RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on May 4th 2016 at 12:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under Thanks, RFG Thanks, Thank You, 2016, April, submitters, approvers,

[img width=297 height=400]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/knight%20rider_zpsfe9i0jqc.jpg[/img]

We had yet another great month of submissions in April and cracked the 5K mark with a total of 5,078! Last month's total submissions included 4,765 games and 313 hardware items added to our growing database. A whopping 2,462 of these submissions were images, which have really helped to brighten up our site. Thanks to everyone who submitted last month and we are looking forward to some extraordinary numbers in May with our "Pain Yourself With Submissions" contest. What?? You haven't started submitting yet?  Well, what are you waiting for?  The contest is underway right now and there is plenty of time to catch up and overtake the leaders. Here's a link to the official rules: http://www.rfgeneration.c...ons-Contest-2016-3286.php

Before I go into the submission and approval results for April, I'd like to recognize a few site members who were recently promoted.  Blog writer, bombatomba has recently accepted a position as the Assistant Editor for the front page. Don't worry, you will still be able to read his fantastic articles every month, but he will also assist with maintaining and editing the front page.  Along with bomba, our writing staff is also happy to welcome vlogger Pam into the fold. Pam runs the YouTube channel, Cannot Be Tamed where she produces high-quality, entertaining game reviews and other game-related videos that I know our members will enjoy. We are very happy to have her as a site member and her content on our front page. Congratulations to you both, we all look forward to your products!

Please note that the writing staff is still taking applications for writing positions, but there are only a few days left. See application rules here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...Call-For-Writers-3280.php

Now, on with this months top contributors!

Continue reading RF Generation Site News & Thanks: April 2016

Posted on Apr 4th 2016 at 12:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under Thanks, RFG Thanks, Thank You, 2016, March, submitters, approvers

[img width=500 height=516]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/RFGen%20Blog/trump_zpsnmhbifgy.jpg[/img]
Sorry...couldn't resist one more

We had another great month of submissions in March a total of 4,540! Total submissions included 4,438 games and 102 hardware items added to our growing database. We had another strong effort from our international members and it's very nice to see our database and site becoming more diverse. Thanks to all of you who put forth such a good effort to help make the site an even more valuable tool for collectors.

Before I go into the submission and approval results from March, I'd like to recognize a few of our site members who were promoted last month.  Two of our international members, FatherJack and schlibby have accepted offers to join our database staff as DB Reviewers. Their outstanding efforts in growing our database over the last several months have been phenomenal and their knowledge will continue to help improve the information associated with our international submissions. Congratulations guys and welcome as full-time members of our staff!

I'd also like to mention that our outstandingly witty and handsome, editor-in-chief, singlebanana has been promoted to Site Director. No need to fear, he will still be handling all front page duties for your viewing pleasure and keeping you up-to-date with all the latest site news. If you see him around the office, please offer him your congratulations, but please remember to not become enchanted by his dashingly good looks and stare at him for too long. It makes him quite uncomfortable.

Now, on with this months top contributors!

Continue reading RF Generation Thanks: March 2016

Posted on Mar 4th 2016 at 01:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under fundraiser, RFG Thanks, Thank You, 2016, February, submitters, approvers

[img width=424 height=351]https://i.imgflip.com/4r0w3.gif[/img]
**image from whak.com**

I know that everyone is excited to know the results of our RF Generation 2016 Fund Drive. I am very happy to announce that not only did we make our goal of $1000......... WE CRUSHED IT! Over the month of February, we raised a total of $1423.24!!  The staff and I are extremely pleased with these results and are excited about another great upcoming year on the site. Our members truly drive this site and we can't thank all of you who donated enough for your generosity.  Personally, I was overwhelmed by all of the awesome private messages from people telling me how much they enjoyed the site and how invaluable of a tool it was. There were several "lurkers" who donated generous amounts who I got to meet, and I heard from many of our old members who though they have been quiet for some time, made sure to come "home" to donate. Thank you, thank you, one and all!

