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Posted on Jan 2nd 2016 at 01:00:00 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Game Quest, Game Store, Video Games, Charity, Child Development Center, Competitive Gaming, Tournament, Silent Auction, Tattoos

[img width=640 height=480]https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5715/23299591423_d4a8fb8034_z.jpg[/img]
The Handsome Group of Organizers Responsible For Power Up Prince George[/i]

Being in a relatively small town and this being our first event, we decided that it would be best to make sure the operating costs were as low as possible so that our goals would be very obtainable. We wanted nothing more than to have a fun event that could be considered a success so that we could make it an annual event. With that in mind, we wanted to have at least 100 people attend the event at some point during the day and raise at least $2000 for the Child Development Center.

Long story short we exceed both of our goals. But you want the long story so click the link below........

Continue reading Blog Quest: It's For The Children - Part 2

Posted on Dec 1st 2015 at 05:00:00 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Blog Quest, Video Game, Game Store, Charity, Child Development Center, Tournament, Fundraising

[img width=640 height=189]https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8808/18226401432_5aac114362_z.jpg[/img]

Once every few years, I've been able to attend local gaming events. Four years ago, I was able to compete in a small King of Fighters XIII tournament. Several years prior to that, I was able to compete in a few local Guitar Hero III events. Outside of that, it's been a wasteland for local gaming events up here. With our new location, we've been able to schedule video gaming events much more frequently and have been building our competitive communities. But none of this is on the scale to which I've been craving for years.

After our bylaw issues last year, it was very interesting to see that I could use my platform of Game Quest to reach a fair-sized audience of local gamers. So with some help from friends and the community in general, I've been working to bring about the largest scale competitive video game event that my city has ever seen. Beyond just having a cool gaming event, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to show our wider community that gamers can be great citizens and break some of the stigmas that surround gamers at the same time.

Continue reading Blog Quest: It's For The Children

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