RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Aug 22nd 2007 at 04:13:31 AM by (Shimra)
Posted under Site News, Features, Weekly Features, Animals, Sparkster, Aero, Duckface, Jaguar, Rocket Knight

Rocket Knight AdventuresThe features this week are about animals.

So the featured game is Rocket Knight Adventures.  "What have knights got to do with animals?" you might say.  Well, when the main character is an opossum named Sparkster... I think you can see where this is going.  Try it out if you're ready for some pretty quick hack-and-slash side-scrolling action.

The featured image is the cover from Aero the Acro-Bat 2.  Is the cover cheesy... yeah.  Is it as bad as it looks... no way.  Its a fairly unique platformer with colorful cartoony levels.  As with most platformers from the 16-bit era, this one is always worth a decent play.

The featured collection belongs to Duckface, ja, and finally, the featured hardware is some Jaguar thing.  Too many buttons and an unwieldy size has put this one on a lot of "Top 10 worst peripherals" lists; however, I think Microsoft seems a bit partial to it because they're making a suspiciously similar piece for the 360.

Stay tuned to Channel 3.

Posted on Aug 7th 2007 at 04:43:51 AM by (OatBob)
Posted under Site News, Features, Weekly Features, Kirby, Tilt, Maracas, Samba de Amigo

Kirby Tilt 'n' TumbleFeatures this week are mixing things up a bit.  One of the big "next-gen" selling points for the Wii and PS3 are the use of motion controls as a new means of playing games in relation to mashing buttons and twiddling your analogs.  First off is a handheld game with a built-in tilt controller.  That game, my good friend, is Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble.  Tilt forward, and it feels like Kirby will roll off screen, and a little flick will pop him into the air.  This game earned me a lot of funny looks the first time I was seen wiggling my Game Boy Color around.

Shakin' it up is the featured hardware, the highly sought-after Dreamcast Maracas.  These babies were never bundled and fetched a high price in stores; yet, they worked with only one game!  (Well, maybe a few minor exceptions, but they are poorly applied.)  Lets just say that they didn't sell too well and have become a wee bit difficult to find.  Speaking of that one game...

The featured image for the week is the cover shot for Samba de Amigo.  Why the Japanese version?  It captures the spirit of the game.  Anyways, playing it for the first time might remind you of your first forray into DDR, club-footed and uncoordinated.  Never fear, for an easy learning curve will make you a cha-cha master in no time.  Available in all three major regions, this game is for every culture.  Getting some of my Columbian friends into it was definitely a rewarding experience that everyone seemed to enjoy.

Oh boy, that commercial gets me excited every time.

The featured collection of the week is someone with even more funky rhythm controllers.  Sauza12  has a lovely standee for Donkey Konga in addition to all three GameCube games that make use of the Bongo controllers.  In addition to that he also has some interesting items including two arcade cabinets worth checking out.

Posted on Jul 17th 2007 at 01:51:33 PM by (OatBob)
Posted under Site News, Weekly Features, features, Aliens, alien syndrome, james, alien hominid

Alien Syndrome (NES)E3 2007 has come and gone, and this year was certainly different.  One thing that got me was the lack of laser weapons being used to blast other-worldly beings into green bits.  Aren't aliens, zombies, and ninjas the stock villains of video gaming?  Either way, we can supplement your yearning for malicious contact.

The game of the week is Alien Syndrome.  Ricky and Mary run and gun their way to rescue their comrades from aliens.  Formerly a Tengen cart, Sega is about to release a sequel of sorts under the same title for Wii and PSP in these coming weeks.

The featured image of the week is the cover art for Alien Hominid.  This game started out as a freebie flash game and has since been ported to most home consoles and is currently on the move to download services.  Alien Hominid is colourful and fascinating as it is entirely hand drawn.  Also, the flash version is available for free play in RF Generation's own online arcade!  You can't beat free.

Now for a name that could only come from science fiction, the Amstrad GX4000.  Its appearance and name look like they could fly you to Mars, or at least to the nearest filling station.  This rarely seen 8-bit console took a swift beating as the Mega Drive launched less than a year later with a 16-bit colour pallet. 

When missile defense fails to break the UFO shields, there's only enough time for one thing.  Thats right, admire James' collection, this weeks feature.  Neatly displayed rows of Mega Drive and SMS boxes with one rare and outstanding shooter proudly displayed in the center.  If you're curious as to what the title is, you must see for yourself.  Suspenseful. 

