RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Mar 1st 2011 at 07:50:38 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under RFG Thanks, Submissions, Thanks, February, 2011

I know what you're thinking, the last edition of RFG Thanks was for March, and this one is for February. But don't worry, we didn't travel back in time (I didn't anyway, I don't know about you), it really has been 11 months since the last one. And I do apologize for that, you guys are what make this site possible, the members that make the submissions and the staff members that review them and make their own. And the least I can do is thank you all for the work you do here at RF Generation.

Now, without further ado, the stars of RF Generation! The top five submitters in February were Y2richie, Fuyukaze, ApolloBoy, NES_Rules and Shadow Kisuragi. Together, these people made over 1,300 submissions, with y2richie and Fuyukaze making an astounding 466 and 408 of those respectively. Thanks guys, you've all done an excellent job!

But that's only one side of the story, without our team of highly skilled and trained staff reviewers, none of those submissions would have done anything other sit in queue. These staff members each approved over 100 submissions in February: Fuyukaze, ApolloBoy, NES_Rules, and Izret101. As always, you guys are awesome and the backbone of RF Generation!

Though these members were the top submitters and reviewers in February, they are not alone. This site is a group project and can only be complete with the help of every member, whether its a small page edit or submitting a thousand images. So thanks goes out to the other 54 members who made at least one submission in February.

With the help of all RFG members, in February there were a total of 1,813 submissions, with 1178 of those being images. 139 new titles were added to the DB, and 372 pages were edited. I'd say that's a good month, and it was the shortest month of the year!

And finally, I'd like to mention that I won't be the only one writing these anymore. Instead, a team of writers from the Blog staff will be taking turns to help ensure that they continue each and every month. If you want to know who else will be writing these, you'll just have to keep it tuned to Channel 3 to find out.

Posted on Apr 20th 2010 at 11:02:22 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under RFG Thanks, Submissions, Thanks, Site News, March, 2010

What's that? You say its April 20th? OK, it is a little late for the RFG Thanks for March, I guess the zombie brain eating earlier this month left me a little forgetful. But late is still better than never, right?

March was another great month for RFG and its members. There were 2,352 total submissions;1,037 page edits; 358 image submissions; and 525 title additions. Many of you helped us to gather all these wonderful bits of information. But five of you stood out of the crowd and made over 100 submissions alone. Those members were Paully3433, Izret101, Link41, ApolloBoy, and Madir. Rounding out the top ten submitters were ga5ket, Duke.Togo, NES_Rules, Shadow Kisuragi, and Pop Culture Portal.
But as always, many of those submissions wouldn't go anywhere without our team of reviewers. In March, with well over 100 approvals, the top reviewers were Izret101 and ApolloBoy.

Now let's see if we can April even better! We're getting very close to 55,000 scans and 30,000 screenshots in the database. Maybe we can do it in April, if you've got a scanner and/or a way to capture screenshots; get to it and make some submissions. You will be helping out RFGeneration, its members and the countless others that use us as a resource for their collecting needs. Plus, its always neat to have your name and/or a picture of one of your games forever immortalized on the Internet!

Finally, I'd like to announce the promotions of Izret101 and Paully3433! Because of their continued contributions, they have been promoted to DB Editor and DB Reviewer, respectively.

Posted on Mar 6th 2010 at 11:35:33 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under RFG Thanks, Submissions, Thanks, Site News, February, 2010

February was not our best month, but even without a huge number of submissions, its still progress and progress is always a good thing. While we did not see our lowest submission numbers last month, it was below the mean number of monthly submissions. So I would like to thank those of you that made some submissions in a slow month to keep us going. Even being below the average, we still managed to crank out over 2,000 submission; 2,094 to be exact. 536 of those were images, 298 were game title additions, and 974 were page edits.

The top ten submitters were Paully3433, Izret101, ga5ket, Madir, Doug Plummer, ApolloBoy, Shadow Kisuragi, Malingo, Spoon and Seno. Out of those ten, nine had over 100 submissions each. Thanks guys, you are the truly dedicated members that keep us going!

