Posted on Mar 3rd 2025 at 10:07:41 PM by ( slackur) Posted under Update |
I probably don't have to convince anyone this has been a very tough season for illness. The flu, at least one stomach bug, and a variety of other nasty things have been hitting folks all around, and our family has been in the crosshairs. Our household is finally feeling a bit better, and after over a month of failed attempts it looks like we will finally have a new account linked to the donate button this week. Next the plan is to set up the raffles for fundraising and start setting up for some fun podcasting. 
That's the plan, anyway
Posted on Jan 27th 2025 at 10:36:18 PM by ( slackur) Posted under update |
The site continues to undergo backend revising and experimenting. Also, a new account is in the process of being set up for our server fees. That process sure is slower than we hoped, but it is moving along. My current goal is to start the raffling for donations as soon as we can, hopefully early next month.
Given that we are a nonprofit site with bills to pay (kept as minimal as we realistically can) we hope to re-engage community involvement and get some traffic back to the site. Yet I enjoy the tight-knit community of RFGen and consider it one of the last 'comfy' places left on the 'net where I don't have to worry about people and content. Thus, while we don't exactly predict explosive growth, we do want to keep everyone on the same page about 'generating' (wink) and maintaining a healthy place. As we gain members and interaction, we want to be welcoming and patient. We have had to kick folks out in the past, but only as a last resort. Members have come and gone and still occasionally stop by. Our question for the moment is, when the relaunch is more in full swing and new forums and tech are installed, what would you like to see here at RFGeneration?
I'm intending on spearheading a new "RFGeneration Nation" podcast. I'd also like to re-engage a forum for limited release physical media.
What else would you like to see on RFGeneration 2.0?
Posted on Jan 21st 2025 at 05:51:46 AM by ( slackur) Posted under Update |
Our new tech team is going over our options moving forward, and the bad news is our current patchwork of code can't really be fixed past a certain point. RFGeneration, at least as I've been told, started as a learn-as-we-go project by a dedicated group of friends. The result is a bit of a snarl of loose ends and hard knots, patchwork elements and now-outdated programs. I'll be honest, hanging around the Discord as the smarter guys talk about it makes me feel like I'm eavesdropping on a foreign language conference call.
The good news is, we are all on board to create a better, more robust site using the pieces we can transfer (most importantly, the database) and re-establish our little home on the 'net! I've repeated a lot of this on previous posts, so this is a reminder that we aren't going anywhere. There will undoubtedly be some bumps in the road, as our current setup is kinda tricky to test any fixes. Just because a backup copy works with changes doesn't mean it will upload correctly, especially with some of the outdated backend stuff.
Our coders and consultants are evaluating what software to use to build a new site and import what we can. There is a good chance we may have to have the site go down unexpectedly when we are testing something new, but rest assured we are backing up everything we can before that would happen (and if possible, I'll try and warn folks here on the site) and we be back as soon as possible.
For those here and hanging around, thanks for your time and support, and keep the comments and posts coming!
Posted on Jan 13th 2025 at 10:33:03 PM by ( slackur) Posted under Update |
As RFG slowly rebuilds, we've got some thoughts to ponder. How do we want the database organized and configured? What is our balance of legacy compatibility, efficiency, and speed versus utilizing newer programs and systems that make the site better integrated with modern devices? What can we do to spur community involvement while maintaining our comfortable and friendly atmosphere? If Die Hard is a Christmas movie, does that put the NES Die Hard game technically in the same genre as Daze Before Christmas? Is the Games Advent Calender 2024 any good and will there be a 2025 dlc update?
Fortunately, I don't have to figure all of this stuff out alone. While our Discord channel has been essential, we want to open, drive, and keep conversations going here! In that spirit, I hope to soon introduce our new team working on the site, to give some more keys to those who can work on the backend, give more permissions to db editors, and welcome some new folks who want to help.
Feel free to chat in the comments if you want to be part RFG in a bigger way but are waiting to have access to do what you can. We are all volunteers here, so we understand that it is always a matter of getting to things when we can.
Posted on Jan 9th 2025 at 03:50:06 AM by ( slackur) Posted under update |
I'm gonna skip intros for some of these updates, as by now I think we are mostly on the same (front)page. We are working on getting the imbed pictures functioning again, as they have been broken for a bit.
SNES2025 is pretty much a go! If you want to nab a game to play through, the ball is already rollin,' so git on that forum.
One more thing: Koola and I are planning on launching a fun little RFG podcast. Just ramblin' about gaming news, retro, the site, games we are playing, that kinda thing. If you are interested in co-hosting or being a guest, lemme know in the comments or via DM!
