After several weeks of slow sales and meager finds, I'm finally back into the swing of finding treasure after treasure. The weekend started out pretty slow, but picked up on Saturday and ended amazingly on Sunday.
I picked this up on Friday. It was marked $15 and I debated in my head for a long time if I wanted to pick it up or not. I finally decided that if I could get it for $10, I would take it. So I offered $10 for it and she gladly accepted. Not only is the plexi-glas bezel there, but the mirror piece is also there. I still can't believe how heavy the glass is, it must weight close to 20 pounds as its like 1/4" thick. I was planning on hanging it on the wall in my new game room, but I'm going to have to figure out a way to attach it securely.
This was marked $1, so I offered my usual half price offer, so I got it for $0.50. It looked kind of neat, I was hoping it might be worth something, but it doesn't look like it is, hopefully it will be worth something in the future. Other than that, it should still look neat on the shelf I guess.
I picked this stuff up at a garage sale that I had been to before maybe a year or so ago. They had several PS1, DC, and NES games marked $1 each, but it was just starting to lightly rain, so she said she would take $0.50 per game. The PS1 and DC games were all either crap games or were missing the case and/or manual so I passed on them. The other 2 NES games were ones I had and were already wet from the rain, so I left them. I got this stuff for $2 total (the bag was $1, the other things were $0.50 each). The funny thing about this sale was that the last time I was here I wasn't so picky about the completeness of disc games and I didn't have the games at the time, so I offered her $20 for everything (everything was priced higher then too), but she wouldn't take it. So she would have been better off taking my initial offer the first time I was there.
I picked this stuff up on Saturday for $1 for everything. The sale also had a stack of PS2 nad Xbox games priced $1 each, but every game that looked mildly interesting (i.e. non-sports games) was either scratched to hell or was missing the instruction or both. So I passed on all the games. They also had a PS2 Guitar Hero II guitar for $1, but I passed on it as well as I already have that model and don't need any more. I got this box of stuff for $1 because the guy said it was for parts. I'm hoping the systems just need the lasers adjusted but I really just got it in hopes that the cables and controllers are good. I have low hopes for the "fat" PS2 as the screws are missing so someone was already tinkering in it and they probably only made the problem worse, also the disc drive makes a terrible sound when opening so they probably didn't assemble it right and really messed it up.
I found this at a sale marked $15, and I almost left it as I have both games already and don't need another N64, but everything is in really nice condition (e.g. the sticks on the controllers are nice and tight, and nothing needed cleaned) and I figured the games would be good for sale/trade bait. So I offered her $10 and she accepted, so I bought it. If anyone wants the Mario 64 or the system, they're for sale/trade. The controllers may be as well, I just need to see if they're any better than what I already have.
I found this at a sale with another one (the other was a kid's game I didn't care about) marked $0.50 each, so I offered $0.25 for this one, which was accepted. Anyone know what this is worth? The only one I saw on eBay was BIN for $73. Do these go for anything near that or is it just a crazy seller.
Found these at another sale on Saturday. The games were marked $1 each and the controllers were $2 each. I picked out 4 games that I wanted (the 4 non-sports games) and decided to see what I could get the whole box for. So I offered $10 for everything. The kid accepted my offer after seemingly realizing that the sports games were never going to sell. All the games but the Batman gamer are CIB, and the controllers all have break-away cables.
And now, my favorite deal of the weekend. If anyone remembers a while back when I bought 58 CIB NES games from a guy at the flea market for $80, well, he had more games this Sunday. There wasn't as many as last time, and they were definitely from a different source than last time, but there are some much better games in this lot (i.e. not just dirt common games).
When I first got to his spot, I started looking through a dozen or so loose and boxed NES games on his table and asked him how much they were. He said they were $4 each. I picked out a couple I wanted, and then he said he had more in a box behind the table, so I went back and sifted through the box and doubled my stack of "keeps". When I was done,I counted out 20 boxed/CIB games and 1 loose one. I asked if he'd take $40 for all of them. He asked me how many there were, I said there was 20 of them. And he said "no, this is the first day I've had these for sale. I'd need to get $30". At first I didn't even realize what he did and mulled it over in my head and then accepted. After I paid him, he says "what did you first offer me?" at that point I realized what he had done (gave it to me $10 less than my offer) so I told him I offered $20 the first time. He didn't say anything after that, but I think he knows that he lost himself $10. I think maybe since it was early in the day he was still in "buy mode" instead of "sell mode" when haggling. Most of the games are CIB, all have dust covers and most have the styrofoam. The inserts and cartridges all look excellent but the boxes vary from good to near mint condition.
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