The top three staff members approving all those submission with over 100 approvals each were Izret101, ApolloBoy, and NES_Rules.

So, February wasn't a spectacular month for submissions, that means only one thing. We need to make March even better, so get out your games, find them in the database and see what information you can add. If you've got a scanner, that's even better because you can add images if they're missing and your game will be forever immortalized on the pages of RFGeneration.

Posted on Feb 7th 2010 at 08:21:13 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under RFG Thanks, Submissions, Thanks, Site News

It looks like 2010 is going to be another awesome year for RF Generation. In the first month of the new decade there was a whopping 5,366 total submission. There were 2,012 image additions, 859 game additions, and 1,915 page edits.
The top ten submitters all had over 100 submissions and were Paully3433, ga5ket, logical123, Madir, Izret101, Spoon, Malingo, ApolloBoy, OatBob, and Medevilblader. These ten members made 87% of the total submissions last month. Truly these are a dedicated bunch of members that make RFGen the special place that it is.
The top staff approvers last month were Izret101, Madir, NES_Rules and ga5ket, each with over 200 approvals last month. These guys let the January submissions in out of the cold that is the queue line and let them into the warmth of the RFGen DB. Without them, those submissions could have very well frozen there, and we don't want frozen submissions.

So remember as you go about your days on the site and remember to thank these eleven individuals for all the hard work that do to keep RFGen THE Classic and Modern Video Game Database!

Posted on Dec 3rd 2009 at 08:32:11 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under RFG Thanks, Submissions, Thanks

Well, it's been another spectacular month here at RFGen, submissions abounded and good times were had by all. There were a toal of 726 images submitted last month, 324 games were added, and 471 game pages were edited. There was a whopping 1,684 total submissions in November.

There were four members who each submitted over 100 submissions, those members were ApolloBoy, Fuyukaze, Pop Culture Portal, and Spoon. Rounding out the top ten top submitters were ga5ket, Paully3433, Funk_Buddy, Tynstar, dom meatball, and NES_Rules. A special thanks goes out to all of you for taking the time and energy to make all those submissions. And for the 46 of you that made submissions but weren't in the top ten, I thank you as well, every little bit certainly helps. And for those of you who didn't submit anything in the last month, what are you waiting for? Your fellow gamers and collectors need that information you have, so why not submit it and share the knowledge. Even just filling in something as simple as UPC codes is a help.

But as always, submissions do no one any good if there is no one reviewing and approving them. The top approvers last month (with well over 100 approvals each) were Fuyukaze and ApolloBoy.

And if anyone noticed, there was no RFG Thanks for October, this was not intentional, it just completely slipped my mind until I started doing this write up, I can still hardly believe November has come and gone already.
And since a late thanks is better than no thanks, thanks to all that submitted stuff in October. The top submitters with over 100 submissions were ApolloBoy, ga5ket, Donkey Kong Kid, and Funk_Buddy. The rest of the top ten submitters was den68, tigerhandheld1989, Spoon, Madir, NES_Rules, and Darth Sidious. Thanks again guys.

The top approvers in October were ga5ket and ApolloBoy, again, both with well over 100 approvals.

If you weren't mentioned for October or November and want to be, there is one way to fix that, make some submissions! And even if you don't make the top ten list for the month, your name will be forever immortalized on the game page you helped make better.

Posted on Oct 6th 2009 at 08:08:57 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under RFG Thanks, Thanks, Submissions

I told you this was going to be a monthly thing, and I wasn't lying. I may lie to my grandmother, but never to RFGen members. So here is another RFG Thanks, this time for September of course.

In September we had 3 members submit over 100 entries, those members are ga5ket, ApolloBoy, and TigerHandheld1989. A huge thanks goes out to these members. But we can't forget all the members that made less submissions that are just as important to the database. Rounding out the top ten submitters for September 2009 we have Duke.Togo, NES_Rules, itatton, Sirgin, Donkey Kong Kid, OatBob, and Darth Sidious.

