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Adventures of Dino Riki, The
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Console: Nintendo NES
Year: 1989
RFG ID #: U-027-S-00180-A
Part #: NES-SG-USA
UPC: 039854000058
Developer: Hudson Soft
Publisher: Hudson Soft
Genre: Shooter
Players: 1
Controller: Standard Controller
Media Format: Cartridge 64 KB
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Collection Stats:

  • 389 of 7629 collectors (5%) have this game in their collection
  • 11 of 7629 collectors (0.1%) have this game in their wishlist.
  • 4 of 7629 collectors (0%) have this game for sale or trade.

In pre-historic times, where ancient dinosaur creatures ruled, the adventures of Dino-Riki began. A courageous and intelligent young man, Dino-Riki, is determined to establish mankind's future in this violent age. Dino-Riki must explore and fight his way through deserts filled with quicksand, sinking lotus swamps, dark caverns, and deep canyons. As Dino-Riki begins his adventure, he is armed with a shooting weapon that will change and progress from rocks to axes, from axes to boomerangs, from boomerangs to fiery torches by collecting power-ups. There are many hidden items that will help Dino-Riki to increase his strength, life, fly like an eagle, one that will change Dino-Riki to "Macho-Riki", the ancient warrior, and many more. Dino-Riki will need all the ancient knowledge and items he can find before facing the dinosaur bosses: Tyrannosaurus, Pterandon, Monster Fly, and Giant Cobra.


Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
Nintendo Famicom J S Shin Jinrui - The New Type Rix Soft 1987 Shooter
Page Credits:

Michael Collins: Page design, HTML code, scans, screenshots.
Eddie Herrmann: Perl script.
Rick Johnson: Part number
Laurel Settee: screenshots
Speedy_NES: miscellaneous data
Mezmoron: Overview
Anthony Terzi: scans
Scott Williams: scans
ApolloBoy: UPC, publisher edit, developer edit, cart size, variation tie-in
Shadow Kisuragi: Release Type
Crabmaster2000: Screenshots

Last Updated: 2020-03-09 04:12:57
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