RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Jul 2nd 2008 at 01:04:43 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Thanks, Submissions

[img align=right]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/U-087/bf/U-087-S-05460-A.jpg&sizex=250[/img]June has passed, and with the passing of June comes a month in recent history where RF Generation had 100% uptime! Hooray! But that is not what I'm here to talk about! I am here to commend you wonderful people for your submissions. You see, submissions keep our database growing, and without submissions RF Generation would just be a stagnant games database. Instead, we're able to hold on to our slogan for yet another day.

So, how many submissions were made you ask? The answer is a lot. 4321 submissions, to be exact.  Of the submissions for June, here are some quick stats:

  • 4321 Total Submissions
  • 4029 Games Database Submissions
  • 292 Hardware Submissions
  • 1467 New Images
  • 2246 Page Edits

Certainly, that's a lot of submissions, and a lot of new images! Did you know RF Generation broke the 60000 image mark in June? It's true, and it couldn't have been done without you guys.

So, who made the most submissions? Well, it was a close race, but in the end, it was Tan with the most submissions! He certainly does that a lot, and well, he does it because he loves RF Generation. He loves it so much that he's the Standards Director. You know who else loves RF Generation? NES_Rules, that's who. Not only did he have 615 submissions last month, but he currently holds the coveted "I live here" award, for spending the most time online at RF Generation, besting me by 5 days of online time. Of course, these aren't the only people who love RF Generation, and lots of people showed their love by making submissions this month. Of those, I'd like to thank those who made 50 or more submissions:

Tan, NES_Rules, Voykous, Rajaat the Warbringer, Funk_Buddy, ApolloBoy, Fuyukaze, Marriott_guy, Darth Sidious, y2ritchie, Cobra, pdrydia, eaglebeak99.

Thanks to them an all those who also made submissions this month!

Similarly, we have a wonderful group of staff members that approve your submissions. Last month, marriott_guy kicked ass and took names in approving submissions, with 815 approvals. Of course, there were plenty of other staff members approving your submissions such as these fine folks who make 50 or more approvals:

Marriott_guy, Fuyukaze, s1lence, Tan, TraderJake, bum-man, ApolloBoy, Funk_Buddy, OatBob.

Excellent work on those approvals!

Certainly, June was a great month for submissions and approvals. Let's hope July continues this trend! Together, we can make that happen!

Posted on Jun 23rd 2008 at 01:53:33 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Submissions, Contest

As many of you who frequent the site probably knew, RF Generation has had a contest going on since our 4th birthday, which happened to be April 28 for those who don't know. It was supposed to end on June 8, but was extended for two weeks because of the massive amount of downtime that we experienced. Now that the contest is over, it's time to recognize the winners, so that they can claim their just desserts.

In case we all forget, these were the prizes up for grabs:

FIRST PLACE: Gaming swag not to exceed $100 and also a groovy RF Generation ringer T.

SECOND PLACE: Gaming swag not to exceed $25 and also a groovy RF Generation ringer T.

THIRD PLACE: A groovy RF Generation ringer T

So, who won? Well, lets let that known, shall we?

Third Place: Vokyous (6001pts)

Second Place: VACRMH (8358pts)

First Place: Rajaat the Warbringer (17088pts)

Congrats to all those who won! If you won you should probably PM Me with a)What You Want, b)Where I am to Ship it to, and c)What Size Shirt do you wear. In case you are wondering where you were on the standings, the contest results can be found here.

This contest was fun, and much less subjective than previous birthday contests of old. Even if you didn't win something, we certainly appreciate your submissions, as without your submissions we just don't grow. Secondly, I'd like to thank those staff members who really stepped it up to approve your submissions. Of all the people approving your submissions during the contest, Fuyukaze took the cake with approvals. I am certainly appreciative for that, as well as all those amazing staff members who helped out.

From all of us at RF Generation, Congratulations!

