March. It's the month after February, and see, it's another one of these months of the year. And with each passing year comes new submissions for the site. Last month saw 2894 new submissions for the site, of which the games database saw 2818 new submissions. You know, I think you can hear the hardware database crying in the distance because it's being neglected. Won't you do something about that? Ah, I kid, I kid. Sure, submit more stuff for the hardware database, but over 2800 submissions is no small feat, and I am ever appreciative for that. Also, we added 466 new images to our databases last month. That's nice, isn't it?
So, who kicked ass, took names, and reigned as the top submitter last month? Why, it was our prodigal son, Izret101! I guess being away from staff duties for a long time made him really want to make 836 submissions last month. Although, he could just be driven. Who knows. Of course, ApolloBoy, Madir and Pop Culture Portal weren't really slacking either. They were the next highest submitters, and kudos goes to them. Of course, we want to recognize everyone who made submissions last month, and give kudos to those of you that made more than 50 submissions last month:
Izret101, ApolloBoy, Madir, Pop Culture Portal, ga5ket, Tan, audioman83, Funk_Buddy, Zenki.
Thanks goes to them and everyone else who made submissions last month!
In addition, many of these submissions need to be approved by staff members. Last month, NES_Rules was our top approver, with a whopping 390 approvals. Of course, many other staff members approved your submissions, and thanks goes to all of them, especially those who made more than 50 submissions:
NES_Rules, ga5ket, ApolloBoy, Tan
I really appreciate all of you who have reviewed the submissions and made the submissions. It is YOU guys that make our site grow. I just provide the scripts that allow you to do it. From all of us at RF Generation, Thanks!
You know, the Church of RF Generation was fantastic. It might have been a little late, but late to the party is better than no party at all. I'd like to give Den props for the idea, images, and color palette. It truly was fun.
As many of you know, we started our server move Sunday Night. It didn't exactly go to plan. Something bad happened which kept us from coming back in time. In that emptiness, I hope you found something to keep yourself occupied. If you didn't, rest assured that we are back and on a new, faster, better server. It's nice. Also, we have a better control panel and we we're saving six dollars a month. Hooray to that.
I hope you enjoyed our April Fools joke. It was fun. If you're new here, April Fools is a High Holy Day for RF Generation, and we go all out. Additionally, we do not take suggestions for April Fools, so don't even try. I'll ignore any message regarding it. Might even block you. We take pleasure in knowing that only a certain few people know the gag, and it's generally a surprise. From Composite Generation, to Pretty Generation to Toddler Generation to Geriatric Generation to the most recent Church of RF Generation... we love April Fools. Until next year!
My children rejoice, the time of ascension is at hand. 2008 was a horrible year for us, and we were penalized badly with massive downtime in the months of April and May. This downtime lead us to search for the reason why we were down for almost two months. We searched far and wide through our logs and files, but we simply couldn't find any reason as to why we were down. It was frustrating, until we decided to reflect on our own actions. It was there, that we saw the error of our ways.
We thought long and hard about this change, and we thought hard for a reason. See, we people at RF Generation were heavens, our lax nature and our lackadaisical manner had struck the ire of the Gods. We had initially decided against doing something drastic, but this decision struck the ire of the Gods, as just noticed. It was so obvious, looking back, that we were horrible, horrible people. We were so busy trying to please our members that we simply forgot about the Gods, and they simply didn't appreciate that. In their vengeful wrath, they sent our site into limbo for two painful months. The wrath was swift, it was painful, and looking back, we understand their ire. In that respect, we repent.
Today is the culmination of ten months of reflection and identity seeking. We all truly were sinners to our Gods, and we are truly sorry to have displeased them. We wish, and will make amends to our deities. The RF Generation you know has been cleansed. Today, we begin the process of rolling out the product of our cleansing. Today, we launch our Church. We have for far too long ignored our deities. Today is the day we make things right.
The Church of RF Generation has been founded on the principles that our deities never be ignored. Who are our deities? They are the pillars that allow and foster our being as gamers and collectors. Our pantheon consists of many deities, but no deity reigns supreme. They are all equal, although everyone of us might hold one closer to our hearts. I know I personally pay special homage to Yevon. Perhaps you worship one of the holy grails of game collecting, Nintendo World Championships. Some our members find this deity to be most benevolent and at the same time most elusive.