Posted on Jun 26th 2007 at 02:18:54 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Weekly Features, Japan

[img align=right]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/J-060/bf/J-060-S-03025-A.jpg&sizex=200[/img]

Japan is home to many things, and many of those things we embrace. Of the things Japan has given to the world are games, and this week we celebrate those games and hardware entries with a Japanese Influence.

First off, check out the featured game, Battle Arena Toshinden Remix. If I had played the game I'd say something about it, but sadly I have not touched this game. However, Kevincal has, and he submitted a wonderful review and overview back in the day. We appreciate that.

Next, the featured image goes to Akumajo Dracula X: Gekka no Yasoukyoku. Yes, that title is a Romanized Japanese title, but you may know the game as Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. I hear that game is pretty darn good.

Next, the featured hardware is the Family Computer, or Famicom. This system was released by some playing card company named Nintendo. I hear they went to become something huge, even momentarily being worth more than Sony today. Guess that Nintendo does good for itself.

Lastly, the featured collection belongs to Funk Buddy. Funk Buddy has an affinity for Japanese games and hardware, epsecially the Japanese Sega Saturn. As such, he has the featured collection.

As always stay tuned, more is certainly to follow when you keep it tuned to channel 3.

Posted on Jun 19th 2007 at 06:03:38 PM by (Mezmoron)
Posted under Site News, Site News, Weekly Features, Features, Lunar

Here it is folks.  A long awaited week for me!  I am featuring one of my favorite games of all time.  Not only that, we have some other things that some people might have never seen!  First off, we have the featured game.  And what a featured game it is!  Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete is one of the most dynamic and compelling RPGs ever made.  Not only is the translation filled with satire and humor, the characters really make a connection with the player.  Give this game a try.  Please. 

Next we have the featured image.  The image is from the Nintendo DS's Lunar: Dragon Song.  The game?  Not so good.  But it's Nintendo DS, and I love the system, as most of you know.  Now, I actually played through the entire game, and I must say, it was rough.  Not very well made, and obviously thrown together under a deadline.  But, I must say, it is worth the $10 you can get it for now.

Our featured hardware is from the Sega Master System.  The 3-D glasses.  What are they?  What do they do?  I don't know!  I just thought they looked fun.  Do you know the story behind them or have used them?  Submit a review and overview for them!  We'd all like to know!

Lastly, we have the featured collection.  It has been quite a while since we have taken a look at his collection, so it's about time!  Captain_Nintendo has been amassing games for a long time now, and his pictures show it!  Take a look!

Keep it tuned in folks!  Check out our blogs!  They're a good read and very informative!  Remember, we're here for you!  Let us know what you'd like to see!

Posted on Jun 12th 2007 at 04:46:13 AM by (Shimra)
Posted under Site News, Hideo Kojima, features, weekly features, snatcher, zone of the enders

This week we are taking a look at a few of Hideo Kojima's more overlooked titles. You would think that with a name as big as his, these games would stand out just as much as the Metal Gear Solid franchise. Sadly that is not the case.

That being said, our featured game is Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner. This is one of my favorite games. It has the unrivaled cinematics you have come to grow and love from Hideo Kojima as well as enough action to keep one satisfied for months. Along with the featured game we have the featured image which is Snatcher, the acclaimed Sega CD game produced by Hideo Kojima. The featured collection is eternalblue81's collection which consists of nearly all of Hideo Kojima's games. Finally the featured hardware is the Gamecube modem. The logic behind this is because that thing is as funny as the scene in Metal Gear Solid 3 where Eva ramps the motorcycle off Revolver Ocelot's face.

Besides the games which I have mentioned, there are plent of other Hideo Kojima related games which are overlooked such as Policenauts, Boktai, and Tokimeki Memorial Drama. Hideo Kojima has a bit more under his belt than just the Metal Gear Solid series, and this week is dedicated to those games.

Posted on Jun 7th 2007 at 11:40:28 PM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Weekly Features, Guitar Hero, I Wanna Rock

This week is a special week. On Friday, we have the three year anniversary of when the site went public. We may or may not have something fun planned for that day, but such banter is for another time an place. Right now though, we talk of features.

There is one game series that just seems to be talked about more often than any other on this site. Guitar Hero and its later incarnations have a special place in the hearts of many RF Generation members, and to celebrate our affinity for the game this week is 'Feature Everything Guitar Hero Related' week. Unfortuately, none of you have uploaded hardware shots of one of the guitars for the game, so I threw a Sony model 2 PS2 in there as the featured hardware, you really can't play the featured game, Guitar Hero II for the Sony PS2, without it. Oddly enough, the featured image is the box front image for the 360 version of Guitar Hero II. Surprising, no? Lastly, we've got a featured collection, which for this week is that of our resident graphic artist den68. He's an avid fan of Guitar Hero.

