Hi everybody! I'll skip the whole intro about how long it has been since our little internet home has been up and running to full capacity and the various reasons this place hasn't been dusted in a few years, or the garbage taken out, or the roof leak fixed, or where that 'Beware of Dingbats' metal sign came from.
I'm here with good news! I'll be taking over for the incomparable Mr. Singlebanana and doing my best, as time permits, to help a team rebuild the site over the next few months and beyond. Bickman 2K is going to help us transfer the site and we will be opening up the backend for a new team of volunteers to fix 'er up and refresh the site.
Some soon-to-future goals; a monthly raffle for donors to keep the servers purring (we are committed to the ethos of the site to be ad-free, free to all, and credit given to all who help,) some more steady front page content, the broken stuff fixed as we can and time permitting, and maybe even some nice surprises as we get there. Once our new team is up and going we will do some introductions (and re-introductions) but for now, if you are interested in helping with the coding, database work, front page content, web design, cross-country catering, or other skills applicable to improving the site and growing the RFG community, please comment or even toss me a message here.
I'm also thankful for the folks who have kept the lights on in the forum and database submissions! While it will take some time to get things going, the community has always been my favorite part of RFGeneration and I'm committed to helping us get back on our feet and running again.
One more thing; RFGeneration is 20 years old as of this past April! I'm hoping to set up some interviews with the original builders of the site, their memorial for Mr. Michael Collins, and some connection with the past and hopes for the future. I'll be reaching out to whom I can get ahold of, but even if you aren't a 'founder,' if you've been around the site in the early years I'd love to set up a simple conversation/interview.
Stay tuned and keep it on channel 3!
Hit me up if you need some help. I have been around for almost 20 years.
@Tynstar: Thanks! We could certainly use help 
It's great to hear the site is getting updates and the love it needs. I've been here for 17 of the 20 years and the community that this site has created is really something special.
Good to hear that the site will continue to receive the TLC it deserves!
Woohoo! Awesome to see the site will be getting some new lifeblood pumped into it.
Awesome to hear man!
Glad to hear that there are plans to breathe new life into the site! My time is more limited now than it used to be, but I'd be more than happy to stay on as blog editor. I could maybe contribute a review/article here and there but won't be able to commit to a regular spot in the rotation like before.
Seeing this update really makes me happy! I do not have technical experience but would be happy to contribute in any way I can, including server costs, which I've done in the past.
@shaggy: And it wasn't a spam "blog," either!
What other miracles are there to come?!
Wow!!!! Been waiting for the site to get updated. Would be great to be able to make image submissions from my phone. Also tapatalk is the only way for me to post pics of my finds and tapatalk can be iffy sometimes. Anyway. Great to hear this. Been around since 2006 but didn't post/contribute much after I stopped using a PC. Still use the APP though.
Wow, great to hear!
Good to read this and appreciate the work, slackur.
At the moment, we are basically awaiting Mr. Bickly's schedule to open up for the transfer.
I may be a newbee here to some extent (maybe about 10 or so years) but I do have some web design experience and would love to work with ya all if you need. Thank you all for all you've done.
@Crazy_Opossum:Thanks! We will very likely need as much help as we can get in the rebuilding process when the site is moved. 
bit late, but Ill be happy to help when I can. I could help with submissions or anything like that ... I suck at writing so not much for stories or posts.
@douglie007: Thanks! We are just waiting on the server transfer when the opportunity comes. 
Thanks for keeping the site going!
@Mrs C:Of course! Our update has been delayed but I'm just waiting for the all-clear.
Not gonna happen....?
@shaggy: Just waiting for Bickley's new work schedule to open enough to hand the reigns over to the new team.
Great to hear this site is still alive.