Posted on Jun 13th 2008 at 12:06:00 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Images, Submissions, Damn

You guys rock. Because of the submissions of many people, RF Generation can proudly say that we have over 60000 images on our site. That's just games and hardware images, too. I bet we have quite a few collection photos, as well. This is an amazing accomplishment, and further cements RF Generation's place as THE classic and modern gaming databases. From just a few images to 60000, let's keep growing our image database. After all, there are almost 30000 games that need either a box front, box back, manual, or game scan. How cool would it be if we could get an image for every game? Perhaps some day we shall.

There are so many people to thank for their image submitters. Submitters of old like SpeedyNES and blissfulnoise. Current submitters like Rajaat the Warbringer and NES_Rules. Staff Members like Tan, Fuyukaze, and Funk Buddy. Old Staff Members such as Pop_Culture_Portal. So many other people I haven't mentioned - THANK YOU! Today wouldn't be an awesome day if it was not for all your amazing work!

60000 images... Here's looking for 70000... 100000! Together, we'll hit more momentous occasions in the not too distant future!

Posted on Jun 9th 2008 at 01:19:02 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Donors, Submissions

June 8th, 2004. On that day, RF Generation went live to the world. In the four years since we've gone live, RF Generation has grown from a small community and database to a large community of collectors and gamers who have worked to make RF Generation THE classic and modern gaming databases. Today is definitely a day to celebrate.

The last few months have been hectic here at RF Generation. Last year, June 8 brought our current site design. This year, June 8 brings two weeks of smooth sailing on our dedicated host. That's reason enough to celebrate. Certainly, I am pleased.

We have a lot of people who have donated money to keep RF Generation free and ad-free for all. Without their donations, RF Generation would have to resort to using ads to support our server costs. I am extremely thankful for the donations that our donors have made. So far, we've raised more than 270 dollars for our donation drive! We're truly humbled by the generosity of our members. We have created a Donors Page to thank all those who have donated. We really appreciate their donations, and we thank them for their generosity.

Some of you might be wondering about our little submissions contest. It was supposed to have ended some 15 hours ago. Well, because we were down for much of May, I am pleased to announce that the "Pain Yourself With Submissions" Contest has been extended for two more weeks. The contest will now end at midnight (CDT) on June 29, 2008! So, get those submissions in! Swag to be had! You could win!

Four years live. what a day to celebrate. Our community is the best. From all of us at RF Generation, keep it tuned to channel three.

Posted on Jun 2nd 2008 at 11:08:17 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Thanks, Submissions

Well, I must apologize for the lack of an update in April on submissions. RF Generation was sort of on an up and down swing. Unfortunately, this up and down nature of the site kept me from being able to do a submissions update for April. For that, I am sorry.

Anyways, how were submissions during the tumultuous month of April? Well, there were 1700 submissions. Not bad, given how we were down for half of the month and when we were up it was a real chore. For April, the top submitter was Fuyukaze, edging out Belgarath by one whole submission! Damn! The top non staff submitter, Darth Sidious, was not too far behind, with 183 submissions during April. Excellent work! If you're wondering who was approving all of those non-staff submissions, s1lence kicked ass and took names with approvals, soundly outdoing Fuyukaze who had the second largest number of submissions! Of course, there were plenty of people who did their part with submissions, and I'd like to take the time to thank those submitters who made more than 50 submissions in April:

Fuyukaze, Belgarath, Darth Sidious, Cobra, DefaultGen, dotDarkCloud, ApolloBoy, y2richie, Madir, and Rajaat the Warbringer.

Thanks to them and everyone else who made submissions in April!

Now, for May, well, there was this contest or something that is still going on, more on that later. We unfortunately had some downtime during May as well. Frustrating, really, but it's all sorted out now. We had 3523 submissions, which is awesome considering how we were down for half the month. We had almost 2900 image submissions in May. Damn! That's really, really impressive! Kudos to you all! Of course, there was this contest going on, and well, some people went all out in submissions. The top submitter for May was Rajaat the Warbringer. He had a whopping 1361 submissions! Damn! The second largest submitter last month was VACRMH with 867 submissions! Good job you two! In terms of the wonderful people approving your submissions, Fuyukaze kicked ass and took names in submission approvals. He's certainly been doing his part to ensure the contest runs smoothly, and I certainly appreciate everything he's done. Of course, there are many people who made submissions in May, and I'd like to specifically thank those who had 50 or more submissions:

Rajaat the Warbringer, VACRMH, Fuyukaze, NES_Rules, Vokyous, Darth Sidious, Ghost Soldier, Funk_Buddy, y2richie

Thanks you guys and everyone else who made submissions in May! Keep up the great work into June.

