[img width=500 height=530]http://s3.media.squarespace.com/production/465215/5339598/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/Amazing-Threadless-T-Shirt-Chronicles-The-Coming-Gaming-Revolution.jpg[/img] Image by GeekTyrant.com This blog entry is gonna be quite different than my usual ones. I'm looking for help from you guys this time around. I was recently offered a position to write for a local magazine. It has a small area of distribution, but regardless, I'm very excited about it. I get a whole page to write about gaming once each quarter. I can discuss something new, something old, board games, video games, RPGs, card games, and basically, whatever gaming related topic I want. The book will have an overall theme, and I have been asked to try and make my topic relevant to the theme for the issue.
My first article is already printed and out in public. I would like you guys to read over my article below and throw your brutal and honest feedback at me. I had very little time to put this one together, so I fully expect future articles to improve with more time to plan and revise. The theme of this issue was "Revolution." I used this broad topic as a way to introduce myself as a writer and my relevance to the subject matter. Please let me know what you think:
Continue reading Crabmaster Gets Published!
If you've been following this blog you're likely familiar with this image, which I often use at the start of the article. We felt it did a nice job of getting across what our business does at a quick glace. But what if we wanted to add other products or services to our offerings? How would be communicate that to customers in a simple and straightforward way?
[img width=700 height=432]https://c4.staticflickr.com/4/3887/15272550855_e77fbfaea1_b.jpg[/img]
Continue reading Blog Quest: Re-Branding
[img width=500 height=500]http://i.imgur.com/1kzHiEj.jpg[/img] RFGeneration has long been a place where both retro and nowtro video game players and collectors can come together and share their love of the games. However, there has always been a little bit of overlap into action figures, toys, comics, beer (I'm lookin at you nupoile), and Table Top games. I thought it would be fun to talk about one of my favorites that I am always trying to get people to play with me.
Continue reading Please Play Arkham Horror With Me
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. Oh, and keep it on channel three