At this time, the staff at RF Generation would like to take a moment to thank the rest of our members who donated since the last update and helped push us over the $1000 threshold:

Razor Knuckles   

Prior to the release of this post, I will be sending out PMs to every donor who donated at least $10 to verify your donation amount and the number of tickets that will be placed into the raffle for you. PLEASE reply to this PM and let me know if your donation amount is correct (if you haven't already done so).  If you donated to the fund drive this month and have not received, a PM from me, as of this post, PLEASE send me a PM so that we can confirm your donation amount and get you the appropriate number of tickets for the raffle.  The quicker I can get donation amounts verified, the quicker I can conduct the raffle. If you have questions regarding the raffle, you can find more details here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=16247.0.

GRAND TOTAL: $1423.24


February was another great month of submissions, with a total of 4,576! The submissions for last month included 4,502 game submissions and 74 hardware submissions. Thanks to all of the submitters you for putting forth another great effort and for making the site a more valuable tool for collectors.  We truly couldn't do it without such great member support.

Our top submitters (those with a minimum of 50) for February were:
FatherJack                   2,821
Kam1Kaz3 NL77             513
Schlibby                            239
Shadow Kisuragi             179
sharp                                 121
Ack                                       81
OatBob                                75
Raidou                                 53
raffa1985                            52

Top approvers for the month included:
Shadow Kisuragi        859
Tynstar                         161
Flee                                 38
ApolloBoy                       33

Great work everyone, please keep those submissions coming!

Posted on Feb 3rd 2016 at 01:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under Thanks, RFG Thanks, Thank You, 2016, January, submitters, approvers

[img width=479 height=319]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/60/3d/2e/603d2eb464ff9f1aa5ea6f84b3b4f68b.jpg[/img]

In January, we rang in the new year with a bang with a total of 4,593 submissions! The submissions for last month included 4,192 game submissions and 401 hardware submissions. Once again, we had another outstanding effort from our international members and it's nice to see the database not only growing in the number of items it houses, but also in its diversity. Thanks to all of you for putting forth such a wonderful effort to make the site an even more valuable tool for collectors.

Before I announce the top submitters and approvers for January, I'd like to take a minute to thank the Cartridge Club for participating in a banner swap with our site. If you are unfamiliar with their site, please give them a visit and enjoy the multitude of fantastic vlogs, reviews, podcasts, forums, and blogs that their members have created. Hopefully, this swap will help in directing members to our site and I'd like to welcome several of their site members who have recently joined and are enjoying our database tools and phone app. Thank you!

Continue reading RF Generation Thanks: January 2016

Posted on Jan 4th 2016 at 01:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under Thanks, RFG Thanks, Thank You, 2015, December, submitters, approvers

[img width=500 height=353]http://40.media.tumblr.com/d13e82398ca82e7046466fef005beab1/tumblr_n0fdvgiI6j1ss93ulo1_500.jpg[/img]

Well, 2015 is behind us, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't take a moment to look back and thank those who make the site great.  Each month, I typically publish a list of top approvers and submitters who do a great job in improving the growth and accuracy of our database. However, since it's the end of the year, I'd like to take the opportunity to thank our staff for their fantastic and tireless work in 2015.

Continue reading RF Generation Thanks: December 2015

Posted on Dec 3rd 2015 at 01:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under Thanks, RFG Thanks, Thank You, 2015, November, submitters, approvers

[img width=396 height=500]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/RFGen%20Blog/Han_zpsdz7xtygf.jpg[/img]
**image courtesy of Thumbs & Ammo**

It's nice to see that all of that Thanksgiving turkey didn't cause our submitters and approvers to fall asleep on the job in November. I'm once again excited to report that we had another fantastic month of submissions at RF Generation. With last month's impressive 6,174 submissions, I thought we might slow down, but I'm happy to announce that our members knocked it out of the park once again with 6,686 submissions! The submissions for November included 6,375 game submissions (4,187 of which were images) and 311 hardware submissions. We had another great effort from our international members and this month there we lots of members who contributed over 50 submissions.  Top contributors for the month of November include:

Continue reading RF Generation Thanks: November 2015

Posted on Nov 6th 2015 at 01:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under Thanks, RFG Thanks, Thank You, 2015, October, submitters, approvers