But, that isn't the only reason to feature den's collection. As I write this post, his collection has an astounding 3997 games listed under it. I've also been told by den that he has many more games to add, which will definitely place him over the 4000 game mark. That is a momentous milestone, and it also means that den68 is still king in the total games department. Congrats den, and may the gaming gods smile upon you.

From all of us at RF Generation stay tuned, you never know when more is to follow.

Posted on Jun 7th 2007 at 11:39:04 PM by (Shimra)
Posted under Site News, Weekly Features

Well to a certain extent that is. I received quite a bit of help from the users to determine the specifics of this week. I would like to thank those who gave me suggestions. To start off, the featured game is Sword Master, a very mediocre game that really doesn't have too much going for it. The featured hardware is the Sega 32 X. With the exception of a few diamonds in the rough, this, like Sword Master, doesn't have much going for it. The featured image is that of the hilarious cover of Valis III, thank you Dreamcaster for the recommendation. Finally, the featured collection is hydrobond's unbelievably awesome collection which consists of one game. That game, my fellow droogs, is World of Warcraft. It just goes to show that quality>quantity. And with that, adios and keep it tuned to channel 3.

Posted on Jun 7th 2007 at 11:33:12 PM by (Mezmoron)
Posted under Site News, Weekly Features

There's no real theme this week, but you'll enjoy it nonetheless.  The featured game this week is Twisted Metal: Head-On.  It is a really fun handheld game for the featured hardware, the Playstation Portable, or PSP.  The featured image is Hydrosub: 2021 for the nearly unknown Action Max.  The featured collection belongs to JeFIzM.  Like the Nintendo NES?  Then you'll love this collection!

As always, keep tuned in here at RFGeneration.com!

Posted on Jun 7th 2007 at 11:27:33 PM by (Shimra)
Posted under Site News, Weekly Features

After last weeks amazingly awesome features, I pretty much decided there was absolutely no way in bloody hell I could top Tan. So, I do what I do best, I decided I would simply make everything about me. The game of the week just so happens to be one of my all time favorite RPGs, the screenshot of the week just so happens to be of my favorite  action game of all time(hard as balls too), the featured hardware is of a controller that is so unGodly uncomfortable I have blisters on my thumb from using the damn thing's d-pad while destroying all who oppose me in Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO. The featured collection is that of a user whom I've never talked to but have dreamt of having his username as my own, also his collection is nice and organized which I could only wish mine was like that.

So...Yay this week is about stuff relevant to me. Booyakasha to all those who disagree with the way I choose to do things around here. Actually, PM me because I'm running low on themes for the week <_<.
Anyway, the featured game is Shadow Hearts Covenant, and outstanding RPG from, gasp, Midway. The featured Screenshot is of Devil May Cry 3, which, if you have played the game, will make you cringe. The featured hardware is that of Nintendo's Wavebird, a fairly cool wireless controller. Finally the featured collection is that of Rajaat the Warbringer. Lots of NES games, nice cabinet, really organized. Damn I wish I could claim to be that organized.

Well there you have it. Sorry it isn't as outstanding as Tan's features. You only have to deal with this for a week my good chum.

Posted on Jun 7th 2007 at 02:25:45 AM by ([Tan:realName])
Posted under Site News, Weekly Features

Ever take pride in having your initials displayed on a high score list? As a kid laugh at the crude humor you or someone else created with 3 letters on a screen? Well if you do this weeks feature is for you! This week RF Generation salutes high scores and those who make them.

When games like Space Invaders and Asteroids hit the arcades nearly three decades ago, it brought one major aspect of gaming never before seen: high score records. Concentration, skill, sore fingers and loose change were rewarded with bragging rights, top scores and initials which brought gamers admiration from their friends and envy from their rivals. Websites like Twin Galaxies and publications such as the upcoming Guiness Book of Video Game Records keep this spirit alive for gamers both young and old.

This weeks featured game is Space Invaders for the Atari 2600. A game fairly representative of it's arcade counterpart and also the first ever game licensed from one company to another (Taito to Atari). A practice which is common-place and frequent in todays games with much success. This home version offered 112 variations of play and launched the 2600 into mass appeal at Christmas during 1980.

In keeping with this theme, first off we should give a big salute to welchracing33 who currently has a whopping 25 titles from the RF Generation Arcade to his credit! As well the featured collection this week is from blissfulnoise who has a very nice selection of arcade cabinets that makes me green with envy!