Now, there is this contest going on. You might be wondering the standings. You might also be wondering if the contest is going to be extended. Well, first, let me tell you the top three people right now. Currently, the top three people are, in order:

Rajaat the Warbringer

There you go, the top three people in the contest. Will they continue to be the top three people, or will someone else pull ahead? Time shall tell!

So, when will the contest end? Some people wish for it to be extended because we were down for half of May. In the spirit of competition, I'd like to extend the competition's length by two weeks. Now, I'd like to do that, but I would like to see what other people think about that. We were down for quite a bit, and well, it's sort of crummy that the contest length was shortened because of it. So, shall we increase the length? Let me know.

Regardless, submit on! Thanks everyone, and here's hoping for an awesome June!

Posted on Mar 9th 2008 at 04:23:42 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Thanks, Submissions

February 2008. You guys managed to make 2208 submissions to our database. A little bit down from January, but still an excellent number of submissions. We'd be nowhere without your submissions, so keep it up! As a breakdown, 2027 submissions were for the games database, and the rest were for the hardware database. Poor hardware database. It's growing, slowly but surely, but it would certainly appreciate more love. Don't you hear it sobbing in the quarter, sad because it's being neglected compared to its more successful sibling? Make the database happy, you know you want to, and it will certainly allow for a better site.

So, who was the top non-staff submitter? This month, that honor goes to NES_Rules! He submitted 139 items! Congrats on being the top dog! It certainly is appreciated. Donkey Kong Kid was the second highest submitter with 109 submissions, and Yurf was third with 59 submissions. All you guys kick ass! Keep up the excellent work.

Of course, we have a dedicated group of staff also doing their job. Tan once again kicked ass in the staff category with 504 submissions. Apolloboy came in second with 235 submissions, and s1lence third with 224 submissions. Excellent work! In terms of the wonderful folks reviewing your submissions, Tan, Belgarath and s1lence are the top three people reviewing your submissions. Bum-man and Magewout also did their share approving submissions. Without their dedication, the site would be a stagnant site where nothing changes, so we certainly appreciate their work!

While many of you are not top three submitters or reviewers, we still want to recognize everyone who did their part in keeping our databases growing! A special thanks goes out to those members who made 50 or more submissions:

Tan, ApolloBoy, s1lence, NES_Rules, Tynstar,  Belgarath,  Donkey Kong Kid, Funk_Buddy, Tondog, sharp,    Yurf, den68

Thank you all for your submissions. Know that even if you were not mentioned specifically in this article your work is greatly appreciated. We'd be nothing without your work. With February behind us, let's look forward to an awesome March!

Posted on Feb 10th 2008 at 03:31:52 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Thanks, Submissions

First off, I'd like to apologize. I meant for this type of post to be a reoccurring feature on the site, of the monthly variety. As you may or may not have noticed, that really hasn't happened in a while. Well, such is a new year, perhaps we can get this article back in the groove. Submissions keep the site growing, and without your continued submissions this site would be just another place on the web. But instead we are RF Generation, the Classic and Modern Gaming Databases, and we couldn't be where we are today without your continued support.

January, 2008. Sort of a down month. People are still getting over their post-holiday comas. But, you guys kick ass. Collectively, you all managed to make 2788 submissions, of which about half were new images. Also, you all overwhelmingly made the majority of your submissions for the games database. Awesome everyone! You guys totally kick ass, but don't forget about our hardware database! It wants to be loved too.

