RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Video Games Database.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Video Games Database.
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Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
IBM PC U S Sins of a Solar Empire Stardock 2008 Strategy

CountryMembernameView CollectionCommentsQtyBoxManPM
Lockport, NYbum-manView CollectionDamage to cover of plastic case111PM
 cthulurisingView Collection111PM
HarmonydisloyalheadView Collection111PM
 fungal mageView Collection 000PM
 GrueUserView Collection 111PM
BrooklynInnervisionView Collection 111PM
 IvanBeavkovView Collection 111PM
 LendorienView Collection 111PM
 MercilessAngelView Collection111PM
 MrMeekView CollectionDVD clam shell w/ outer sleeve. $1.99 thrift111PM
 Out-Of-AmmoView Collection 111PM
 PatzView Collection 111PM
 renegadevikingView Collection 111PM
 Sauza12View Collection111PM
 seerz82View Collection 111PM
HamiltonshylockView Collection 111PM
 SigoyaView CollectionSealed222PM
 slackurView Collection111PM
 The Great MelonView Collection 111PM
 TheEggplantView Collection 111PM
 timepantsView Collection 111PM
 ugrView Collectionmedia5 D, DVDsize, has slipcover. 1 azpcdvdlot no barcode? 1 new w/slipcover natelot222PM
 UritzielView Collection 000PM
Gainesville, FlWempsterView Collection$0.00 Xmas gift, 12/25/09111PM
 wired_fenixView Collection 000PM
WinnipegZe_roView CollectionGame of the Year edition111PM
SeattlezodiacprimeView Collection 111PM

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