Of course, without a very dedicated approval team, all those submissions would just sit in queue forever, so I'd also like to thank the staff members that approved the most submissions last month. With 100+ approvals we have ga5ket, NES_Rules, and ApolloBoy.

Thanks again for all the contributions everyone has made in the past, each one is truly appreciated. Now let's try to get even more this month!

Posted on Sep 13th 2009 at 06:29:36 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under RFG Thanks, Thanks, Submissions

It's been quite a while since we've done one of these, and really it's a shame it's been so long. We really don't have much of a site without submissions, and we depend on YOU, the members for those submissions. Without submissions, the site doesn't grow and that certainly isn't a good thing. So, as a small token of appreciation, I'm bringing this segment back to give thanks to those of you that have donated your time and efforts in providing scans and information to help expand THE Classic and Modern Video Games Database.

While we appreciate each and every submission, there are always some that go above and beyond to provide tons of information. In August alone, these 6 members made over 100 submissions: Ga5ket, Funk_Buddy, Madir, Fuyukaze, ApolloBoy, and NES_Rules.
And to round out the top ten submitters, we have Tynstar, qbit, Sirgin, and Den68.
Thanks also goes out to the other 40+ members who made submissions last month.

The site needs submitters, but it also needs people to approve all those submissions, so a special thanks goes out to all the staff members that approved all those submissions; ApolloBoy, NES_Rules, Ga5ket, Madir, Fuyukaze, and Funk_Buddy.

Thanks again everyone, and if you didn't see your name listed, just be sure to make some more submissions this month, and maybe, just maybe you'll have your name on the front page for September.

Posted on Jun 20th 2009 at 05:24:36 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Submissions, Thanks, Contest, Results

It's been a while since I last thanked you guys for your submissions, and trust me, we are greatly thankful. Without your submissions, our site wouldn't grow, and that would just lead to a greater obscurity than we already have. We don't want that. Did you know that in May we had 7800 submissions? Damn. That's a lot. Even wilder is the fact that we had over 5300 images added in that month. Pretty wild, if you ask me. As a comparison, in April we had 3106 submissions, which, while respectable, is greatly trumped by May's submissions.

What does that mean? Well, it means that some of you play to win a contest. And one of you did. Who is that winner? Well, we've tabulated the scores, and even with a halved score, Ga5ket is the winner! He kicked ass and took names with submissions over the duration of the contest. In May alone he had 3212 submissions, of which almost all were image submissions. Truly, he played to win. Ga5ket, do yourself a favor and PM St0rmTK421 with your shirt size, what you want (not to exceed $60) and details about getting your spoils to you.

Of course, some of you also played hard, and I'd like to give kudos to those who gave a valiant effort. y2ritchie, VACRMH, and Lios (even with the murderous -74 karma), you all did well. Of course, the last person in that list would have done a lot better had his karma not been so low, but yeah, don't worry, maybe next year.

There were countless other individuals that made submissions, and we are greatly appreciative for the contest. From all of us at RF Generation, thanks!

Posted on Apr 4th 2009 at 04:22:05 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Submissions, Thanks

March. It's the month after February, and see, it's another one of these months of the year. And with each passing year comes new submissions for the site. Last month saw 2894 new submissions for the site, of which the games database saw 2818 new submissions. You know, I think you can hear the hardware database crying in the distance because it's being neglected. Won't you do something about that? Ah, I kid, I kid. Sure, submit more stuff for the hardware database, but over 2800 submissions is no small feat, and I am ever appreciative for that. Also, we added 466 new images to our databases last month. That's nice, isn't it?

So, who kicked ass, took names, and reigned as the top submitter last month? Why, it was our prodigal son, Izret101! I guess being away from staff duties for a long time made him really want to make 836 submissions last month. Although, he could just be driven. Who knows. Of course, ApolloBoy, Madir and Pop Culture Portal weren't really slacking either. They were the next highest submitters, and kudos goes to them. Of course, we want to recognize everyone who made submissions last month, and give kudos to those of you that made more than 50 submissions last month:

Izret101, ApolloBoy, Madir, Pop Culture Portal, ga5ket, Tan, audioman83, Funk_Buddy,  Zenki.