So, who do you think was the number one nonstaff submitter? Why, it was lovable! He/she made 318 submissions in the last month! Kudos to you! We certainly appreciate all the submissions. NES_Rules was our second highest member submitter, with 260 submissions, while Donkey Kong Kid was third with 107 submissions. Congrats to you three for being the top three member submitters! Keep it up.

Similarly, we have a group of dedicated staff members who do their part to make sure that the site runs smoothly, and they also do a significant number of submissions in addition to reviewing any submissions that you guys make. In terms of staff submissions, Tan leads the pack with 575 submissions. Belgarath was our second highest staff submitter with 217 submissions, while bum-man was the third highest staff submitter with 183 submissions. Excellent job guys! Keep it up. As mentioned previously, staff members also review any submissions made by regular members. The top reviewer this month was also Tan! Marriott_guy and Magewout also did their parts reviewing submissions, as did many other staff members! Thanks guys!

While many of you are not top three submitters or reviewers, we still want to recognize everyone who did their part in keeping our databases growing! A special thanks goes out to those members who made 50 or more submissions:

Tan, lovablechevy, NES_Rules, Belgarath, bum-man, sharp, Apolloboy, Donkey Kong Kid, Yurf, James, Pop_Culture_Portal, Funk_Buddy.

Thanks to everyone for their submissions! We certainly appreciate it. If you are interested in seeing the full list of submissions stats, they can be found here.  Here's hoping for an awesome February!

Posted on Nov 2nd 2007 at 05:50:25 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Stats, Submissions

No one should be forgotten. Such was the statement of the first webmaster of the site, and such is our ideology today. To help people get a grasp of those who contribute to our site, I have made submission stats available to view.  They can be found under the submit menu as Submission Stats. Please note that these stats only are valid back to about November of 2006, when we began logging submissions. I apologize if you made a lot of submissions prior to November of last year. I wish I could say that we have logged your submission, but we just have no feasible way to determine when you made submissions. Your submissions though will always be documented on each game or hardware page.

I hope you enjoy the new toy, and stay tuned... more is to follow when you keep it on channel 3.

Posted on Oct 6th 2007 at 09:08:05 PM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Thanks, Submissions

Another month, another round of submissions made! This post is intended to thank those members who have helped to grow our database. This last month saw 2992 submissions. Of those submissions, 2295 submissions were for the games database and 697 were for the hardware database. In addition, 391 images were added to the database last month.

We'd like to thank everyone for the submissions that they make. A special thanks goes out to those members who submitted more than 50 pieces of information. Those members are Tan, Tynstar, James, eaglebeak99, Funk_Buddy, Pop Culture Portal, OatBob, ApolloBoy, NES_Rules, and Mezmoron. Tan also had the largest number of submissions made, with 874. Congratulations on taking the top spot! It certainly is appreciated.

Any submission made by a regular member must be approved by a staff member, and this month, Tan also took the top post for approving submissions, with 540 approvals. OatBob and Tynstar round out the top 3 approvers, and we are thankful that they and all other staff members helped to approve your submissions. Thanks!

Lastly, I'd like to thank Tynstar for all the items that he helps to fix in the database. Scott, has been great, fixing errors and inconsistencies that can not be fixed using the edit scripts. We are appreciate for that!

Thanks for the submissions, and let's try to submit many new submissions this month!

Posted on Sep 4th 2007 at 05:25:54 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Thanks, Submissions

Hello readers and members, I hope you've enjoyed the last weekend as much as I have. For those of you not in the states or Canada, it was Labor Day weekend. In Cincinnati, we have a big party. I, along with many of my friends were there. Hopefully your weekend was as awesome as ours.

