Well, RF Generation doesn't really actively advertise. We like the close knit community we have here, and the passive advertising strategy we employ does well to keep the community close knit. That said, some of you might want to be a part of the "passive" advertising. Some of you might even like to gloat about the fact that you are a member of RF Generation. I know I sure love the site, but then as its Site Director I damn well better. Anyways, RF Generation now has a facebook page. You can find it here, maybe. If that link does not work try searching for it, it should show up. Want to show your love for the site, and you have a facebook account? Why not make yourself a fan of RF Generation? All the cool kids are doing it!
Hoping on the bandwagon here...
Anyway, my name is Ben and I am a proud staff member on one of the best video game sites on the Web. My job on the staff is as Hardware Contributor, although I spend as much time on the games database as I do the hardware database. My main specialties are pre-SNES systems and Japanese systems. I am specifically interested in the Atari 7800, NES/Famicom, Sega Master System and the TurboGrafx-16/PC Engine. I joined the site on August 20, 2004, and became a staff member on July 7, 2007. In between that time I was essentially inactive on the site, but then I noticed how incomplete the database was and I decided to something about it. Not long afterwards, I applied for a position on the staff and got my current position as Hardware Contributor.
I am currently a college student in my second year and I plan to major in history. I'm currently trying to wrap my GE (general education) courses before I begin working on my major, and afterwards I might transfer to SJSU to get my BS. I am currently unemployed, and I haven't had luck finding a job yet. Aside from playing video games and going to college, I am a huge music fan and I also enjoy the occasional anime.
I've been collecting for about as long as I can remember, starting back when I was about 7 years old. During that time, I discovered the wonders of Funcoland and started collecting for the NES and Game Boy. A few years later, I began collecting for the Sega Master System and Genesis, and by 2003 I was into the Atari 2600. Just recently I've been into collecting for import systems, mainly the Famicom, Sega Mark III and PC Engine.
Learn more about me, after the jump if you want...
Continue reading Get to Know a Staff Member: ApolloBoy
Well, Dave did the first one, so I guess I'll do one too.
My name is Mike, I believe I am the newest Staff Member on this wonderful slice of Internet heaven. I joined the site on August 19, 2006 after I stumbled onto it through a series of recommendations. I immediately started loving scanning images and eventually started to enjoy filling in missing info. I knew I wanted to become a permanent part of this site right away. Earlier this year, I started a little blog called the Treasure Hunt Chronicles, mainly as just a way to keep track of when I bought stuff and the circumstances I bought them. It turned out to be very successful and I was asked to join the staff on July 22, 2008 at 1:09 PM, by 6:30 that afternoon, one of my dreams had come true. I was to be a blog writer, something I had never, ever thought I would do.
Well, that's quite the history on me and RFG, but RFG isn't my entire life, just 90% of it.
I am going to school for Environmental Studies and am in my 3rd year. My dream job would be to get into Wildlife research or management, but really as long as I get to work outdoors, I will be content.
I also love to hunt, I shot my first deer within an hour of my very first time ever hunting. It was a smaller doe, but she went down quick and painless and that's what is important in my book. She was also damn tasty.
I guess you could call me a collector in general, as I don't just collect games. I think it must be genetic as my dad, his brother, his aunt, and my grandmother are all major pack rats. Some people think it is weird, but no one ever has a problem borrowing something from them. But, I try to only collect useful or potentially valuable items. I used to collect records, I've got a few hundred but I've quit buying them simply because I have no room for more. So, games have become my main focus.
Learn more about me, after the jump if you want...
Continue reading Get to Know a Staff Member: NES_Rules
I’ve seen this on another site, and I thought it could be fun. Basically, this little feature will be a “learn about the people behind RF Generation”, provided I can convince other staff members to do it. Basically, there are a bunch of standard questions, and if you want a question answered, ask it. Provided it isn’t perverse, I’ll answer it. Let me start off my introducing what I do here, and you can find out all you want to know about me after the jump.
Well, my name is David. I happen to be the Site Director of RF Generation. Coupled with the rest of the directorship, we are responsible for the well being of the site and its continued operation. I tend to deal with the big picture on things, and make sure that the site overall is always moving in the right direction. I try, I really do. In addition to being the Site Director, I do a lot of other things. I am also the PHP programmer, and I’ve coded every file that ends in .php that is not the forum. That makes me responsible for things like the submissions system, staff pages, and blogs, amongst many, many other things. I also like to write for the blog, when I have the time. Oh and yeah, I designed the current layout of the site. I registered here way back at the end of June in 2004, and look where I am now. If you told me back then that I’d be the Site Director, I would have laughed at you, but… it’s strange and sad how I ended up in the position I take here today.
