RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Jan 2nd 2025 at 07:53:50 PM by (slackur)
Posted under Status Update

First, sorry about the long pause since last time; there were issues getting the front page to update.  The great news is, we now have some new tech leads working in the background to move forward!  The good news is that we also have a new team intending to keep the db updated and improved, and other folks to push new content and keep the site fresh. 

The bad news is... oh boy, do we have our work cut out for us.  Almost everything here needs some severe work or outright replacement.  Think about those home improvement shows that need a complete demo before the real work can begin, and you're halfway there.

This is actually a great opportunity.  We are not starting at the ground level (obviously keeping the db and rebuilding the forums) but we are having to rework at such a foundational level that now is the time for us to refashion the way the site works, focus on the content we want to develop, and gather input on the point and purpose of RFGeneration. 

Please give us some comments and thoughts here so we can start the general conversation and start nailing down specifics.  Also, our Discord server has been invaluable during this difficult time, so feel free to pop over there as well.

And Happy New Year!

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