Anyways, I digress. Last Friday was the last day of August, and so it is time for me to reflect on the last month and commend you all for the submissions that you have made. In case you were wondering, 3016 submissions were made last month. Of those, 1700 were games submissions, 1316 were hardware submissions, and 583 submissions were for new images. I'd like to thank you all for helping to grow our database with these submissions, it's you guys that allow our site and database to grow, and we are truly thankful. This month's top submitter was Mariott_guy! He bested the competition with 1231 submissions. The next highest submitters with more than 50 submissions last month are, in order, Funk_Buddy, Belgarath, NES_Rules, Oatbob,  Tan, eaglebeak99, and Alabama-shrimp. I'd like to thank all members, including those who made less than 50 submissions for their submissions. We truly appreciate it.  Some people also have to approve submissions, and I'd like to thank Tan and Tynstar for approving a bunch of submissions. Tynstar narrowly beat out Tan for top approver spot last month (148 vs 146). Congrats on that, and try not to rub it in too much. 

I believe that I failed to do this post for July, and I am truly sorry. In case you were wondering, July saw 4351 new submissions. Of those, 4150 were for the games database and 351 were for the hardware database. July also saw 1675 new images, an impressive number indeed. In July, Funk_Buddy was the top submitter, with 662 new submissions. The next largest submitters over 50 submissions are in order: Tan, Belgarath, Oatbob, Speedy_NES, Tynstar, marriott_guy, Fighter17, Donkey Kong Kid, Magewout, NES_Rules, sharp, James, Mars, Apolloboy, Alabama-Shrimp, Malgyris, Rorschach, Fuyukaze, cverz2, and JWKobayashi. I'd like to thank everyone for their submissions.  In July, Tan schooled Tynstar in the approvals category, with 722 aprrovals versus Tynstar's 258 approvals. I'd like to thank everyone who approved submissions in July and August, thanks for keeping the show going.

Thanks everyone, and as always stay tuned, you never know when new features will be showing up.

Posted on Jul 7th 2007 at 02:51:53 AM by ([Tan:realName])
Posted under Site News, Submissions, Immortality, Cool, Geek Cred

That's right. RFGen needs your help! Working on being the best video game resource on the planet is serious business around here. The games submissions, information, reviews, scans etc. all come from it's members and staff. We are all instrumental in helping this site grow. As we approach the 30,000 games mark in our database we must remember that there is more to building the database than simply adding games. We need to all work together and fill out the pages for each game and piece of hardware whenever and wherever we can. The feeling of satisfaction and pride in having your 2 cents printed on a game's merits or having your copy of a game showcased as the site's scans or showing off a game with screen-shots can not be underestimated. Nor can the importance of a part number, bar code or a year or any other information you may have.

You've all seen the thank you posts our Site Director makes every month when he tallies up the numbers. Thousands of submissions every month, each one giving a member or a staffer a little bit of pride and immortality in having their name associated with it. Every piece helping someone choose a game, or tell the difference betwen one they already have and one they may buy. Or even re-connect with childhood memories because the screen-shots, overviews or scans help them remember forgotten games of their youth.

So we, the Administrators and Editors of RF Generation urge you to participate in this cause and help this site grow. Whether it's submitting a part number on the spine of a game case after you've played it, writing a review be it short or long after you play/beat a game, or scanning your collection, there are many ways each of you can help.

Also know that you are not alone in this, you can direct any questions you may have to any member of staff and there are FAQ's you can read to help you use the scripts and the guidelines that go with them.

Imagine this: if only 50 members of our near 1300 member community submitted only 3 times a week, be it part number, scan or what have you, that's 600 a month. Three submissions only take what? 10 minutes a week? Can you all give RFGen 10 minutes a week? Imagine what a hundred could do, or a thousand!! I try to spend at least half an hour a week while watching TV or something submitting info with a small pile of games at my side or a handy website with information I can add. It usually ends up being more personally but we all do what we can when we can and that's what counts as long as we participate. Wink

No worries about overflow of submissions either, your RFGen staff team has over 20 members to make sure all of your submissions are being taken care of and checked for mistakes. We also engage in regular discussion about how to make things easier for you the members, who make this site what it is. We also appreciate any suggestions you may have, feel free to post them in our forums or PM them to any staff member.

Thank you

Posted on Jul 3rd 2007 at 03:26:07 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Thanks, Submissions

On behalf of directors at RF Generation, I'd like to thank everyone who has submitted information or images over the last month. For June, we had a total of 3433 submissions made. Of those submissions, 1408 were image additions and 687 were hardware submissions. We even had 9 regional variation submissions, which goes to show that some people from Europe are reading the site, and we are grateful for their readership.

