[img width=242 height=330]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/vectrex/images/8/83/Vectrexday2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20151002043547[/img] Looking for something to do with your favorite black and white vector console on November 1? Play it with other Vectrex owners worldwide! To join in on International Play Your Vectrex Day: 1. Play your Vectrex on November 1, 2015; 2. Keep track of what you play; and 3. Edit the Vectrex wiki page for it ( http://vectrex.wikia.com/...nal_Play_Your_Vectrex_Day) or contact Vectorguy via either private message or in the thread on the message boards, and he will enter it for you. See you then!
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If I had a Vectrex I would do this.
@Gamer4Lyfe: Actually you still can, we allow emulators. Unlike the "official" game tally though, any games played on an emulator have to go in the "bonus" section though. The full rules can be seen on the wiki page for it if you're still interested in participating.
Cool, this will give me a reason to test out all my cartridges.
Black and white? All my Vectrex games glow in fantastic colors like blue, orange and green! 
Makes me wish I had a Vectrex. Emulation is for suckaz! 
@nupoile: Yep, that happens after you smoke that funny stuff 
Yeah, I'm in.
Hey, that reminds me: would you like me to send you some Chick tracts I found?
@Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq.: Yeah, just as long as they're not printed in all caps 
@Vectorguy: Can't make any promises on that.
Anyone want to donate a Vectrex to me so I can participate and not get involved with the heresy that is emulators?
@Gamer4Lyfe: Always welcome to come over and play on our Vectrex! 
Like seriously, anyone near Erie PA is welcome to try for scores on our collection on Vectrex Day.
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. Oh, and keep it on channel three