120 yards. 100 yards for the playing area and 10 yards for each endzone.
Yepper-- 100 yards from goal line to goal line, 120 from end line to end line.
BTW I always found it odd that a CFL field is 110 yards from goal line to goal line. Recently, I discovered that they did that to approximate a 100-meter-long field. ANd don't forget the 20-yard-deep end zones...
ANYway, here's a trick you can pull in an extremely specific situation: When a friend tells you he just watched
Scarface, ask him if he watched the original or the remake. There's a chance he won't know that
Scarface was remade, and if so, he most likely won't know that the 1983 Brian DePalma/Al Pacino version is the remake. It's a great way to show everyone how much of aninsufferable smarter-than-thou film-buff douchenozzle you are.