Thanks goes to them and everyone else who made submissions last month!

In addition, many of these submissions need to be approved by staff members. Last month, NES_Rules was our top approver, with a whopping 390 approvals. Of course, many other staff members approved your submissions, and thanks goes to all of them, especially those who made more than 50 submissions:

NES_Rules, ga5ket, ApolloBoy, Tan

I really appreciate all of you who have reviewed the submissions and made the submissions. It is YOU guys that make our site grow. I just provide the scripts that allow you to do it. From all of us at RF Generation, Thanks!

Posted on Mar 2nd 2009 at 03:30:31 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Submissions, Thanks

Wow, it's been a while. I am really sorry about that. You guys deserve more credit than when I feel like it. Hopefully we can get more consistent updates as to our database's grow from here on out.

Anyways, we've had quite a few submissions in the last two months, 4989 to be exact. 2167 new images. Damn! Who did all these submissions? Why, it's people like ga5ket, who is kicking ass and taking names as the top submitter so far of 2009! But, he's not making submissions alone, Pop_Culture_Portal, Funk_Buddy and Fuyukaze are right behind him in the hunt for top submitter. They're not alone though, and these people have also done their part to keep our site growing with 50 or more submissions in the last two months:

  • ga5ket
  • Pop Culture Portal
  • Funk_Buddy
  • Fuyukaze
  • Tan
  • ApolloBoy
  • y2ritchie
  • eaglebeak99
  • Donkey Kong Kid
  • Madir
  • NES_Rules
  • theGrue
  • Sirgin
  • Data
  • Tynstar
  • Cambot

  • Zenki
  • Moriya Hanzo
  • Darth Sidious
  • Rajaat the Warbringer
  • sharp

Of course, when there are all these people making a whole hell of a lot of submissions, we need to have a dedicated group of staff members to review your submissions. Well, who's been doing that, you ask? Why, it's been mostly Tan and NES_Rules, our number one and two reviewers! Of course, Apolloboy, Fuyukaze, bum-man, and Funk_Buddy haven't been slacking around either each doing their part for more than 50 submissions in the last two months. Thanks goes to them for their hard work.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you all for your submissions, even if you didn't make enough to get mentioned explicitly in our post, know that your submissions keep our site growing and strong. For that, we are truly thankful. 

Posted on Feb 5th 2009 at 09:02:24 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Donors, Thanks

Wow, I didn't really expect the outpouring that we have received. On January 11 we posted a finance update, and since that time you guys have really came through with the donations. I'd like to thank the following people for their recent donations:

  • Alfador
  • BadEnoughDude
  • cverz2
  • Cobra
  • eaglebeak99
  • ga5ket
  • Hedonism Bot
  • Izret101

  • kevincal
  • Kimoosabi
  • logical123
  • Marriott_guy
  • Mrs C

  • NES_Rules
  • Nik the Communist
  • OatBob
  • phoenix1967
  • shoes123

On behalf of everyone at RF Generation, I thank you for your donations. It really helps keeps the site running the way its meant to be! Your donations keep this site going and ad free. The community is truly grateful for the donations that you all have made.

Of course, if you would like to still donate, we are always accepting donations. Any donations made will solely support the operation of the site, and we will always appreciate the donation. If you are interested in donating yourself this link has the info necessary for donating.

Again, from all of us at RF Generation, thank you for your donations. It truly has touched our hearts.

Posted on Oct 5th 2008 at 04:09:16 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Thanks, Submissions, RFG Thanks, Bloggers

September is over. Long live September! There are a lot of things to be happy about after this last month has passed. There also are a lot of things to be not so happy about (see the economic crisis). But yes, here at RF Generation we're thankful for lots of things!

