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Posted on Dec 11th 2015 at 01:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under playthrough, January, 2016, SMB3, Mario, Super Mario World

[img width=700 height=393]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/Playthroughs/Mario.png_zpswsknjbwx.jpeg[/img]

It's hard to believe that another year of awesome retro and modern playthroughs are in the books. Myself, Grayghost81, Fleach, and Disposed Hero would like to thank all of you who participated in the playthroughs this year for your time, effort, and wonderful comments in the threads.  In 2016, we hope to increase participation for our playthroughs and offer the community many more exciting games to play along with us.  If you have listened to the newest episode of the RF Generation Playcast, you already know about the upcoming changes to the playthroughs. However, for those of you who have not, we'd like to take this time to let you know about the new direction in which we are headed.

This upcoming year, we plan to do away with the retro and modern playthroughs and instead focus on one playthrough a month.  This decision was made because (1) we felt like members were having to choose between the two games each month and it was spreading participation very thin, and (2) the four of us really missed playing games together and talking about them on the podcast.  We think that this change will bring a better product to the community by increasing dialogue about these games in our thread, and make for a more enjoyable, in-depth, and shorter listen for our podcast followers.  Going forward, we will also only announce one game at a time at the beginning of each prior month, instead of three games in advance. This should give members plenty of time to locate games if needed, prevent them from forgetting about upcoming playthroughs over time, and provide something for participants to look forward to each month.  We are looking forward to these changes and we hope that all of you will continue to be a big part of it. 

Now............what you're all here to read about, the January game announcement!

In January, we want to start things off BIG by playing two "blockbuster" games from a very familiar series. Next months playthrough includes what many consider the best and most iconic game on the Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Mario Bros. 3.  We will also be playing the follow-up game in the series, Super Mario World on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System; this title is hands down, one of the Top 10 games released on the SNES and at the time, was successful in transitioning the series onto the modern system. Which game do you like better?  Which one will we like better?  Will time and nostalgia prevail, or will this playthrough open our minds to other possibilities?  Join us as we foil the plans of and take down the sinister King Bowser, and rescue the beloved Princess Peach in these Super Mario classics!!

Super Mario Discussion Thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=16136.0

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