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Bomberman Hero
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Console: Nintendo 64
Year: 1998
RFG ID #: U-064-S-00300-A
UPC: 045496870317
Developer: A.I
Publisher: Nintendo
E (ESRB): Mild Animated Violence

Genre: Platformer
Sub-genre: 3D
Players: 1
Controller: Standard Controller
Media Format: Cartridge x1
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Collection Stats:

  • 252 of 7628 collectors (3.3%) have this game in their collection
  • 22 of 7628 collectors (0.2%) have this game in their wishlist.
  • 1 of 7628 collectors (0%) have this game for sale or trade.

Bombermans's latest adventure takes him across the galaxy! Princess Millian has been kidnapped by the evil Garaden Empire and it's up to Bomberman to save the day. Travel through worlds of ice, fire and water. Use new abilities and get help from friends like Louie the rabbit and Pibot the robot. New vehicles like the Bomber Copter and Bomber Marine will come in handy in your quest to save the Princess and free the universe once again!

  • Five worlds with over 60 levels!
  • Save your progress to one of four save files!
  • Use the special items like the Bomber Copter, Bomber Jet, Bomber Slider and Bomber Marine during your quest!

Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
Nintendo 64 A S Bomberman Hero Nintendo 1998 Platformer
Nintendo 64 Brazil S Bomberman Hero Nintendo/Gradiente 1998 Platformer
Nintendo 64 Germany S Bomberman Hero Nintendo 1998 Platformer
Nintendo 64 FR, NL S Bomberman Hero Nintendo 1998 Platformer
Nintendo 64 DK, FI, SE S Bomberman Hero Nintendo 1998 Platformer
Nintendo 64 IT, ES S Bomberman Hero Nintendo 1998 Platformer
Nintendo 64 United Kingdom S Bomberman Hero Nintendo 1998 Platformer
Nintendo 64 U S Bomberman Hero [Players Choice Million Seller] Nintendo 1998 Platformer
Nintendo 64 J S Bomberman Hero: Milian Oujo o Sukue! Hudson Soft 1998 Platformer
Page Credits:

Michael Collins: Page design, HTML code.
Eddie Herrmann: Perl script.
Mezmoron: Scans
NES_Rules: Misc
Robert Ringstad (logical123): Misc Info, Developer Edit, Overview
techwizard: Scans
blcklblskt: Screenshots
Flee: Subgenre Edit, Genre

Last Updated: 2018-04-13 04:49:36
Site content Copyright © 2008 rfgeneration.com unless otherwise noted.