Posted on Jan 5th 2025 at 02:21:30 AM by ( slackur) Posted under Update |
Here we are, gang. 2025.
If you've been here for a few years, you've seen it. The difference especially over the last half-decade. The post-COVID, economically difficult, mostly-digital future we are in now. Like so many other old haunts, the ol' RFG site isn't where she used to be and is in serious need of some time and attention. Many assume her glory days are long gone. Some folks stop by every now and then just to see if she's still around. Some have moved on altogether.
And yet, here we are! If you are an old-timer, welcome! If you are a curious newcomer, welcome! If you have no idea how you got here and your Amish family is out looking for you, go back to the front door and take a left, the hardware store is two buildings down.
When I posted over four months ago with our new plan for RFGeneration, I had not anticipated some of the difficulties we were facing. And new ones will undoubtedly pop up moving forward. But we are finally able to move forward! Here's some new updates:
I'll be opening a new account to cover server costs and related expenses: we are keeping everything free to all, and my plan is to always do so. To that end, we will be moving what we have left in the current account to the new one and begin fundraising to pay the bills. That has a hard date of before February. Once we get things up an running, I intend to put up some items for raffling to give that little extra kick for those kind enough to donate.
Here is where we get introspective. When going to the 'about' tab of RFGeneration, it is all about community. The database is naturally the main draw, but what else do we want for RFGeneration? Perhaps the site will primarily be a utility, but we have endless opportunities to grow and build a great place to visit online. Most if not all of the volunteers forming the new team to run RFG have very limited, get-to-it-when-we-can, time to work on the site. We have some great people stepping up, but we can always use more!
To that end, what 'vision' do we want for RFG? Even if the focus will always be the database, we still need to clarify our purpose. For example, are we building an archive for every 'official' game release with footnotes for homebrews, single event carts, and decades-late rereleases? Or are we an open 'everything goes' opportunity for collectors to build lists however they desire? What about variants, and what should be the limit? Should popular mods have any listing? How should we organize digital releases? Should the database be categorized by system, then region, then lists of game titles, or should each game title be the 'launch' page, and every system/region/variant have a listing under the game title?
So many questions! And that's where you come in. We want feedback; after all, the first focus of this site is community! Since we are having to rebuild on such a low level, now is the time to start planning ahead. Even the type of server and technology we are using to host the site will be informed by answering these questions. We don't want to pay for things we aren't going to need or use, but we also don't want to limit ourselves (and make more work for ourselves) by adopting the wrong approach.
We know we can't stay where we are, as the site can't really be patched up to keep going as-is, so how we rebuild is the first question we are working on moving forward.
Please join in the conversation!
Well, today is the the last day of our fund drive and we are very, very close to reaching our goal of $1000. I have not received the official numbers from our site director yet, but including the PMs I have received and the amounts members have told me that they donated, we have raised at least $908.00. If you haven't donated yet, PLEASE do so today so that you can get in on the prize raffle (you can donate here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?action=paypal). You can find more details regarding the rules of the raffle and how to enter here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=16247.0. Remember, even if you have already donated, you can donate additional amounts and earn extra tickets in the raffle. Come on gang, this is the last day, let's do this!
The staff at RF Generation would like to take a moment to thank those who have donated since the last update:
bickman2k Crockett Guile h1ghw1nd mookraker_fats nupoile Raidou RetroRage slimedog vcsobsessed
Thanks to all of you and to everyone who has already donated this month! Please remember to PM me the email address you donated with, so that we can properly thank you during our weekly updates and provide you with the proper number of raffle tickets. If you donated recently and do not see your name, you may have donated after we pulled numbers. If you don't see it, just send me a PM and I will check on your donation status. Grand total raised so far: $908.00
Well, we are now 2/3 of the way through the month, and are getting even closer to reaching our goal of $1000. We still need one BIG push to make goal, so if you are planning on donating this year, now is the time! As of today, we are about 75% of our goal with a total donation amount of $747.66. We will continue taking donations for the fund drive through the month of February, so you still have a few days (you can donate here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?action=paypal). Make sure to donate during this time to get in on the raffle of great prizes donated by our staff. You can find more details regarding the rules of the raffle and how to enter here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=16247.0. Remember, even if you have already donated, you can donate additional amounts and earn extra tickets in the raffle. Come on gang, let's blow the doors off of this goal!
But.....you don't have to take my word for it.....