[img width=440 height=451]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/RFGen%20Blog/goose_zpsak4hxfbu.png[/img]

I'm am sad to report that October saw a "enormous" drop in submissions from our high watermark in September.  In September, there were a total of 6,480 submissions and all that we could seem to muster for October was a mere 6,174 submissions........... But seriously, you guys RAWKED it!  Thanks for another fantastic month of submissions!  It's really nice to see the information on the site grow and especially on the international front. The submissions for October included 5,983 game submissions (3,861 of which were images) and 191 hardware submissions. Top contributors for the month of October include:

Our top submitters (those with a minimum of 50) for October were:
FatherJack                   4,042   
Schlibby                        799
Sauza12                        385   
Shadow Kisuragi          219
Raidou                            84
Kam1Kaz3 NL77           76
BJoin79                          67
raffa185                         64

Thanks for another great month!   

Top approvers for the month included:
Shadow Kisuragi    970
Tynstar                    152
Flee                            31

Great work all, please keep those submissions coming! Thanks to everyone who submitted or approved submissions this month. Have a great November!

Posted on Oct 4th 2015 at 12:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under Thanks, thank you, September, 2015, submitters, approvers, submissions

[img width=500 height=318]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/RFGen%20Blog/office_zpslzarmet0.png[/img]

As I write this, I am sitting in from of my computer "zombified" after having stood in front of my office scanner for 2+ hours as it gobbled page after countless page as I watched the multicolored LEDs flicker across the display. I would have gone mad by now if it weren't for the sheer joy that awaits me on the horizon when I punch that clock at the end of the day. That's right friends, by the time you read this, I will have flown to Connecticut, gone to RWX, and will probably still be sleeping after a long night of gaming with some other radical dudes who attended the convention this year. But right now I'm simply tired, beaten down, disheveled, tired, and did I mention I was tired? Speaking of "tireless" efforts, look no further than the submissions for the month of September!

Last last month, we increased our July effort of 5,272 submissions, to 5,867 submissions! That's awesome right, how could we possible top that number.....well, we did.  In September, there were a total of 6,480 submissions!!!  Once again, this is a monsterous feat and we appreciate all of you who contributed to this effort.  The submissions for September included 6,363 game submissions (4,342 of which were images) and 117 hardware submissions. Top contributors for the month of August include:

Our top submitters (those with a minimum of 100) for August were:
FatherJack             5,009   (Really, you just had to tack on 9 more...)
Schlibby                  400      (Fantastic work again!!)
Nintoad                   312      (another impressive contribution!)
Sauza12                  171      (ole reliable Suaza, nice work!)

Thanks for another great month guys!!!   

Top approvers for the month included:
Shadow Kisuragi    886
Tynstar                    161
Flee                            84

Great work all, please keep those submissions coming! Thanks to everyone who submitted or approved submissions this month. Have a great October!

Posted on Sep 6th 2015 at 02:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under Thanks, thank you, August, 2015, submitters, approvers, submissions

[img width=500 height=318]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/RFGen%20Blog/thumbs-guns-deniro_zps1l9igmwo.jpg[/img]

The end of summer is upon us and the temperature will soon be beginning to cool down. However, this latter part of the summer has been a real heat wave in terms of submissions, in fact, they've been better than ever!  If July was a "scorcher," then August might be deemed "molten lava hot." During last month, we increased our impressive July effort of 5,272 submissions, to 5,867!!! That is an incredible feat and we appreciate all of you who contributed to this effort.  The submissions for August included 5,784 game submissions (4,035 of which were images) and 83 hardware submissions. Top contributors for the month of August include:

Our top submitters (those with a minimum of 100) for August were:
FatherJack             4,439   (Holy Schnike!)
Schlibby                  469
Sauza12                  160
Raido                       103

Another amazing month guys!!!   

Top approvers for the month included:
Tynstar                    4,067
Shadow Kisuragi    609

Our members from "across the pond" had another very impressive month. Amazing work, please keep those submissions coming! Thanks to everyone who submitted or approved submissions this month. We wouldn't have such a wonderful site without your efforts.   