As with each month there is a top submitter of information and images. This month, that submitter is Belgarath with 745 submissions. Funk_Buddy came in second with 419 submssions, and Tan third with 387 submissions. The next highest submitters over 50 submissions, in order, are Marriott_Guy, sharp, James, briskbc, Fuyukaze, Alabama-Shrimp, Mezmoron, Malygris, NES_Rules, Izret101, Kevincal, Magewout, and Samada. Thank you all for your submissions, we'd be nowhere without them.

Many of these submissions have to be approved by someone.   This month, Tan kicked everyone's butt on staff with 761 approvals. Thank you Tan and everyone else on staff for getting those submissions approved.

Lastly, I'd like to thank you all for being such loyal members of our community.  Our visits in the last month were the most they've ever been by a long shot, and we are now certainly on pace to have a million visit year. Thank you all for helping this amazing milestone come to fruition, and I do hope that you all continue to keep it tuned to channel three.

Posted on Jun 10th 2007 at 12:37:08 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Thanks, Submissions

RF Generation would be nowhere without its members and staff. Your submissions and additions are what help make the database grow. As such, I want to thank those who really  helped make the database grow this month.

First off, I'd like to thank Belgarath for being the top submitter for May. His 446 submissions made him the top submitter, and we are grateful for his hard work. The next largest submitters all with over 50 submissions, in order, are Tan, Funk_Buddy, BadKarma,  Dreamcaster, Fuyukaze, Speedy_NES, Samada, Tynstar, Rajaat the Warbringer, NES_Rules, and marriott_guy. Thank you all for your dedication last month, and we hope that you guys will continue making our database better this month.

Other statistics that you may find fun is that for May we had 1247 image additions, 768 game additions, and 371 games edits. Our hardware database, on the other hand, had a whopping 76 submissions, which relative to the games total submissions of 2388 submissions is lacking. So, here is my challenge for you -- make the hardware database grow this month, and make it significant. Good luck meeting that goal.

Thanks to all those who helped the database grow, including those not mentioned. Your dedication and hardwork help make this site a better place for all.

Posted on Jan 1st 2000 at 05:00:00 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Submissions, Help, Guide, Tips, Tricks, Images, Scans

As a staff member for about 8 months and a member of this site for about 2 and a half years, I've made many submissions, over 4,000 of them actually and have approved nearly 6,000 submissions, so I wanted to use my knowledge and "expertise" of the submissions process to help out the rest of the community here at RFGeneration. Obviously, there is no shortage of members willing to contribute (I would never have gotten anywhere near 6,000 approvals without a steady supply of submissions to approve) but hopefully with the help of these little guides, the time it takes members to get those submissions will be a little quicker allowing them to spend more time gaming (or whatever else you want to do). Or if your one of the few who hasn't submitted anything, maybe this will show you just how easy and rewarding the process is.

So, I'd like to start out with one of the simplest things to do, but one of the harder ones to master. This type of submission also happens to be the first type I started doing and is what got me interested in helping to contribute to the DB. I'm talking about scans, scans of games, scans of boxes and cases, and scans of manuals.

Now, the first thing you are going to need is a suitable scanner. It doesn't need to be a top of the line multi-million dollar piece of equipment as any scanner will do really. You can a very nice flatbed scanner for under $50 new, or you can check out your local Craigslist or garage sales and flea markets and pick up one that's a couple years old for under $10. I happen to use a HP PSC-950 All in One that came out in 2001 and it still has very good looking scans despite being 8 years old. So, yeah, just about any scanner that you can find that works will be good enough. Which brings me to the first tip: make sure the glass is clean if you buy a new one it should be spotless already, but a quick wash with some Windex won't hurt it and it's probably necessary if you buy it used. I also give the glass a quick wipe down to clear off any dust each time I do scanning. This is crucial because any spec of dirt on the scanner is going to show up on everything you scan. It's not the end of the world, but it's a needless imperfection on what could otherwise be a perfect looking scan.

