[img width=700 height=268]http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c394/bombatomba77/2536114-2014-05-19_00009_zpsn8mxvkck.jpg[/img]
I don't know about y'all, but in late December, the year 2016 didn't feel very memorable. There were very few games I could even remember playing, so I scrapped the idea of a "Top" list of games and moved on. However, as I reviewed my post on the "Beaten in 2016" thread, I couldn't help but reconsider this notion. Pretty much all of the nine games on my list were awesome, and I was somehow able to finish them, despite my severe lack of time. So, here is my end of year list, but re-written with a new angle - Top Four Games of 2016 I Didn't Blog About (Well, Mostly).
Continue reading Top Four Games of 2016 That I Didn't Blog About - Well, Mostly
[img width=400 height=514]http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c394/bombatomba77/ultimaIV_box_zpsbjckbifi.jpg[/img]
The old world has passed away with the death of Mondain, Minax, and Exodus (the villians from Ultimas I-III) and the world has seen great upheaval, literally transforming the very land mass of Sosaria. The Age of Darkness is over. In the wake of this geological event, Lord British has united and consolidated the surviving kingdoms, towns, and villages under his own rule, setting forth with a new vision for law, order, and morality. Gone are the old ways of holding princesses captive and knighting random warriors for slaughtering guards. A new system of governance would be created, utilizing eight virtues, but for it to be fully realized there needs to be a champion, an avatar who could learn and eight virtues to show his kingdom the way.
Continue reading A Brief Tour of Ultima: Part 2 - Ultima IV: Quest for the Avatar
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. Oh, and keep it on channel three