First, let me thank our donors who keep RF Generation ad-free for all you crazy people. Currently, our server costs run 90 dollars / month, which for someone who is living by himself in Maryland is not a small cost to cover. Thankfully, we have donors that kick ass and take names. Since I last thanked our donors, Sirgin and Nik the Communist. These new donors, plus the rest of our donors keep RF Generation ad-free and free for all. Let me take the time to thank every single one of them at this time:

Bad Enough Dude, Sauza12, St0rmTK421, TraderJake, tholly, Pop Culture Portal, James, Cobra, Tan, Rejinx, Fighter17, TurboGrafxer AKA DCer, Kevincal, djbeatmongrel, UNFORGIVINGPAIN, frood42, NES_Rules,  Ghost Soldier, cverz2, Marriott_Guy, logical123, Phillyman, imfromwisconsin,  Sirgin,  Nik the Communist

These fine people keep RF Generation physically running! Thanks for helping us cover the cost of the server! If you would like to make a donation yourself, you can do so via this link. Any donation helps, and with the server cost the way it is we're always looking for donations!

Next, I want to thank our members who really have been kicking ass with amazing blog articles. While we don't guarantee that we'll promote all blog articles, in recent history the quality of the articles have been too good to pass up. Sirgin, logical, Nik, Wolfman, NESman... thanks. You all make me happy that I expanded the front page script to something that can be used by all. I certainly hope you all keep up the amazing work you do with your articles!

Next, I'd like to congratulate NES_Rules on getting his Treasure Hunt Chronicles feed StumbledUpon! You may have noticed that his images all went to "Bandwidth Exceeded" images. Well, now you know why! Congrats, Mike! You make RF Generation proud with your excellent series.

Lastly, I'd like to thank everyone for their submissions over the last month. Our European members have done a great job giving some most needed TLC to the European Database. Special thanks on that goes to Sirgin, Darth Sidious and Madir, and I apologize if I missed someone European who also deserves special recognition. When September wrapped up, we had 3899 submissions for the month, compared with 2962 the prior month. Simply put, you guys kick major ass. September saw almost one thousand new images added to the site, which truly helps solidify our status as the Games Database with one of the most comprehensive catalogs of images. Of course, while we have over 62000 images, we're not happy just with that. We always want more, and there are a lot of game and hardware entries that need images added! Why not help out today? Of course, there are so many people who make submissions, and we're really thankful for alll of them. Similarly, there are those staff members who review your submissions, and without them your submissions would sit in a queue forever, and we just don't want that. This month, Tan kicked ass with 864 submissions! Of you crazy and amazing regular members, Madir kicked ass with the most submissions! From those who review your submissions, NES_Rules kicked ass with reviewing those submissions! Tan though, was not far behind. Of course, we're pleased with this month and we appreciate all your submissions! Let me take this opportunity to thank all those members who made 50 or more submissions:

Tan, Funk_Buddy, ApolloBoy, Madir, logical123, NES_Rules, Darth Sidious, blcklblskt, eaglebeak99, Fuyukaze, Sirgin, Anditheway

Thanks to everyone who has made RF Generation the kick ass site it truly is! Here's hoping for an amazing October! From submissions to blog articles to forum posts, we hope to see you around RF Generation!

Posted on Sep 2nd 2008 at 01:58:04 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Thanks, Submissions

Our databases would be nothing without the submissions of our members. Thanks to the submissions of our members, we can say that RF Generation is THE Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

August saw lots of submissions - 2962, to be exact. Lots of people helped to make us have 2962 new submissions, and this month, Funk_Buddy kicked ass and took names with 840 submissions! Way to go! We really appreciate it! Rounding out the top 3 were Apolloboy and NES_Rules, and our top non-staff submitter was eaglebeak99! Of course, while these four people submitted a lot of data, they are not the only submitters, and we'd like to thank everyone who submitted, including the following people who made 50 or more submissions:

Funk_Buddy, ApolloBoy, NES_Rules, eaglebeak99, Tan, ga5ket, NayusDante, Sirgin, totalgridlock, Alabama-Shrimp, Darth Sidious, blcklblskt

Of course, for all the submissions, someone must review them all. This month, Tan was the excellent gentleman who reviewed your submissions the most. NES_Rules also helped out a lot. Thanks you two and everyone else on staff that helped with submissions!

From all of us at RF Generation, thanks for the awesome August! Here's hoping for an even better September!
Thanks for the submissions, all!