Posted on Aug 3rd 2015 at 12:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under Thanks, July, 2015, submitters, approvers

[img width=250 height=345]http://domaingang.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/fonzie-facebook.jpg[/img]

Summer is hot and this July was a scorcher in terms of submissions! During last month alone, we more than doubled our production in June (2,207) with an amazing 5,408 total submissions!!!!  The submissions for July included 5,272 game submissions (3,360 of which were images) and 136 hardware submissions. Top contributors for the month of July include:

Our top submitters (those with a minimum of 100) for July were:
FatherJack             3,455   (Super Awesome!)
Schlibby                  541 
Sauza12                 448
Shadow Kisuragi   387

Amazing effort guys!!!   

Top approvers for the month included:
Tynstar                    3,102
Shadow Kisuragi   1,781

It looks like we had another very impressive month from some of our newer members. Fantastic work, and please, keep the submissions coming! Thanks to everyone who submitted or approved submissions this month. We couldn't have the best video gaming database on the internet without all of you.   

Posted on Jul 4th 2015 at 12:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under Thanks, June, 2015, submitters, approvers

[img width=540 height=409]http://www.quickmeme.com/img/e5/e59d1b66c3aa6c9bc9e4613b3fde1414d00e6da18c099b3bf5d3d9f8eaa4d26d.jpg[/img]

In June, we dropped considerably from our 6,000+ submissions mark set in May. The biggest reason for this decline was due to our annual Pain Yourself With Submissions contest held primarily during the previous month. At this time, the staff would like to congratulate the one and only (thank goodness) Zagnorch on what was a very impressive contribution during this year's contest. During this time, he submitted 2,364 total images to our database, not to mention several other great additions! Thank you Zagnorch and everyone who participated in this year's contest, the site is better because of all of your efforts. You can check out the overall results here and please note that staff scores have not been adjusted (1/2 credit): http://rfgeneration.com/P...t.php?action=contest;id=8

Though we didn't quite reach the 6,000+ mark, the effort in June was still VERY impressive with a grand total of 2,207 submissions!  Of these submissions, 1,741 were game submissions, and 446 were related to hardware. Of these, 1,382 of them were images.  On behalf of the administrators and staff, "Thank You" to all who contributed to the site in June. Thanks also go out to our hardworking staff of approvers who reviewed each of these submissions and added them to our ever growing database.

Continue reading RF Generation Thanks: June 2015

Posted on Dec 10th 2014 at 05:00:00 AM by (singlebanana)
Posted under fundraiser, fund drive, update, donations, thank you, November, 2014, submitters, approvers, submissions

The second week of this year's fund drive saw some very generous contributions from more of our members. I am pleased to announce that we are making great strides in reaching our $1000 goal for this year. Please remember that every $10 you donate earns you a ticket to this years prize raffle, which will be drawn at the conclusion of the fund drive and donating at least $20 also gets you a copy of the Playcast's Episode #0 (more info and prize lots listed here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=14799.0).

At this time, the staff at RF Generation would like to thank those who donated during the second week of the fund drive:

Disposed Hero 

For a Grand Total of: $577.95 

(*If you donated and do not see your name in this weeks update or in last weeks, please PM singlebanana so that we can be sure to give you credit*)

Thats over half way to our goal in just two weeks!!! Keep those donations coming and let's try to meet our goal by year's end. Cheesy


Along with this year's fund drive donors, the RF Generation staff would also like to thank those members who have been hard at work in making our site better by submitting hardware and software information and pics, and those who approve these submissions. During the month of November, there were 1,987 total submissions to the database, consisting of 1,945 game submissions and 42 hardware submissions. Top submitters for the month of November were:

Shadow Kisuragi   443   
Flee   305   
Sauza12   239
ae.tc   181   
Furnessly   176   
raffa1985   152

Top approvers for the month of November include:

Shadow Kisuragi   860   
ApolloBoy   33   
Tynstar   24

A big thanks to those who take the time to submit information, scan in pics, take screenshots, and to those who carefully look over and approve them. It truly takes a community effort to make a site like ours as great as it is!

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