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Super Castlevania IV
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Console: Nintendo SNES
Region: DK Denmark
FI Finland
NO Norway
SE Sweden
Year: 1992
RFG ID #: E-044-S-00180-A
Developer: Konami
Publisher: Konami
Genre: Action/Adventure
Players: 1
Controller: Standard Controller
Media Format: Cartridge 8 Meg
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Collection Stats:

  • 20 of 7627 collectors (0.2%) have this game in their collection
  • 3 of 7627 collectors (0%) have this game in their wishlist.
  • 0 of 7627 collectors (0%) have this game for sale or trade.

Super Castlevania IV is a 2D platform game and one the most critically acclaimed chapters of the series.

As Simon Belmont, the players must make their way through 11 levels, including outside areas like stables, forests, caves and mansions, before reaching the interior of the castle to face Count Dracula in a battle to restore peace in Transylvania.


Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
Nintendo Super Famicom J S Akumajou Dracula Konami 1991 Platformer
Nintendo SNES A S Super Castlevania IV Konami 1992 Action/Adventure
Nintendo SNES United Kingdom S Super Castlevania IV Konami 1992 Action/Adventure
Nintendo SNES Italy S Super Castlevania IV Konami 1992 Action/Adventure
Nintendo SNES BE, FR, LU, NL S Super Castlevania IV Konami 1992 Action/Adventure
Nintendo SNES Spain S Super Castlevania IV Konami 1992 Action/Adventure
Nintendo SNES Germany S Super Castlevania IV Konami 1992 Action/Adventure
Nintendo SNES U S Super Castlevania IV Konami 1991 Action/Adventure
Nintendo SNES U S Super Castlevania IV [Majesco Rerelease] Konami 1997 Action/Adventure
Nintendo SNES U S Super Castlevania IV [Majesco Stock Label] Konami 1999 Action/Adventure
Page Credits:

Michael Collins: Page design, HTML code.
Eddie Herrmann: Perl script.
Sharp: Title addition
epv39: Year, Developer, Players
Darth Sidious: Variation tie-in; media size; year correction
Keith Brown (Tan): Misc
gaminator: Part number, control scheme
ApolloBoy: Region change
raffa1985: Screenshots, Overview

Last Updated: 2014-05-12 20:56:23
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