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Posted on Jan 12th 2020 at 01:00:00 PM by (Pam)
Posted under video, top 10

2019 has been a great year for games, it was a struggle to narrow this list down to just 10 of the 31 releases I played this year. But I did it. Here are my top 10 games of 2019.

If anyone's interested, here are all the 2019 releases I played (didn't necessarily finish them all though):

Continue reading Pam's Best Games of 2019

Posted on Jan 11th 2018 at 01:00:00 PM by (Pam)
Posted under video, top 10

2017 was a great year for gaming, with a number of huge, critically acclaimed releases like Breath of the Wild, Mario Odyssey, and Horizon Zero Dawn... most of which you won't find on my personal list. I played 30 new releases this year and these are the 10 that stood out the most. There's a wide variety of games here from smaller indie titles to AAA shooters, expansive RPGs, and even some hidden gems.

Posted on Jan 11th 2017 at 01:00:00 PM by (Pam)
Posted under video, top 10, 2016

Happy New Year everyone! I think 2016 was a great year for gaming - of the 30+ games I played that released last year some were great, most were enjoyable in some way, and few were disappointing. My top 10 list runs the gamut from first person shooters, to rhythm games, to small narrative exploration games. I think gaming is in a good spot right now. We have such a wide variety of games that there's something for everyone, and indie titles are really offering up special gaming experiences.

Watch the video to find out my top 10.

Posted on Jan 5th 2017 at 01:00:00 PM by (zophar53)
Posted under Games, Top 10

[img width=700 height=393]http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah83/zophar53/RF%20Gen%20pics/Top%2010%20Games%20of%202016/Lego%20Force%20Awakens%20screenshot_zps195srarj.jpg[/img]

Rabble rabble rabble, 2016 was a dumpster fire of a year and I'm glad that it's over.

Ok, now that I've gotten that out of my system, I'd rather focus on the positive, because the fact of the matter is that on a personal level, 2016 was actually a pretty great year for me. Not perfect, of course, but one in which I did some travelling, including a nice long vacation to see some family in Phoenix I haven't seen in years, and some road trips for concerts and other things. I had an unexpected career change that has so far turned out to be a wise and vindicating move. I was able to find the time to read a lot more in 2016, which is definitely my other great love aside from games. And finally, I bought a nice, new gaming PC and have been loving falling victim to more Steam sales just to see what games I already own look like on a big, beautiful monitor. I didn't get nearly enough time in for gaming as I was hoping for this year (as I seem to say every January these days), but continuing the trend from 2015, there were a ton of fantastic games released in the last 12 months. As I look over the list of games I had the most fun with this year, there's plenty of older titles not listed here that I only just recently discovered for the first time, and even more that I hope to catch up with in the next few months.

The last thing I think is important to mention is that 2016 was, at least for me, the year VR finally sold me. The software is still trying to catch up a bit in terms of making fun, compelling, long-term experiences, and the high price point isn't quite enough to make me shell out for anything more than a Gear VR just yet. However, between my own limited experience and what I've heard and seen from people I've come to trust, the concept of VR in 2016 is finally coming together. It truly can be as immersive and believable as people say, all we need now is that killer piece of software and a tad more affordability to bring it all together, and I can't wait to see where things go from there. So without further ado, let's celebrate some great games!

Continue reading My Top 10 Games of 2016

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