RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Dec 11th 2009 at 03:11:30 AM by (St0rmTK421)
Posted under donations, donation drive, update

Time for another update on the 2009-2010 donation drive.
Here's the updated list of donors:  Jacob, Nikita, Dominick, Timothy, Kelsy, Anthony, Ben, Aaron, Michael, Jon, Pamela, Terry, Anton, and Brad
A special thanks goes out to Mrs. C who also sent in a generous donation.

We're sitting at $410 in the paypal account.  Big thanks to all those who have donated, and for those who have not we would really appreciate the support.  Again, 100% of donations go directly towards the server costs for the site.  Click here to make a donation.
As always, keep it on channel 3!

Posted on Nov 21st 2009 at 04:21:39 AM by (St0rmTK421)
Posted under donations, donation drive, update

Special thanks goes out to everyone who donated in the past couple weeks.  Here's a list of the people who have made donations so far: Aaron, Michael, Jon, Pamela, Terry, Anton, and Brad.  If you're lucky maybe you can match some of them to their usernames. Smiley

So far we have $167 raised.  Big thanks goes to those who have already made a donation.  For those who have not, we could really use your support.  Even a small donation would be greatly appreciated.  You can follow this link to make a donation.  Let's keep RFGen user-supported and ad-free.  Thanks in advance!

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