a94fbf12cebe5159ae1080d1.jpg[/img][img width=504 height=245]https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200306/0920b19097ffb4d2ba5d3cc240b166c1.jpg[/img]

DB Editor
United Kingdom
Posts: 903

« Reply #1291 on: March 06, 2020, 04:25:32 PM »

Great to see a couple of you are still chipping away at this.

I sort of hit a bit of a wall with it. Ran out of games I had access to and had the skill to beat
Podcast Crew
Posts: 13567

« Reply #1292 on: March 07, 2020, 12:55:21 PM »

Well done douglie!! That was much quicker than I expected, I remember that game taking me quite a while to figure out. Good luck on Zoda, if I remember the last boss is kind of rough, but the rest of the game shouldn't be too bad for you.

I've been working my butt off to loop Xevious of the last week and was finally able to do it yesterday! I cannot believe how much I underestimated this game previously. I played like 10 minutes of it years ago and wrote it off as bad. Now that I've spent some time with it I really enjoy it. Blows my mind how early this game it and how well it holds up. Very tough, but as I learned enemies and turret placements it really grew on me.

Here is a pic of the moment it looped and one of my final highscore:

[img width=700 height=522]https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49630678643_94988f13fd_b.jpg[/img]

[img width=700 height=525]https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49631468972_da1016d7b8_b.jpg[/img]


Also just realized that I beat IronSword a couple weeks back and that hadn't been done yet. I guess I just assumed we got that one last year.

[img width=700 height=508]https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49631677847_3c5edde446_b.jpg[/img]
« Last Edit: March 07, 2020, 01:46:11 PM by Crabmaster2000 » Logged

Want to see someone barely eke through a whole pile of NES games? Check out my youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/us...00Crabmaster?feature=mhee

300+ NES games beaten since October 2011

Co-Host of the Rfgeneration Collectorcast:
Podcast Crew
Posts: 13567

« Reply #1293 on: March 07, 2020, 01:38:59 PM »

Here's a short list of some of the most manageable games left on our list in case anyone else wants to jump in to help out:

3-D Worldrunner
Fun little platformer done in the style of a Space Harrier game.

Casino Kid
It's like a gambling game mixed with an RPG. I found it fairly charming

Circus Caper
One of the easiest games left on our list. Not the greatest hit detection, controls or enemy placements, but it's short!

Conan: The Mysteries of Time
With a guide this game is incredibly easy and short. Good luck if you're trying to figure it out for yourself though!

Crash 'n the Boys: Street Challenge
If you like sports compilations on the NES this is among the best. Really fun mini-games and not a very long game to beat once you've learned how to play each event

Dusty Diamond's All-Star Softball
Once of the best baseball games on the system. Should only take 2-3 hours to complete

Flying Dragon: The Secret Scroll
Pretty interesting take for a 1 vs 1 fighter. Some light action platforming mixed in makes this one an interesting game. Make sure to use a guide to look up where to get all the specific items you need to complete the game with the real ending to make this a short completion for you.

Flying Warriors
Like Flying Dragon, but also with RPG battles and more story! If you use a guide should be a sub- 5 hour game.

Galaxy 5000
Decent racer ala Rock n Roll Racing. If you like isometric racers its one of the better ones of the system. Does get hard near the last races though

Easily the most accessible KOEI game on the NES. Cool fantasy setting and fairly easy to play and comprehend. Unlike other KOEI games this one can bet beaten in 6-10 hours.

Ghostbusters II
As long as you can get used to the opposite of every other NES game (running left and jumping with B) it's a very short game. Driving and statue of liberty levels as also pretty decent.

Best lightgun game on the NES IMO. Super short and there is no shame for getting up close to that television if you need to!

Heavy Shreddin'
Super short game, but takes some practice to get used to the controls and hit detection

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Ubisoft)
I don't know this game well yet, but it looks to be very short and not too much challenge

Jetsons: Cogswell's Caper, The
Really solid late release platformer. Can't believe it didn't get beaten last year!

Jungle Book, The
Not the best Disney game around, but very beatable without a great deal of skill in 2-3 hours

Kid Kool
Super challenging platforming game with some of the sloppiest controls of all time. BUT it has infinite continues and the levels are very short. So if you've got an afternoon to kill you don't have to get good you just have to keep continuing until you make it!

Kings of the Beach
Decently controlling volleyball game. Should be a 3ish hour completion

Krion Conquest, The
Some bad controls and weird level design, but it's a short Mega Man clone so if you're into Mega Man maybe you can find some joy here like I did. Does have to cool music in a few stages.

