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Posted on Jan 13th 2019 at 01:00:00 PM by (slackur)
Posted under Suprises, If I put the game titles here you may not bother scrolling down

[img width=450 height=653]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/U-027/bf/U-027-S-02360-A.jpg[/img]

Instead of a "best of 2018" list, I figured I'd toss together a much more accurate "games that pleasantly surprised me that I played within the last year" list, even for games that weren't released in 2018.

Before typing any further I will fully admit that my old, feeble memory banks whine like a first generation PS3 when thinking about yesterday, and go into full-out Dreamcast lumber-saw grinding if I even try thinking about last week, so recalling anything from a year ago isn't too likely.  Thus, please forgive me if most of the games on here that came out in 2018 are from the tail end of the year.  Anywho, onward!!

Continue reading Here Are A Few Of My 2018's Best Surprises

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