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Posted on Aug 12th 2018 at 12:00:00 PM by (Pam)
Posted under video, NES, StarTropics

The original StarTropics is a game I have a long history with. I got it as a gift for my first communion when I was 8 or 9-years old and it quickly became a favorite. I'd spend full days playing it. It's a Zelda clone, but I never played Zelda as a kid, so I didn't find that out until much later. In 1994, a sequel came out - Zoda's Revenge. Releasing so late in the NES lifecycle, it's a game many missed, myself included. In July, I finally sat down to play through it. While it looks remarkably similar, some updates to the gameplay have been made. Here are my thoughts on the game and whether it lives up to the original.

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