Another slow week, not terrible, but just really slow. For some reason, there just wasn't as many garage sales as there usually is, and what ones there were, were mostly all junk. Kind of ironically since I got a Space Invaders Deluxe arcade cab bezel last week, I almost bought a Space Invaders Deluxe cocktail cab. But when I asked how much it was, he said it was his neighbors and he wants "big money" for it. And then proceeded to tell me that it was the very first arcade game ever made, and that it was very rare etc. He never did give me a price on it. It was in sad shape anyway, the top was heavily scratched and the pain was flaking and the sides were warped and chipped and dirty.
This isn't really a deal, but definitely a find. I found this game while cleaning out my room in preparation for the new carpet. The game isn't anything special, but the story behind it is, at least to me anyway. I bought this many years ago at GameStop when I was planning to buy a PS2 (this was probably in 2002 or 2003) but I didn't have quite enough money to get the PS2, so I just got this game in preparation for the day I had enough for the PS2. I didn't end up getting a PS2 until several years later (2007 I think) so I forgot all about ever having this game since it was before I was into collecting.
This was my sole find from Friday's garage sales, but I'll take sealed SNES games any day. This was mixed in with a box of completely random, disorganized stuff. I looked through the box after noticing an old sealed PC game on top, so I looked through to see if there was anything else interesting, not expecting anything more than other PC games. After getting all the way to the bottom, I found another one, but when I looked at it, I realized it was a SNES game. I was shocked to find it sealed and then started meticulously searching through that box and every other box at the sale. I asked the people at the sale if they had anymore games and they said that whatever was out was all they had. The game was marked $3, so I offered $2 for it, which was declined because it wasn't their game apparently. So I paid the $3 and was happy to do so. Anyone know what this might be worth? My DP guide says it's an R5, but I can't find any sealed ones on eBay and the CIB ones are a lot lower priced than I would expect for an R5, would a sealed copy be worth much more than a CIB copy?
This nice little lot was marked $10. I knew I already had 3 of the 4 games, so I knew I would just be buying this to resell/trade away most of it. Turns out, I had an empty Illusion of Gaia box, so the game, manual and inserts I got in this lot were absolutely perfect for me. Everything else is for sale/trade. $50 OBO shipped anywhere in the US, gets it all.
I picked this up at a sale that had a bunch of newer games. The games were in a box that had a $3 sticker on it, so I thought the games were all $3 each. I was really excited since there were a few Wii games and some really good GCN games, but much to my dismay, the games were all priced individually and at eBay prices, so I passed on all of them. They did have a like new PSP (I think it was a slim, but I'm not sure) for $70, and I was tempted to buy it, but I realized I would probably never use it, so I passed on it. The wavebird was really the only other well priced VG related item they had, and at first I didn't see the receiver so I figured that was why it was cheap, but I eventually found it, so I bought it for $5. Not only is it in excellent condition, it has 2 new Energizer batteries in it
While I was at this sale looking at some stuff, my dad comes up to me and shoves two loose Genesis games in my face with a $0.25 sticker on them. They were sports games I had so, I asked where he got them and put them back (apparently, he was afraid some old guy that was looking nearby would snatch them up) but when I put them back, I notice this game siting there, also with a $0.25 sticker on it. Since I didn't have it and it's CIB, I bought it.