Learn more about me, after the jump if you want...
Continue reading Get to Know a Staff Member: TraderJake
Our databases would be nothing without the submissions of our members. Thanks to the submissions of our members, we can say that RF Generation is THE Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.
August saw lots of submissions - 2962, to be exact. Lots of people helped to make us have 2962 new submissions, and this month, Funk_Buddy kicked ass and took names with 840 submissions! Way to go! We really appreciate it! Rounding out the top 3 were Apolloboy and NES_Rules, and our top non-staff submitter was eaglebeak99! Of course, while these four people submitted a lot of data, they are not the only submitters, and we'd like to thank everyone who submitted, including the following people who made 50 or more submissions:
Funk_Buddy, ApolloBoy, NES_Rules, eaglebeak99, Tan, ga5ket, NayusDante, Sirgin, totalgridlock, Alabama-Shrimp, Darth Sidious, blcklblskt
Of course, for all the submissions, someone must review them all. This month, Tan was the excellent gentleman who reviewed your submissions the most. NES_Rules also helped out a lot. Thanks you two and everyone else on staff that helped with submissions!
From all of us at RF Generation, thanks for the awesome August! Here's hoping for an even better September! Thanks for the submissions, all!
So I was playing some games today (shock), when I started to think of great gaming innovations. Then I remembered that with all my other projects going on I forgot to make a blog post on RFG. So, here you go community:
10: Button Combos
[img width=400 height=300]http://xboxmedia.gamespy.com/xbox/image/article/533/533599/street-fighter-anniversary-collection-20040726054250599.jpg[/img]
I know what you are thinking. Button Combos!?! WTF? Alright, so it might not have been the first thing you would have thought of, but think about it for a second. Where would we be right now if you could not memorize a few combos and go kill your friend at Street Fighter? I will tell you where. We would be in a chaos of button smashers. If I wanted that, I would go play Smash Bros. (You ever wonder why it is called "Smash Bros?" There you go!)
9: Lvl Up!
Good job killing that slime there dude, you just reached Lvl 3. Have you ever set down and thought about how much this simple idea changed the gaming world? If not, then go play through Jade Empire (or any BioWare game for that matter). Lvling up is not only addictive, but lets you control the outcome of your wizard or knight or whatever. Besides, without it I could not cast Fira.
8: Achievements
You know who you are. You are the one who played Gears for hours just so you can get that achievement. You sir have a problem, as do the rest of us who play XBL. People will play games they don't even like just to get a few more achievements on their Gamer Tag. It's like crack, McDonalds and WoW all in one. Run, coward!!!!!!!!
7: Unlockables
So how many of you that played Pitfall! on the 2600 thought that you would be unlocking characters in Ultimate Fighters Megamix? Without unlockables, the fighter fans out there would be stuck playing Ivy over and over and over (which is not a bad thing).
6: Percentage
When I first got 100% on Crash Bandicoot 2, I almost died. Then I found out there was more to get. Getting 100% in games keeps people playing and gives them something to brag about to their friends. Now go and get over 200% on Castlevania.
5: Character Creation
[img width=400 height=300]http://shoinan.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/wow-guide-3.jpg[/img]
People love to customize. If you can create someone in a game that looks like you, or just looks cool in your mind, then the game has just won over your heart to the story. When we have something we create, we look out for it. We want it to be the best, and that is what people like with character creation.
4: Dialog Tree
[img width=500 height=297]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3009/2607620905_b6d9fa4b22.jpg?v=0[/img]
This is one of my favorite things that people can put into the games that they make. It makes you feel like you are the character. The only games that I have seen this done to really well are games like Mass Effect, Jade Empire, and KOTOR (all from BioWare I might add. Are you getting sick of the love for them yet? Because I can move on to Capcom or Valve).
3: Cheats
We have all cheated on games in one point of our lives. If you have put in a code or read some info to get you ahead in a game, then you are a cheater. Now, while I don't like to cheat in games on my first play through (It takes the fun right out of it), I do like game cheats and think they need to be on this list.
2: Online
[img width=400 height=298]http://rcc.bgsu.edu/wiki/images/b/b7/8_xbox_live_menu.jpg[/img]
We humans spend most of our time online now days. We read, learn to cook, mail, shop, etc. So why not game? Why not show off your skills on GH? Or beat someone down with a sword in Halo? Online has brought gamers from around the world to join up or smack talk their way to the top.