Posted on Aug 2nd 2008 at 11:07:30 PM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Thanks, Submissions

RF Generation would be nothing without submitters adding stuff to our database. It is you guys that keep the site and its database growing for people to enjoy.

Last month, RF Generation saw 3155 new database submissions. Of those, 3071 were for the game database, and as I mention that I think you can hear the hardware database crying. Why not submit stuff for that database too? Its entries need more friends! Additionally, July saw 888 new images added to the site, which brings that total up to a lot. Did you know we have over 61000 images? We sure do, and that number grows every month.

Last month saw our staff truly kick ass and take names. Apolloboy ran away with "Most Submissions in July", with 485 submissions. Tan, Fuyukaze, Funk_Buddy, and NES_Rules were the next highest submitters, which shows our staff's commitment to bettering our database. But... it's not just staff bettering our databases, our members do as well. logical123 was our top non-staff submitter, with 229 submissions, followed by James, happyfish, and Pop Culture Portal. (Good to see you around, PCP!) Of course, many more of you submitted stuff, and I'd like to thank those of you who made more than 50 submissions:

Apolloboy, Tan, Fuyukaze, Funk_Buddy, NES_Rules, logical123, James, happyfish, Pop Culture Portal, Darth Sidious, eaglebeak99, Tondog, totalgridlock/

Thank you guys and everyone else who made submissions last month!

Also, I'd like to thank the staff members for approving your submissions, without their approvals all your submissions would just sit in a queue for eternity. Tan, Fuyukaze, and Marriott_guy have done an excellent job approving your submissions, as have many other staff members. Thanks everyone, and keep up the great work!

How many submissions will August bring? Let's hope for lots, and we'll find out in a month!

Posted on Jul 2nd 2008 at 01:04:43 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Thanks, Submissions

[img align=right]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/U-087/bf/U-087-S-05460-A.jpg&sizex=250[/img]June has passed, and with the passing of June comes a month in recent history where RF Generation had 100% uptime! Hooray! But that is not what I'm here to talk about! I am here to commend you wonderful people for your submissions. You see, submissions keep our database growing, and without submissions RF Generation would just be a stagnant games database. Instead, we're able to hold on to our slogan for yet another day.

So, how many submissions were made you ask? The answer is a lot. 4321 submissions, to be exact.  Of the submissions for June, here are some quick stats:

  • 4321 Total Submissions
  • 4029 Games Database Submissions
  • 292 Hardware Submissions
  • 1467 New Images
  • 2246 Page Edits

Certainly, that's a lot of submissions, and a lot of new images! Did you know RF Generation broke the 60000 image mark in June? It's true, and it couldn't have been done without you guys.

So, who made the most submissions? Well, it was a close race, but in the end, it was Tan with the most submissions! He certainly does that a lot, and well, he does it because he loves RF Generation. He loves it so much that he's the Standards Director. You know who else loves RF Generation? NES_Rules, that's who. Not only did he have 615 submissions last month, but he currently holds the coveted "I live here" award, for spending the most time online at RF Generation, besting me by 5 days of online time. Of course, these aren't the only people who love RF Generation, and lots of people showed their love by making submissions this month. Of those, I'd like to thank those who made 50 or more submissions:

Tan, NES_Rules, Voykous, Rajaat the Warbringer, Funk_Buddy, ApolloBoy, Fuyukaze, Marriott_guy, Darth Sidious, y2ritchie, Cobra, pdrydia, eaglebeak99.

Thanks to them an all those who also made submissions this month!

Similarly, we have a wonderful group of staff members that approve your submissions. Last month, marriott_guy kicked ass and took names in approving submissions, with 815 approvals. Of course, there were plenty of other staff members approving your submissions such as these fine folks who make 50 or more approvals:

Marriott_guy, Fuyukaze, s1lence, Tan, TraderJake, bum-man, ApolloBoy, Funk_Buddy, OatBob.

Excellent work on those approvals!

Certainly, June was a great month for submissions and approvals. Let's hope July continues this trend! Together, we can make that happen!

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