RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Aug 10th 2014 at 06:06:20 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under blog, front page, staff, announcement, address, state, new

[img width=700 height=379]http://www.steveboehlke.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/podium9.png[/img]

Dear Distinguished and Not-so Distinguished Members,

Recently, some of you (especially our older members) may have noticed a change to our home page. What once was a page filled primarily with announcements of podcasts and playthroughs, has been revamped with continually revolving feature stories of game reviews and video game related articles. Only a few days prior to the Metal Jesus video and Kotaku article releases that drove many members to our site, I spoke with Shadow Kisuragi about how I felt that the site was lacking in releasing quality gaming articles for our front page. Of course, Shadow (as he always is) was very receptive to my concern and agreed that we should do something to liven up the primary portal to our site. Little did I know, I would be asked to lead this charge....okay, so maybe I kind of knew.

Continue reading 2014 State of the Blog Address

Posted on Jul 4th 2012 at 08:19:56 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Site News, Staff, New Staff, Sirgin, Aeroc

I hope you're all having a good Fourth of July (and for those of you that aren't American, Happy Wednesday). If you haven't noticed, we have two brand new DB Contributors, both of these gentlemen have been members here at the site for years and have made thousands of contributions between them over the years.
Because of their dedication, they've been brought onto staff to make it even easier for them to contribute and thus to help flesh out the databases even more.
So congratulations to Aeroc and Sirgin for making it to staff and thanks for your past (and future) contributions!

Posted on Jul 25th 2010 at 05:33:42 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Site News, Staff, New Staff, Shadow Kisuragi, noiseredux, Slackur

At RF Generation, we're always growing, whether its new members or new games, some part of this community is always growing. Today, I'm announcing the growth of our staff here at RF Generation. Three members are joining the staff, one is joining the ranks of the DB staff and two are joining the Bloggers.

Joining the DB staff as a DB Contributor is Shadow Kisuragi. Shadow has been a member since June 2009, but only became active in submitting this February, but in that time, he has made over 700 submissions. 

Joining the bloggers as Blog Writers, are noiseredux and slackur. Noiseredux is the one responsible for all those Game Boy articles you've been reading and loving these past few months. So look forward to those, and maybe even some new things in the future!
If the name "slackur" sounds familiar to you, its because he's that guy you're jealous of because he has a bigger collection than you. That's right, he has the largest collection of anyone listed on RF Generation, but not only does he have a lot of games, he writes about them quite nicely. So look forward to his unique style of writing about all kinds of topics in the future.

So take the time to congratulate these members, they've worked hard to achieve these positions, and they deserve all the thanks they can get.

But wait, there's more! Long time Blog Writer, Crabmaster2000, was also upgraded to Blog Contributor due to his hard work and continued dedication.

Now, if you think you have what it takes to join the staff here at RFG, we're always looking for more staff members. If you'd like to considered for the next round of hiring, send me a PM, or do what these people did and make it obvious that you should be on staff by submitting every chance you get or blogging about your gaming or collecting life like there is no tomorrow.

Posted on Jan 5th 2010 at 04:00:00 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under RFG Thanks, Submissions, Thanks

December has generally been one of the slowest months of the year for submissions, but that certainly was not the case for December 2009. There was an astounding 3,723 submissions in December, 1,254 of those were image submissions, there were 802 image and hardware additions, and 1,346 page edits.

The top ten submitters of the month were also those that had 100 or more submissions, and were: Paully3433, ga5ket, Link41, ApolloBoy, logical123, Madir, bickman2k, Spoon, NES_Rules, and Malingo. Those ten members submitted an amazing 84% of the total submissions, a huge 'thank you' goes out to all of them. But I'd also like to thank those of you that submitted the other 16%, because every submission, no matter how small, helps make our database better.

The top five staff reviewers of all those submissions were: NES_Rules, ApolloBoy, Madir, ga5ket, and bum_man. Without these guys approving your submissions, they would just sit in queue forever, so we should all be very thankful for them.