1: Saving
Remember the good old days? When you could not save your progress on Mario? Had to enter a password on Mega Man? While those were the good old days, passwords and no save options were not. Saving has made gaming amazing. Now you can save right where you left off, and it makes games like Morrowind possible.
Hey there. If you're here, you're likely either a gamer or collector, but some of you might actually have other interests, and enjoy doing other things as well. I know that I sure do. One of the fun things that we do around here is about this time every year we have a fantasy football league. It's a good time, and we all have fun doing it. The question is... why aren't you doing it? You too could join in all the fun and potential smack talk just like the rest of us. It's really a good time, and we hope to see you there.
We're aware of some things being out of whack. We're looking into it, and hope to have it resolved. Stay Tuned.
Edit: We're back... again. Somethings happened, and our host is getting to the bottom of why it happened so that it doesn't happen again. You might notice intermittent slowness, and somethings might be temporarily disabled, but for now, we're back... again.
On behalf of everyone at RF Generation, I'd like to welcome Marriott_guy to the realm of being an editor of RF Generation. Marriott_guy has really shown what it means to be a dedicated staff member, and deserves the new revived position more than anyone else. Passionate about the well being of our database and its standards, we know that the promotion of Marriott_guy to the revived status of editor is a great move for the future of the site!
What does it mean to be an editor? Well, in simple terms, our editors will be caretakers of the database, ensuring that their little slice of the site moves forward in a positive way. Editors are expected to be leaders, and to motivate and inspire. We wholly believe that Marriott_guy will be able to do that just like the best of us. We should stress that the scope of the new editor classification is very different from the previous scope. If you are interested to learn the exact nitty gritty regarding what it takes to be an editor, those policies can be found here. We are incredibly confident that Terry will embody those policies, and help us refine them and make them better.
From all of us at RF Generation, congrats, Terry! We look forward to working with you in your new capacity.
Ed Note: Got to love logical's fervor. -TJ
So... Our great site rfgeneration.com has this really awesome thing called a chat room. And it's just that, AWESOME! I know that personally, I've had some great times in the chat room, and I can assure you all that others have too.
You got a question but don't want to wait for a reply to your post? Then you could go over to the chat and ask. you would get an answer. Bar none. At least, that's how it used to be...
The chat here at rfgeneration has become a ghost town, a miserable excuse for the BEST GAME SITE EVER! Malygris is almost always in there, and I frequently stop by. So do others. But if you're the only one in a chat room, don't you normally leave? Of course you do. It's down right boring.
That's why I am blogging to my fellow rfgen'ers, so that we can revive the chat, make it lively again. At least, I hope thats what everyone gets out of this... 
The chat is awesome, and I don't like seeing it go to waste. So, hop on over to the rfgeneration chat room, and get CHATTING! 
RF Generation would be nothing without submitters adding stuff to our database. It is you guys that keep the site and its database growing for people to enjoy.
Last month, RF Generation saw 3155 new database submissions. Of those, 3071 were for the game database, and as I mention that I think you can hear the hardware database crying. Why not submit stuff for that database too? Its entries need more friends! Additionally, July saw 888 new images added to the site, which brings that total up to a lot. Did you know we have over 61000 images? We sure do, and that number grows every month.
Last month saw our staff truly kick ass and take names. Apolloboy ran away with "Most Submissions in July", with 485 submissions. Tan, Fuyukaze, Funk_Buddy, and NES_Rules were the next highest submitters, which shows our staff's commitment to bettering our database. But... it's not just staff bettering our databases, our members do as well. logical123 was our top non-staff submitter, with 229 submissions, followed by James, happyfish, and Pop Culture Portal. (Good to see you around, PCP!) Of course, many more of you submitted stuff, and I'd like to thank those of you who made more than 50 submissions:
Apolloboy, Tan, Fuyukaze, Funk_Buddy, NES_Rules, logical123, James, happyfish, Pop Culture Portal, Darth Sidious, eaglebeak99, Tondog, totalgridlock/
Thank you guys and everyone else who made submissions last month!
Also, I'd like to thank the staff members for approving your submissions, without their approvals all your submissions would just sit in a queue for eternity. Tan, Fuyukaze, and Marriott_guy have done an excellent job approving your submissions, as have many other staff members. Thanks everyone, and keep up the great work!
How many submissions will August bring? Let's hope for lots, and we'll find out in a month!
On behalf of everyone at RF Generation, I'd like to welcome NES_Rules to the RF Generation team. He shall be joining us as a blog writer, specifically focusing on collecting. NES_Rules has been an active member of our community for a very long time, and when he is not working for the Mahoning County Engineer lives on this website, besting me by a whopping 6 days of online time. Certainly, we're really excited to have him on our team.