Krusty's Funhouse
This is a longer game, but it's a puzzle platformer so you can take your time to figure things out. Using a guide would make this one significantly easier.

Laser Invasion
Not an easy game, but a good game and a short game. So far it's my favorite air combat game on the system

Last Ninja, The
Not a great port of the amazing commodore 64 game, but it's insanely short. If you look up where to go and what items are helpful it can be done very quickly.

Legends of the Diamond
Another easy baseball win coming in around the 2 hour mark

Lode Runner
Lode Runner is awesome if you didn't already know that. Built in level select means you can play each level whenever you want as many times as you need to until you've beaten them all!

Marvel's X-Men
It's a mess of a game and not very good, but boy is it short! Look up a video for some tips and it can be done relatively quickly.

One of the most unique strategy games on the system that plays in real time! If you get the hang of it you can jump planets very early and make this a quick completion. Very underrated game.

Peter Pan & the Pirates
Like Circus Caper this on is super short and pretty easy, but also kind of bad

Pretty short and generic action game

Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom
It's an adventure game so with a guide you can't lose!

Pro Sport Hockey
Of all the NES hockey games this is definitely one of them! Not hard to beat in sub 3 hours in you're familiar with Blades of Steel.

Ren & Stimpy Show: Buckaroo$, The
Kind of like the simpsons games in the it's a bit of a messy platformer, but it's pretty short and easy to beat.

River City Ransom
How did this one get missed last year?!?! Someone beat it already!

RoboCop 3
Super short action platformer. Has a cool mechanic where you heal damage between levels so by the end you don't have enough energy to heal completely and have to make decisions of which parts to focus on fixing. Some tough bosses, but very very short game.

Like bomberman except you don't know where to go or what to do! Use a guide and this one is very manageable. 3-4 hour range.

Rocket Ranger
Bizarre mixture of genres that are all over the place with an even more bizarre story. Very short game though

Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball
This one is on the longer side of 15-20 hours of time investment, but it's very easy to win at.

Section Z
Early capcom shmup, it's got some maze like level design that makes it much longer than a typical shmup, but if you're decent at the genre it's not overly challenging and actually pretty cool.

Shooting Range
Super easy super short light gun game. Like less than 20 minutes

Simpsons: Bartman Meets Radioactive Man, The
Very much like the other simpsons games, but far more straightforward. Not a hard completion for someone comfortable with platformers

Sky Shark
Short and sweet. Can loop this bad boy in about 30 minutes and it's not too hard for a shmup

Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six
It's a little tough, but it's very very short. Figure out those bosses and it's an easy win for an action fan

Street Cop
By far the most interesting power pad game. Uses both the power pad AND a controller simultaneously as you physically walk your character around, but use the controller to capture criminals. Takes a bit to get used to the control scheme, but a very short and unique game.

Swords and Serpents
One of our easier RPGs left on the list. Should take 6-10 hours, but less if you want to use a guide I'm sure.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters
Very short fighter. Make sure to play on Hard to get the credits. Just use Raph and bite everyone's face for an easier time!

It's a shmup. Not much to write home about, but it's not especially hard or long

Touchdown Fever
Ok football game. It's pretty easy to overcome the CPU so shouldn't take more than an hour or two

Toxic Crusaders
TMNT II Style beat em up, but not nearly as good. Not a long game.

Short little arcade puzzler. Not hard or long

Twin Eagle
Another generic shmup. Again it's not long or especially hard

Ultima: Quest of the Avatar
One of the best RPGs on the system. You're going to have to invest 20 hours or so into it, but it's so worth it. What an awesome game!

Untouchables, The
Mix of action platformer, top down gunner and third person shooter. It's not great, but it is short!

Vegas Dream
Easily abused password system makes it impossible to lose!

Wall Street Kid
Call me crazy, but I kind of like this game! It's easy to learn and win and only takes a couple hours. I think most people are just turned off by the concept. Give it a try.

Werewolf: The Last Warrior
Pretty dang fun action platformer with some great tunes. Hard as heck platforming area smack in the middle of the game, but otherwise not crazy hard. Reward is the greatest splash screen of all time?

If you're a guardian Legend fan don't sleep on Xexyz. Bounces back and forth between action platforming a shmup. Fun game!

