Join RFGeneration Community Playthrough hosts, Rich (singlebanana), Jamie (techwizard), Floyd (Fleach), and Shawn (GrayGhost81) as we discuss October's spooky retro and modern playthroughs. In this episode, singlebanana, Grayghost81, and techwizard discuss arguably the greatest platformer (and possibly greatest game) ever released on the PSX, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. On the modern side, join Grayghost81, Fleach, and special guest, Disposed Hero, as they discuss the horrifying and complex narrative of the XBox360 and PC title, Alan Wake. Enjoy!
Episode 7 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...x.php?topic=14721.new#new
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Continue reading Episode 7 - RFGeneration Community Playthrough Wrap-Up
[img width=600 height=579]http://i1340.photobucket.com/albums/o736/Fleach/alanwakesotn_zps998eac26.jpg[/img] The RFGeneration Playthrough Group compels you to join us in playing a few "spooky" titles for the month of October. On the retro side, singlebanana will be hosting Castlevania: Symphony of the Night arguably one of the best Castlevania titles ever developed in this classic series (available on the PSX, XLA, & PSN). On the modern side, join Fleach as he hosts the renowned, episodic, psychological action thriller, Alan Wake on the XBox 360 and PC.
Continue reading October 2014 Community Playthroughs
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. Oh, and keep it on channel three