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Mega Man [3 Screw - Round Seal]
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Console: Nintendo NES
Year: 1987
RFG ID #: U-027-S-04050-A
Part #: NES-MN-USA
UPC: 013388110070
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Genre: Action/Adventure
Players: 1
Controller: Standard Controller
Media Format: Cartridge 1 Meg
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Collection Stats:

  • 273 of 7628 collectors (3.5%) have this game in their collection
  • 42 of 7628 collectors (0.5%) have this game in their wishlist.
  • 0 of 7628 collectors (0%) have this game for sale or trade.

It's MEGA MAN versus the powerful leaders and fighting forces of Monstropolis - that strange multi-layered land of robot-like Humanoids created by the wrongly-performed experiments with human beings by Dr. Wily.

MEGA MAN - the chosen defender of the human race. For he dares to single-handedly penetrate Monstropolis' seven separate societies to stop the rapid expansion of strange misrepresentations of humans.

MEGA MAN's goal is monumental. He must infiltrate seven separate heavily-guarded empires. By himself, he must break-down and destroy the followers of empire leaders: Cutman, Gutsman, Iceman, Bombman, Fireman, Elecman and Dr. Wily.

The action involves MEGA MAN armed only with laser beam weapons, encountering strangely-configured Humanoids. They're atop, in and out of fortified prison-like structures strengthened with thick walls. Below icefields. Hidden amid gun turrents imbedded in concrete uprights, even in subterranean passages under icefields. WOW!

Will you and Mega Man penetrate the seven separate societies of Dr. Wily and preserve the human race? You're in control!


Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
Nintendo NES France S Mega Man Capcom 1989 Action/Adventure
Nintendo NES BE, LU, NL S Mega Man [Round Seal] Capcom 1989 Action/Adventure
Nintendo NES BE, LU, NL S Mega Man [Oval Seal] Capcom 1989 Action/Adventure
Nintendo NES United Kingdom S Mega Man Capcom 1989 Action/Adventure
Nintendo NES Germany S Mega Man Capcom 1991 Action/Adventure
Nintendo NES Italy S Mega Man Capcom 1989 Action/Adventure
Nintendo NES U S Mega Man [5 Screw] Capcom 1987 Action/Adventure
Nintendo NES U S Mega Man [3 Screw - Oval Seal] Capcom 1991 Action/Adventure
Nintendo Famicom J S Rockman Capcom 1987 Action/Adventure
Nintendo Famicom J S Rockman [FamicomBox] Nintendo 1988 Action/Adventure
Related Games:

Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
Nintendo Virtual Console / WiiWare U S Mega Man Capcom 2008 Action/Adventure

  • D-Pad: Moves Mega Man left and right and makes him climb ladders.
  • Select: Pauses the game.
  • Start: Brings up the Weapon Select menu.
  • B: Fires Mega Man's selected weapon.
  • A: Makes Mega Man jump.
Game Credits:


Keiji Inafune

Akira Kitamura

Nobuyuki Matsushima

Character Design
Keiji Inafune
Yasuaki Kishimoto
Akira Kitamura

Music/Sound Effects
Manami Matsumae
Yoshihiro Sakaguchi

Page Credits:

Apolloboy: Misc Info
Michael Collins: Page design, HTML code.
Eddie Herrmann: Perl script.
Laurel Settee: scans
Scott Williams: scans
wrldstrman: scans
ApolloBoy: Related Games, Cart size, UPC, variation tie-ins, variation title, instructions, overview, variation type, credits
Rajaat the Warbringer: Screenshots
NES_Rules: Part #
raffa1985: Screenshots
Crabmaster2000: Screenshots
h1ghw1nd: Scans
Flee: Variation Title Edit

Last Updated: 2018-09-03 00:33:08
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