Want to see someone barely eke through a whole pile of NES games? Check out my youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/us...00Crabmaster?feature=mhee

300+ NES games beaten since October 2011

Co-Host of the Rfgeneration Collectorcast:
Sega Dreamcast
United States
Posts: 1770

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« Reply #1294 on: March 09, 2020, 04:53:39 AM »

I was thinking of doing Gemfire after Zoda.  And to be fair I looked up strategy on Days of Thunder

RFG Moderator
United States
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Awards: 2014 RFGen Top Shmuper

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« Reply #1295 on: March 09, 2020, 08:18:46 AM »

Not sure I'd say classify Twin Eagle on the NES as not "especially hard" - that game is super cheap. I tried, in earnest, toward the end of last year, to try and beat it, and on a single credit, I couldn't get any further than stage 2. Even credit feeding, I never got past stage 3.

United States
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« Reply #1296 on: March 09, 2020, 08:36:33 AM »

I want to get back into this, I have a few of the games on the more manageable list and might be able to chip away at them.

Podcast Crew
Posts: 13567

« Reply #1297 on: March 09, 2020, 09:29:33 AM »

Not sure I'd say classify Twin Eagle on the NES as not "especially hard" - that game is super cheap. I tried, in earnest, toward the end of last year, to try and beat it, and on a single credit, I couldn't get any further than stage 2. Even credit feeding, I never got past stage 3.

I meant for someone who is more familiar with shmups......Wink

Want to see someone barely eke through a whole pile of NES games? Check out my youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/us...00Crabmaster?feature=mhee

300+ NES games beaten since October 2011

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« Reply #1298 on: March 09, 2020, 11:14:11 AM »

LOL, burn! Even for myself, who is definitely a shmup guy, I found the game to be very unbalanced. Getting powered up can be tough after the 1st stage, so it's the kind of game where, if you die, good luck recovering. Not having the ability to cover the screen in a spread shot to take out upcoming enemies makes it very difficult. The original arcade release has problems of its own, with enemies that are too spongy, and not enough of an arsenal to tackle it all. This "port" adds some additional weapon choices, and changes things up a bit, but it definitely leans pretty hard in the kusoge direction for a NES shmup. I might give it another go, if I feel motivated, but man, it's unforgiving. You definitely need to have a handle on enemy placement and behavior.

DB Editor
United Kingdom
Posts: 903

« Reply #1299 on: March 09, 2020, 01:45:17 PM »

Not sure I'd say classify Twin Eagle on the NES as not "especially hard" - that game is super cheap. I tried, in earnest, toward the end of last year, to try and beat it, and on a single credit, I couldn't get any further than stage 2. Even credit feeding, I never got past stage 3.

Interesting fact, the game released in Australia and Japan as Twin Eagle is a different game to the one you got in America. It’s actually the game you guys call double strike
Sega Dreamcast
United States
Posts: 1770

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« Reply #1300 on: March 09, 2020, 06:23:32 PM »

Ok, in Star Tropics 2, how many times do I have to beat it, I killed Zoda x and it sent me back to chapter 2 and took all my upgrades away and acts like it's a new game.

Podcast Crew
Posts: 13567

« Reply #1301 on: March 09, 2020, 06:56:17 PM »

Ok, in Star Tropics 2, how many times do I have to beat it, I killed Zoda x and it sent me back to chapter 2 and took all my upgrades away and acts like it's a new game.

It's been a REALLY long time since I beat that one, but I think there is a Zoda-Y and Zoda-Z after X. But I don't ever remember getting kicked back chapters. You got all the Tetrads?

Want to see someone barely eke through a whole pile of NES games? Check out my youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/us...00Crabmaster?feature=mhee

300+ NES games beaten since October 2011

Co-Host of the Rfgeneration Collectorcast:
Sega Dreamcast
United States
Posts: 1770

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« Reply #1302 on: March 10, 2020, 01:48:21 AM »

Ok, in Star Tropics 2, how many times do I have to beat it, I killed Zoda x and it sent me back to chapter 2 and took all my upgrades away and acts like it's a new game.

It's been a REALLY long time since I beat that one, but I think there is a Zoda-Y and Zoda-Z after X. But I don't ever remember getting kicked back chapters. You got all the Tetrads?
I got 3 of them after x, but it's like the game reset or something.  No I have none and all my hearts are gone.

Sega Dreamcast
United States
Posts: 1770

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« Reply #1303 on: March 10, 2020, 06:43:07 AM »

Found it's a glitch on some carts. https://www.neogaf.com/th...ge.1343279/post-230163937

Sega Dreamcast
United States
Posts: 1770

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« Reply #1304 on: March 10, 2020, 11:24:07 AM »

Ok my bootleg everdrive wont play Zoda at all... so I'm going to retire it for now.  Also it looks like i didnt have Gemfire on NES, just Genesis. So I'm going for Casino Kid

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