Now that 2009 is over, its time to thank everyone that has helped RF Generation throughout the year. The top ten submitters of 2009 were: ga5ket, y2richie, ApolloBoy, Funk_Buddy, Madir, NES_Rules, Izret101, Pop Culture Portal, audiman83, and Paully3433. Of those ten, eight had over a thousand submissions, a truly impressive feat. These ten members submitted a total of 68% of all submissions made in 2009. These people are clearly dedicated to keeping RF Generation as THE Classic and Modern Video Game Database.

The top five staff reviewers for 2009 were NES_Rules, ga5ket, ApolloBoy, Tan, and Madir. together they approved almost 15,000 submissions throughout the year. My hat goes off to all you for that feat as well.

For 2009, we had 211 different member submit at least one thing over the course of the year. Together, those members submitted a total 34,883 submissions, of those 17,056 were image submissions, 9,812 were page edits and 5,025 were game/hardware title additions.
With those combined with previous years, puts our database at around 48,000 game titles, 3,500 hardware titles, 52,000 scans, and 28,000 screenshots.

Truly, 2009 was an outstanding year for submissions, but 2010 can be an even better year, and I have a feeling that it will be. But it won't without the help of everyone, so contribute anything you can this year, scans your games and then your friends' games, fill in missing information, whatever you can to help the database grow.

Posted on Jan 3rd 2010 at 06:57:18 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Site News, Database, Staff

2009 was another great year for RF Generation, we saw many new members discover our little slice of the internet, thousands of additions to our database and hundreds of new blog posts containing everything from members' collection updates to dozens of game reviews to systems reviews to historical background and information. But enough of last year, out with the old and in with the new. 2010 is sure to be another great year for RF Generation, and that great year is starting out with some new staff members.
Those new staff members are Logical123 and Paully3433, and they are the newest DB Contributors. Along with these two individuals joining the staff, there was was also the promotion of Izret101 from DB Contributor to DB Reviewer.

Also coming up this year will be a slight change to the PlayStation section of the database. That change will be the addition of all known variations that we don't currently have. These will include the different types of "long box" variants and rereleases. Check back often for updates on the progress being made there.

Here are some goals for the database that I would like us to meet this year, some will be easy, others are going to be more challenging:

  • 50,000 total games

  • 4,000 total hardware entries

  • 60,000 scans

  • 30,000 screenshots

These are not the only things in store for RF Generation in 2010, so be sure to keep it tuned right here to Channel 4 for all the latest and greatest.

Posted on Oct 21st 2009 at 03:39:40 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Site News, Staff, New Staff, Blogs, Blog Writer, Crabmaster2000

As a Director of this fine site, I'd like to welcome the newest addition to the RFGen staff, Crabmaster2000! He will be joining the ranks of the RFG staff as a Blog Writer, which means he'll be gracing the front page of RFGeneration more often. He will be writing about the 'Unloved' games that most of us pass by as well as giving a description of the current month's "Off The Shelf" game, which was also a creation of his.

So, fellow members, take the time to congratulate Crabmaster2000, he certainly deserves it! And remember to keep it on Channel 4 to read his and all the wonderful blog posts on THE Classic and Modern Video Games Database!

Posted on Dec 13th 2007 at 04:10:23 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Promotions, Staff, Congratulations

A big round of Congratulations goes out to two of our staff members. Starting today, Ben Wilkinson (Oatbob) is now the permanent hardware editor. Ben has shown enthusiasm and determination that makes him more than worthy of being the new hardware editor. Previously, Ben has been working as the hardware editor on an interim basis. We are certainly very excited about Ben's promotion, and we can't wait to see what great things are in store for the future of the hardware database. It should be an excellent time.

In addition to Ben's promotion, we have another promotion to celebrate. Keith Brown (Tan) has shown time in and time out what it means to be an RFG staff member and editor. Currently, he sits on top of the submission roost, and has been instrumental in getting some of our policies and guidelines to a published form. Certainly, Keith is a model staff member and we couldn't be happier to have him on staff. Recently, it has determined that a fourth director of the site would be beneficial for our growth. This new director would be primarily responsible for maintaining standards and policies in addition to other, mundane tasks that the directorship partakes in. I am pleased to announce that as of tonight Keith is now the Standards Director. Keith brings a skill set and desire to this position that makes us wholly confident in our promotion.

A big round of congrats goes out to both Ben and Keith. With their help and vision, there will always be something new when you keep it tuned to channel three.

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