The staff at RF Generation would like to take a moment to thank those who have donated since the last update:
douglie007 EngineerMike FatherJack Gamereviewgod Ghost Soldier Izret101 jansolee66 monkees19 NakedBob Wempster
Thanks to you all and to everyone who has already donated this month! Please remember to PM me the email address you donated with, so that we can properly thank you during our weekly updates and provide you with the proper number of raffle tickets. If you donated recently and do not see your name, you may have donated after we pulled numbers. If you don't see it, just send me a PM and I will check on your donation status. Grand total raised so far: $747.66
We are over halfway through the month, and are getting closer to reaching out goal of $1000. As of today, we are a little behind schedule and are almost up to 50% of our goal with a total donation amount of $493.70. Remember, we will be taking donations for the fund drive through the month of February (you can donate here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?action=paypal), so be sure to donate during this time to get in on the raffle of great prizes donated by our staff. You can find more details regarding the rules of the raffle and how to enter here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=16247.0
Some of you might be wondering, "Why should you donate to RF Generation?" Our kind and hard working Technical Director, bickman2k dug up this classic, New Year's post from our Site Director, NES_Rules, detailing some site goals he wanted to hit back in 2010: http://www.rfgeneration.c...ts-2009-1258.php#comments. These goals included:
50,000 total games; 4,000 total hardware entries; 60,000 scans; and 30,000 screenshots.
Compare these goals to our current site numbers after 2015. Just look at how we've grown in 5 years since those goals were set! Today our database houses:
Over 103,000 total games; Over 7,500 total hardware entries; Over 130,000 scans; and Over 67,000 screenshots.
These numbers speak volumes about our site members and the hard work and dedication they put into our database (not to mention our staff who looks over and approves each submission). And don't forget, our site is and has always been ad-free and is run solely on the donations from our members. Also, if you haven't checked out our mobile app for Andriod, get on that! There is no better way to track your collection while searching for games out in the wild or while at a convention. I've heard great reports on Twitter from people at MagFest who are using it.
The staff at RF Generation would like to take a moment to thank those who have donated so far:
Cobra erikeskapade Fleach kam1kaz3nl77 Techie413 Voodoo Monkey and a donor whose user name has yet to be determined
Thank you all! Please remember to PM me the email address you donated with, so that we can properly thank you during our weekly updates and provide you with the proper number of raffle tickets. If you donated recently and do not see your name, you may have donated after we pulled numbers. If you don't see it, just send me a PM and I will check on your donation status.
As you may of you know, our site is currently conducting its annual fund drive to help with the server costs for 2016. So far, we have had a good turnout and I am happy to report that with our donors' generous pledges, we are almost at 40% of our goal! We will be taking donations for the fund drive through the month of February (you can donate here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?action=paypal), so be sure to donate during this time to get in on the raffle of great prizes donated by our staff. You can find more details regarding the rules of the raffle and how to enter here:
The staff at RF Generation would like to take a moment to thank those who have donated so far:
AprilandShaun FatherJack Gamer4Lyfe Marriot_Guy NMErikson Pam russlyman shaggy singlebanana St0rmTK421
Thank you all! Please remember to PM me the email address you donated with, so that we can properly thank you during our weekly updates and provide you with the proper number of raffle tickets. If you donated recently and do not see your name, you may have donated after we pulled numbers. If you don't see it, just send me a PM and I will check on your donation status. Grand total raised so far: $379.94
[img width=422 height=424]http://synergyfamilywellnesscentre.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Bill-Murray.jpg[/img] That's right. You guys are AWESOME!!!! Thanks so much to all the members who donated during the fund drive this year. Our goal was to raise $1000 to help with server costs for 2015 and you guys and gals responded by shattering our goal and donating a grand total of $1209.47! RF Generation is a wonderful, free, and generous community, of which all of us are proud members. Cheers to all of you and let's make it another year of great memories on this site!
Prior to this post, all members who donated should have received a PM detailing: (1) their donation amount, (2) the number of tickets they have earned for the raffle, and (3) a link to the Playcast's Episode #0, if they donated at least $20. If you have donated and did not receive a PM, or if an amount or any other info is in error, PLEASE PM me (singlebanana) immediately so that we can fix it. Also, if you have not already done so, PLEASE reply to your PM to verify that you received my message and that the information is accurate. I will keep a list going and check off your name as the replies come in. After all donation information is verified, the drawing will be held for the prize lots. Please be patient and bear with me, since I want to make sure that everyone eligible for the raffle is included before the drawing is held. Any questions regarding the drawing may be directed toward me, but please check the rules thread first to see if your answer may be there: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=14799.0
At this time, the staff would like to thank those who donated since the last update:
douglie007 bsr241
Thanks guys!