Now, that you've got your scanner ready (hooked up as well, most are USB and you know how that works), what I did was I added a folder I called "Scans for RFG" to the 'My Pictures' folder. Inside that folder are two more folders, "Edited' and "Unedited". I set my scanner to automatically place all scans directly into the "Unedited" folder. The "Edited" folder has another folder inside labeled "Sent In"This is one of those things that is not necessary, but it keeps everything organized and will save you many headaches in the future. Obviously, you can name your folders whatever you want, but the point is to set up a system that you are comfortable with that helps you stay organized.

Now, that you've got the prep work done, you're ready to start scanning. The first thing you need to do is place the item you want to scan on the bed of the scanner. Most scanners have a little diagram that suggests what corner to place objects in, but I've found for things like N64 games that have rounded edges, any side of the scanner is fine. But be careful because some scanners (like mine) tend to cut off stuff places along one edge, so once you find out which edge that is, try to avoid placing stuff against it. Now the item is on the bed, if it's something like a manual, close the lid on the scanner and place some pressure on it to push all edges down firmly to get the best possible scan. Other things like boxes and cartridges do not allow you to close the lid, so I place I white piece of paper over it. This isn't really necessary if what you're scanning is a bright color, but you'll see why later why it's necessary for black or dark objects. Also, discs look much nicer with the white background of a sheet of paper than the black background they get if you don't cover them.

Now that you've got what you want to scan on the scanner, the next step is getting the image onto your computer.

The simplest way I have found to scan images is to skip the process of using the "import from scanner" functions of most photo editing software and instead use the scanner directly. This is done by going to "My Computer" and then selecting your Scanner. This brings up the "Scanner and Camera Wizard." The first screen just tells you what device you're using so, click the Next button. Next are your scanning preferences, always use the "color picture" selection and then click the Next button. On the next page you can choose a name for the image you're about to scan, but I generally just leave to the default as "PictureXX". You can also choose the image type, again, I leave it the default JPG, which is the format required for the Database here at RFGen. Finally, on this page you can select the location the image to be scanned will be placed. This is how you select the folder you made earlier as the default location, just browse through your folders until you find it and OK and then Next. The location you select now will stay the default until you change it again. Now you'll want to go with the default option of "Nothing, I'm finished with these pictures" and then select Next. And then hit Finish on the next screen.
When you hit finish, the folder you selected for the images to go into pops up and you can now open them and do what you want with them. But, if you've got more than one scan to do at this point, you don't want to do anything with it yet. Just move this window so it's mostly off this screen (if you close or minimize it, it will just keep coming up after you Finish each scan. Now this is a tip that will save you a lot of time, when you go back to your My Computer to go through the scanner wizard again, leave the mouse in the spot where the scanner icon is and just use your "Enter" key to go to the next screen. If you're using a laptop like I do, it's even easier because the mouse doesn't move when you click, you can just click the laptop and hit the Enter key to do it all without a thought or movement of the mouse. Once you get the hang of it, it greatly speeds up the process. I can generally do a full set of scans (game, front of box, back of box, and manual) within a couple minutes.

Posted on by (singlebanana)
Posted under submissions, Pain Yourself, contest, 2017, July

[img width=700 height=467]http://i.imgur.com/2EOgvsH.jpg[/img]

Our yearly Pain Yourself With Submissions Contest kicks off tomorrow!  To enter, from July 1st until July 31st, you make as many submissions as you can. Our database staff will review the absurd amount of submissions, and at the end of it all, one of you gets an awesome prize package, which includes your choice of $60 worth of gaming goodness. Essentially, you win a shopping spree (not to exceed $60 and items have to be game related) on GameGavel, eBay, or Amazon, and we pick up the tab. Of course, you'll also be the coolest kid in town as you strut around in your new, official RF Generation Ringer T-shirt.  For official submission types and points and rules breakdown, see below. Best of luck to everyone!

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