Honestly, I can't say much about this video without ruining it for you. So, just press play.
Japan never ceases to amaze me. This could rank in the top game advertisements of all-time with the Japanese ad for God Hand. Kudos SCEJ bringing us the best game related marketing rap since the infamous Zelda Rap (or All I Want For Xmas Is A PSP, take your pick).
Nintendo has made their first announcement of E3. It comes in the form of yet another Wii accessory, Wii MotionPlus.
The device plugs right into the bottom of the Wii Remote and will deliver "more comprehensive tracking of a player’s arm position and orientation, providing players with an unmatched level of precision and immersion." The press release continues: "Every slight movement players make with their wrist or arm is rendered identically in real time on the screen, providing a true 1:1 response in their game play."
Little is known about MotionPlus outside of the very brief press release issued by Nintendo earlier today, but this accessory sounds quite intriguing. Could it actually make a real swordfighting game possible on the Wii? What is Nintendo planning to do with MotionPlus? Check RF Generation for details on MotionPlus and everything else unveiled at Nintendo's press conference.
[img align=right width=250]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/107411104447bf29c519367NintendoWifi.gif[/img] So, Nintendo Wifi Connection. It sucks, really, really hard. Don't kid yourself, if you are looking for a competent online service you certainly will not find it in the land of Nintendo. Just hearing the words "Friend Code" is like listening to a teacher use her fingernails against a blackboard. It simply is not a nice thing, I tell ya. For a company leading the pack in sales, they certainly have no idea how to capitalize on the burgeoning market of digitally distributed content.
So, what is this I am hearing about Wii Pay and Play? An upcharge for online? Perhaps, but right now we just don't know. What we do know is that Wii Pay and Play will be collecting money for "services that will adapt flexibility". What the hell does that mean? Kotaku speculated, so will I. It sounds as though Nintendo wants to print more money. More money that it does not need. So, perhaps they want to screw you, John Q. Consumer. Do you enjoy getting screwed? Personally, the thought of being raped by Nintendo does not entice me.
Perhaps Nintendo will wow us with something that is truly amazing. Show us what you mean, Nintendo, rather than being ultra cryptic about things. Show us that you are going to use this "system" for something awesome. Given your track record in the world of digital distribution and online gaming, I somehow seriously doubt it.