(*If you donated and do not see your name in this weeks update or in last weeks, please PM singlebanana so that we can be sure to give you credit*)
There are only 3 more days left to donate to this year's fund drive and I'm happy to say that we have reached our goal of $1000!!!! A big Thank You to all of the members who have donated this year. Even though we have reached our goal, you can still donate to get your name in the drawing for some fantastic prizes. Please remember that every $10 you donate earns you a ticket to this years prize raffle, which will be drawn at the conclusion of the fund drive. Also, donating at least $20 will also get you a copy of the Playcast's Episode #0, which includes playthrough reviews of Parasite Eve and Kingdom Hearts (more info and prize lots listed here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=14799.0.
At this time, the staff at RF Generation would like to thank those who donated during the forth week of the fund drive and put us over our goal:
Beardcore84 Techie413 techwizard zcrich01 nupoile Ze_ro Crabmaster2000 Sauza12 Duke.Togo 98PaceCar Deadman bombatomba
Grand total: $1180.94!!!!!
(*If you donated and do not see your name in this weeks update or in last weeks, please PM singlebanana so that we can be sure to give you credit*)
Thanks for all of the love and support you have shown our site and please, keep those donations coming. Any additional funds raised will go toward site improvement or additional server costs.
The third week of this year's fund drive was outstanding and has us so close to our $1000 goal!!! With only 10 more days left in the month of December, we are definitely on pace to make this happen. If you haven't donated and can, please take into consideration what a valuable service that this site provides. Even a few bucks means a lot and will get us that much closer to our goal. Also consider that every $10 you donate earns you a ticket to this years prize raffle, which will be drawn at the conclusion of the fund drive and donating at least $20 also gets you a copy of the Playcast's Episode #0, which includes discussions of Parasite Eve and Kingdom Hearts (more info and prize lots listed here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=14799.0).
At this time, the staff at RF Generation would like to thank those who donated during the third week of the fund drive:
Tadpole13 russlyman monkees19 Raidou Fokakis79 TraderJake EngineerMike shaggy
Grand total: $814.93
(*If you donated and do not see your name in this weeks update or in last weeks, please PM singlebanana so that we can be sure to give you credit*)
We only need $185.07 in the next 10 days to make our goal!!! So keep those donations coming and let's try to wrap this up before the new year.
The second week of this year's fund drive saw some very generous contributions from more of our members. I am pleased to announce that we are making great strides in reaching our $1000 goal for this year. Please remember that every $10 you donate earns you a ticket to this years prize raffle, which will be drawn at the conclusion of the fund drive and donating at least $20 also gets you a copy of the Playcast's Episode #0 (more info and prize lots listed here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=14799.0).
At this time, the staff at RF Generation would like to thank those who donated during the second week of the fund drive:
Forzajerry AprilandShaun Disposed Hero moonraker_fats OatBob afulbrig ericeskapade gamereviewgod h1ghw1nd
For a Grand Total of: $577.95
(*If you donated and do not see your name in this weeks update or in last weeks, please PM singlebanana so that we can be sure to give you credit*)
Thats over half way to our goal in just two weeks!!! Keep those donations coming and let's try to meet our goal by year's end.
Along with this year's fund drive donors, the RF Generation staff would also like to thank those members who have been hard at work in making our site better by submitting hardware and software information and pics, and those who approve these submissions. During the month of November, there were 1,987 total submissions to the database, consisting of 1,945 game submissions and 42 hardware submissions. Top submitters for the month of November were:
Shadow Kisuragi 443 Flee 305 Sauza12 239 ae.tc 181 Furnessly 176 raffa1985 152
Top approvers for the month of November include:
Shadow Kisuragi 860 ApolloBoy 33 Tynstar 24
A big thanks to those who take the time to submit information, scan in pics, take screenshots, and to those who carefully look over and approve them. It truly takes a community effort to make a site like ours as great as it is!
As you may or may not know, our site is currently conducting its annual fund drive to help with the server costs for 2015. So far, we have had a good turnout and I am happy to say that with our donors generous pledges, we are at nearly one-third of our goal! We will be taking donations for the fund drive through the month of December (you can donate here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?action=paypal), so be sure to donate during this time to get in on the raffle of great prizes donated by our staff and get your copy of Episode 0 (Parasite Eve/Kingdom Hearts) of the RF Generation Community Playthrough Wrap-Up. You can find more details regarding the rules of the raffle and how to enter here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...x.php?topic=14799.new#new
The staff at RF Generation would like to take a moment to thank those who have donated so far:
Fleach Fokakis79 JerryGreenwood Nuke2112 Razor Knuckles singlebanana SirPsycho St0rmTK241 Wempster.......and An anonymous donor
Thank you all! Please remember to include your site handle in the notes field of your donation so that we can properly thank you during our weekly updates. Grand total raised so far: $310.07