Finally we come to our featured hardware of the week. The Street Fighter series has always been one of the most competitive and acclaimed arcade series since it's debut in 1987. In 2005 Capcom and Nubytech teamed up and introduced a collection of official 15th anniversary Street Fighter controllers for both the Xbox and Playstation. This weeks image is of the Xbox "Akuma" controller pad, one of three for that system.

So take a deep breath, crack your knuckles and work on those RFGen arcade scores and those posted in "The Arena" sub-forum found in the message boards. Also as always, keep it on Channel 3!!

Posted on Jun 7th 2007 at 02:20:12 AM by (Mezmoron)
Posted under Site News, Weekly Features

Well, believe or not...I am not making this up...It is National Egg Salad Week.  I hope you like eggs, because you're going to get a healthy dose of it in this week's features!  First off, we have the featured game, Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg for Nintendo Gamecube.  It's a very interesting game in which you roll eggs and play with eggs...you get the point.  Secondly, we have our featured image.  The image is for a not very well known egg-cellent game by the name of Eggomania.  Just look at that image.  Wow. Our featured hardware is the Pro Controller for the Atari Jaguar.  Look at all of those buttons.  Geez!  Finally, our featured collection goes to one of our resident pack rats, Ghost Soldier.

Buy some eggs, cook some eggs, eat some eggs, enjoy some eggs.  Don't throw some eggs, you'll get in trouble!  And always, keep it tuned to channel 3 here at RFG!

Posted on Jun 7th 2007 at 02:18:17 AM by (Shimra)
Posted under Site News, Weekly Features

Yup. April Fools day is going to continue a bit longer as we focus on toddler stuff this week. This may or may not be fun. The featured game is Fisher Price's I can Remember, a game which I can proudly say I own. The featured image is that of Sesame Street ABC/123 which is yet another game I own. The featured collection is that of Cobra Blade, congrats on being nominated and do not take offense to having the featured collection. I simply made the connection between Cobra and G.I. Joe. Finally the featured hardware is the purple Nintendo Gamecube because...
1. Kids like purple.
2. Nintendo is kiddy.
3. Nintendo is kiddy.

April Fools. Anyway, keep it tuned to channel 3.

Posted on Jun 7th 2007 at 02:13:38 AM by (Mezmoron)
Posted under Site News, Weekly Features

I don't want to title this week, but if I had to, I guess it'd be....Sonic Week!  Why?  Well, while at home, watching TV, I would always see these wonderful commercials for the fast food chain Sonic.  Well, they have these drinks that combine ice cream and flavored slushie, and I have always wanted to try them since we don't have Sonic in our area.  Well, my wife and I went on vacation last week to the south and decided that we had to find a Sonic.  Heaven, pure Heaven.  It definitely beats our crap in the North.  Anyways, I digress.

Our featured game happens to be the odd cartridge, Sonic & Knuckles.  Most people love the fact paced platforming hyjinks of our hedgehog friend.  This is a great game for everyone to play.  Heck, it's like a 4 in 1 cart if you own some of the other Sonic games.  The featured image is the Japanese front box version of Sonic Advance 2.  Our hardware is one of the great "unknown to most" systems, the Neo Geo Advanced Entertainment System (Japanese version).  Last, but not least, our featured collection belongs to Fighter17.  Fighter17 has one of the best collections on our site in my opinion.  Nearly every one of his games are owned because he plays them.  That is something us collectors do not do nearly enough of.

That's about it folks!  So remember, keep it tuned to channel 3.  Visit the forums!  Visit our collection tools!  And please, visit a Sonic!

Posted on Jun 7th 2007 at 02:12:24 AM by (Shimra)
Posted under Site News, Weekly Features

After a long hiatus, the RFGeneration features are finally updated. My apologies about that. Kicking off this week we have a theme centered around a genre of games which seems to be unknown to the RFGeneration community. I am talking about the sports genre.

The featured game this time around is WWF Wrestlemania Challenge which I firmly believe is the wrestling counterpart to Tecmo Super Bowl. Our featured image is that of Ken Griffey Jr.'s Winning Run which at the time had some of the most gorgeous graphics. The featured hardware is the classic Sega Genesis controller which is one of the most comfortable controllers ever made. Finally, our featured collection is the collection of Rabusma, a user whom has multiple versions of many systems.

So there you have it. Hopefully with the addition of sports week RFGeneration can become a bit more diversified. As always, keep it tuned to Channel 3.

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