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Console Reg. Type Title ^ Publisher Year Genre Qty Box Man
Nintendo 64 U S 007: The World Is Not Enough Electronic Arts 2000 Shooter 1 1 1
Nintendo SNES U S Aaahh!!! Real Monsters Viacom New Media 1995 Platformer 1 1 1
Nintendo SNES U S ACME Animation Factory Sunsoft 1994 Simulator 1 1 1
Nintendo NES U S Adventures of Lolo HAL America 1989 Puzzle 1 1 1
Nintendo SNES U S Aero Fighters McO'River 1994 Shooter 1 1 1
Nintendo SNES U S Aladdin, Disney's Capcom 1993 Platformer 1 1 1
Microsoft Xbox 360 U S Aliens vs Predator Sega 2010 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Microsoft Xbox 360 U S Alone in the Dark Atari 2008 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Nintendo SNES U S Animaniacs Konami 1994 Platformer 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation U S Ape Escape SCEA 1999 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Microsoft Xbox 360 U S Armored Core 4 Sega 2007 Simulator 1 1 1
Microsoft Xbox 360 U S Assassin's Creed Ubisoft 2007 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Microsoft Xbox 360 U S Assassin's Creed II Ubisoft 2009 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Atari 2600 U H Atari Video Computer System [4-Switch] Atari 1981 System 1 1 1
Nintendo 64 U S Banjo-Kazooie Nintendo 1998 Platformer 1 1 1
Microsoft Xbox 360 U S Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts Microsoft 2008 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Nintendo 64 U S Banjo-Tooie Nintendo 2000 Platformer 1 1 1
Microsoft Xbox 360 U S Batman: Arkham Asylum Warner Bros. Interactive 2009 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Microsoft Xbox 360 U S Battlefield 2: Modern Combat Electronic Arts 2006 Shooter 1 1 1
Microsoft Xbox 360 U S Battlefield: Bad Company Electronic Arts 2008 Shooter 1 1 1
Microsoft Xbox 360 U S Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Electronic Arts 2010 Shooter 1 1 1
Nintendo 64 U S BattleTanx 3DO 1998 Shooter 1 1 1
Nintendo 64 U S BattleTanx: Global Assault 3DO 1999 Shooter 1 1 1
Nintendo NES U S Battletoads Tradewest 1991 Action 1 1 1
Nintendo SNES U S Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team Tradewest 1993 Action 1 1 1
Nintendo 64 U S Battlezone: Rise of the Black Dogs Crave Entertainment 2000 Strategy 1 1 1
Microsoft Xbox 360 U S Beautiful Katamari Namco Bandai 2007 Action 1 1 1
Nintendo SNES U S Beavis and Butt-head, MTV's Viacom New Media 1994 Action 0 1 1
Nintendo SNES U S Bebe's Kids Mandingo Entertainment 1994 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Nintendo NES U S Beetlejuice LJN 1991 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation 2 U S Big Mutha Truckers THQ 2003 Racing 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation 2 U S Big Mutha Truckers 2 THQ 2005 Racing 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation 2 U S Biker Mice from Mars Game Factory 2007 Racing 1 1 1
Nintendo SNES U S Biker Mice from Mars Konami 1994 Racing 1 1 1
Nintendo 64 U S Bio FREAKS Midway 1998 Fighting 1 1 1
Microsoft Xbox 360 U S Bionic Commando Capcom 2009 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Microsoft Xbox 360 U S Bioshock 2K Games 2007 Shooter 1 1 1
Microsoft Xbox 360 U S Bioshock 2 2K Games 2010 Shooter 1 1 1
Nintendo 64 U S Blast Corps Nintendo 1997 Action 1 1 1
Nintendo 64 U S Blues Brothers 2000 Titus 2000 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Nintendo 64 U S Body Harvest Midway 1998 Shooter 0 1 1
Nintendo 64 U S Bomberman 64 Nintendo 1997 Platformer 1 1 1
Nintendo NES U S Bonk's Adventure Hudson Soft 1993 Platformer 1 1 1
Nintendo NES U S Boy and His Blob, A Absolute Entertainment 1990 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Nintendo SNES U S Breath of Fire Squaresoft 1994 RPG 1 1 1
Nintendo SNES U S Breath of Fire II Capcom 1995 RPG 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation U S Breath Of Fire III Capcom 1997 RPG 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation U S Breath of Fire IV Capcom 2000 RPG 1 1 1
Nintendo 64 U S Buck Bumble Ubisoft 1999 Shooter 1 1 1
Nintendo 64 U S Bug's Life, Disney/Pixar's A Activision 1999 Action/Adventure 1 1 1

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