Our new tech team is going over our options moving forward, and the bad news is our current patchwork of code can't really be fixed past a certain point. RFGeneration, at least as I've been told, started as a learn-as-we-go project by a dedicated group of friends. The result is a bit of a snarl of loose ends and hard knots, patchwork elements and now-outdated programs. I'll be honest, hanging around the Discord as the smarter guys talk about it makes me feel like I'm eavesdropping on a foreign language conference call.
The good news is, we are all on board to create a better, more robust site using the pieces we can transfer (most importantly, the database) and re-establish our little home on the 'net! I've repeated a lot of this on previous posts, so this is a reminder that we aren't going anywhere. There will undoubtedly be some bumps in the road, as our current setup is kinda tricky to test any fixes. Just because a backup copy works with changes doesn't mean it will upload correctly, especially with some of the outdated backend stuff.
Our coders and consultants are evaluating what software to use to build a new site and import what we can. There is a good chance we may have to have the site go down unexpectedly when we are testing something new, but rest assured we are backing up everything we can before that would happen (and if possible, I'll try and warn folks here on the site) and we be back as soon as possible.
For those here and hanging around, thanks for your time and support, and keep the comments and posts coming!