NES_Rules is a model community member for RF Generation, and we welcome him on board with open arms. What articles will he write? What collecting finds will he get? How many more days of online time will he best me by? Find out soon!
[img align=right]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/U-087/bf/U-087-S-05460-A.jpg&sizex=250[/img]June has passed, and with the passing of June comes a month in recent history where RF Generation had 100% uptime! Hooray! But that is not what I'm here to talk about! I am here to commend you wonderful people for your submissions. You see, submissions keep our database growing, and without submissions RF Generation would just be a stagnant games database. Instead, we're able to hold on to our slogan for yet another day.
So, how many submissions were made you ask? The answer is a lot. 4321 submissions, to be exact. Of the submissions for June, here are some quick stats:
- 4321 Total Submissions
- 4029 Games Database Submissions
- 292 Hardware Submissions
- 1467 New Images
- 2246 Page Edits
Certainly, that's a lot of submissions, and a lot of new images! Did you know RF Generation broke the 60000 image mark in June? It's true, and it couldn't have been done without you guys.
So, who made the most submissions? Well, it was a close race, but in the end, it was Tan with the most submissions! He certainly does that a lot, and well, he does it because he loves RF Generation. He loves it so much that he's the Standards Director. You know who else loves RF Generation? NES_Rules, that's who. Not only did he have 615 submissions last month, but he currently holds the coveted "I live here" award, for spending the most time online at RF Generation, besting me by 5 days of online time. Of course, these aren't the only people who love RF Generation, and lots of people showed their love by making submissions this month. Of those, I'd like to thank those who made 50 or more submissions:
Tan, NES_Rules, Voykous, Rajaat the Warbringer, Funk_Buddy, ApolloBoy, Fuyukaze, Marriott_guy, Darth Sidious, y2ritchie, Cobra, pdrydia, eaglebeak99.
Thanks to them an all those who also made submissions this month!
Similarly, we have a wonderful group of staff members that approve your submissions. Last month, marriott_guy kicked ass and took names in approving submissions, with 815 approvals. Of course, there were plenty of other staff members approving your submissions such as these fine folks who make 50 or more approvals:
Marriott_guy, Fuyukaze, s1lence, Tan, TraderJake, bum-man, ApolloBoy, Funk_Buddy, OatBob.
Excellent work on those approvals!
Certainly, June was a great month for submissions and approvals. Let's hope July continues this trend! Together, we can make that happen!
Are you a social type? Could you have fun and pretend you're the social type? Do you have an interest in periodically supporting a zombie meme? Would you like to chat with fellow RF Generation members?
Well, if the answer is yes, why don't you consider joining us in chat. All you got to do is click one of the many "Join Chat" Buttons strewn throughout the site (such as the one found beyond the above link), and you're well on your way. We have a lovely new web-based client as well!
Chat is fun! We're fun! Won't you join us in our lovely little chat? We're waiting for your presence!
As many of you probably know, RF Generation was down for much of April and May, as we experienced growing pains. We thought we'd be okay, but we were slammed by the traffic monster and we had to move from a shared host all the way to a dedicated host. As you probably can figure, we here at RF Generation have been made aware of the fact that some people worry that we might just get up and never return, and we'd like to clear some things up.
Some people worry still that RF Generation is going to pack up and leave in the not too distant future. It saddens me that our recent downtime has caused this fear to arise. We tried very hard to communicate through our emergency blog what was happening with the site. Unfortunately, we were under the impression that we'd be on the dedicated server much sooner than we eventually were. As such, rfgeneration.com for a while pointed to nothing instead of the emergency blog or the real site. We're certainly sorry about that, but I can tell you that we've now gone over four weeks without going down, and I can say that I, along with probably the rest of you, are extremely happy with the fact that we're on this wonderful dedicated host. It's not cheap, but this dedicated server ensures that RF Generation will be around for the long haul.
RF Generation would never just get up and disappear. Too many people have put so much into this site for it just to go away. It would be too great of a disservice to the people who have put their heart into this website. RF Generation is truly the community's website, and no one has the right to take it away from you guys. We'll do everything we can to keep running for years and years to come, and right now with the new server we're confident that we'll be around for a long time.
We need your help, please let those who think we've gone and kicked the bucket know otherwise. Let the world know that we're not dead, and we're back and better than ever. A lot of exciting new things are cooking right now. It's definitely a time to be excited. Share that excitement! Let's make RF Generation THE Classic and Modern Gaming Databases. As a community, we'll be sure that everyone keeps it tuned to channel three.
David Murnan Site Director, RF Generation