RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Video Games Database.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Video Games Database.
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Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
Commodore VIC-20 U S Radar Rat Race Commodore 1981 Racing

CountryMembernameView CollectionCommentsQtyBoxManPM
 arkansasnesView Collection 111PM
 asz22View Collection 100PM
 baschlivesView Collection 111PM
 BoneSnapDeezView Collection 100PM
Lockport, NYbum-manView Collection 100PM
Lockport, NYbum-manView Collection 100PM
 chrisbidView Collection 100PM
 DarthKurView Collection 100PM
 den68View Collection111PM
 fxnovoView Collection 100PM
SeattleGoodwill_GamerView Collection 111PM
 imstarryeyedView Collection100PM
 itattonView Collection 100PM
PittsburghMistoView Collection 111PM
 MrMeekView Collection 100PM
 namzepView Collection 100PM
OttawaNecron99View Collection 100PM
OttawaNecron99View Collection 100PM
 neskidView Collection 100PM
WarrenoctbaneView Collection 100PM
 Retrogamer72View Collection100PM
 saris91011View Collection 100PM
 slackurView Collection 100PM
 ugrView Collectionmedia3 K2100PM
Grand RapidsWehllView Collection 100PM
WinnipegZe_roView Collection 100PM

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