[img width=640 height=360]https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4540/38743263291_cb29a74e9a_z.jpg[/img]
In some forms of media, the word “remake” can be a scary thing. In the realm of Video Games though that word is often embraced and encouraged. In fact, the word "remake" often doesn’t do this “new” release justice, so many sub-catergories have been created to better describe a new version of an old favorite. You may have heard terms such as: Port, Enhanced Port, HD Remake, Re-Release, Localization, Director’s Cut, Compilation, Backwards Compatibility, Virtual Console, Emulation, Complete Edition, Game of the Year Edition, Legendary Edition, Demake, and so many others people use to better describe the type of experience you can expect from an impending release.
Continue reading Do We Really Need A 20th Port of Doom?
[img width=550 height=600]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v136/cisco678/morchestra_zpsllp9fgqo.jpg[/img] Video game music has evolved from the bleeps and bloops of the Atari 2600 and early arcade titles to the orchestral scores found in Final Fantasy and Skyrim. For many of us, video game music played a bigger part in our lives than the latest pop hits. Join us on a bi- monthly journey as we celebrate the sounds of our favorite past time. In this inaugural volume of RF Jamz, we will be looking at arranged music from three iconic series. Each one of these series has amazing music in their own right, but the arrangements, like a cherry on top of sundae, add something special. Let's take a look at them now.
Continue reading RF Jamz: A look at Video Game Music Vol 1
[img width=640 height=189]https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8808/18226401432_5aac114362_z.jpg[/img]
Once every few years, I've been able to attend local gaming events. Four years ago, I was able to compete in a small King of Fighters XIII tournament. Several years prior to that, I was able to compete in a few local Guitar Hero III events. Outside of that, it's been a wasteland for local gaming events up here. With our new location, we've been able to schedule video gaming events much more frequently and have been building our competitive communities. But none of this is on the scale to which I've been craving for years.
After our bylaw issues last year, it was very interesting to see that I could use my platform of Game Quest to reach a fair-sized audience of local gamers. So with some help from friends and the community in general, I've been working to bring about the largest scale competitive video game event that my city has ever seen. Beyond just having a cool gaming event, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to show our wider community that gamers can be great citizens and break some of the stigmas that surround gamers at the same time.
Continue reading Blog Quest: It's For The Children
Ed Note: Got to love logical's fervor. -TJ
So... Our great site rfgeneration.com has this really awesome thing called a chat room. And it's just that, AWESOME! I know that personally, I've had some great times in the chat room, and I can assure you all that others have too.
You got a question but don't want to wait for a reply to your post? Then you could go over to the chat and ask. you would get an answer. Bar none. At least, that's how it used to be...
The chat here at rfgeneration has become a ghost town, a miserable excuse for the BEST GAME SITE EVER! Malygris is almost always in there, and I frequently stop by. So do others. But if you're the only one in a chat room, don't you normally leave? Of course you do. It's down right boring.
That's why I am blogging to my fellow rfgen'ers, so that we can revive the chat, make it lively again. At least, I hope thats what everyone gets out of this... 
The chat is awesome, and I don't like seeing it go to waste. So, hop on over to the rfgeneration chat room, and get CHATTING! 