The truth is that we all pay special homage to our deities that make video games what it is for all of us. We will never forget these deities. Our church will be a constant reminder and source of piety for our gaming deities. We love them, and always will follow them.
Join us in the Church of RF Generation. Find the deity that best suits you. Enjoy your games and collecting, but never forget of those deities that afforded you the amazing hobbies you have today.
-David Murnan Supreme Chancellor, The Church of RF Generation
This is just a notice to let you know that we begin the process of moving to a new server tonight at 10PM Eastern. I haven't disabled anything yet, but chances are somethings might get disabled during the move. Things might be pushed into read only mode, I am not sure yet, but I just want to give you kids the heads up before some kids start freaking out.
Our host has offered to upgrade our server for free. Better yet, the new server will be 10 dollars cheaper a month. Needless to say, we're moving servers. Image Submissions are disabled until we finish the move, which hopefully will be wrapped up by the end of Tuesday. Other things should remain online since the mySQL tables are pretty portable. We'll keep you posted to the changes, and if anything should go awry, our emergency blog will have the information you're probably going to be looking for. We don't anticipate any significant downtime, but it's always good to be prepared.
Thanks for supporting us, and we hope to see you on the flip side of the server move.
| Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A I glance up at the two ready-for-action commandos displayed on the title screen, hoping for some type of manly 'grunt' of acknowledgement for my efforts - I am awarded with nothing but silence. With apprehension I take a quick look down at the crumpled code page from Electronic Gamer straddling my lap. "Try pressing the 'Start' button after the code like we told you" the text lectured back to me. OK, point made. I proceed as directed and again wait patiently for what seemed to be an eternity (in reality it was about three seconds) for the magic to now happen. Yahtzee!! I see my freedom fighter start off on level 1 with 30 lives instead of the rather measly, standard allotment of 3! Time to go dole out some pain and punishment to the heathens!!! |  | I can still vividly remember the extreme rush I felt when activating that legendary Konami cheat code while playing Contra on my Nintendo Entertainment System as described above. This article focuses on just that - extraordinary video gaming moments you will never forget. All gamers have experienced them, each being unique with different drivers.
As some of you may know, I am an old school gamer - literally. I had the pleasure of growing up during the advent of the video game console and have experienced first hand each new technological breakthrough in this arena. This doesn't make me an expert - far from it. It just means that I am old. The following are just a few of my more memorable gaming moments that I remember to this day as though it just happened yesterday evening. Some describe the pure excitement derived from solving an exceptionally difficult levelboss to simply being blown away by the technology. I chose 'adrenaline' moments for each era, listed chronologically. | 1975 - Atari PONG | A standard December gathering at my Uncle Glenn's home? Not! A steady stream from 'Aqualung' by Jethro Tull was the replacement for the more traditional, tranquil holiday offerings (much to my Grandmother Alice's dismay). The showstopper occurred when he fired up his newly acquired Atari PONG system. Though I was quite young, I remember being amazed by what I eventually saw on his 19" black and white television screen - PONG. The adults pretty much monopolized the gaming that evening, but my cousin Rob and I finally got our chance just before we had to leave. We basically stunk and it was a miracle when we could manage a total of three consecutive volleys. Still, it was pure joy and heaven for us.
| 1977 - Atari 2600 : Air-Sea Battle | My friend Steve (a.k.a. P-Man) was the first to have access to the new line of cartridge based systems - the Atari 2600. Drago (another neighborhood crony) and I were pumped about this and itching to play. Now Steve screwed up somehow on the home front very soon after this acquisition. He was not allowed to have any of us mates over at all for one entire month - plus the 2600 was off limits to him as well. Talk about cruel and unusual punishment! The day finally arrived when 'our' sentence was over and we could hunker down and experience this new technology. We were not disappointed. The graphics for us were astonishing and when the time counter started to blink in those last 16 seconds of the round - pure adrenaline!
| 1987 - Nintendo Entertainment System : Castlevania II Simon's Quest | This classic is either loved or hated by Castlevania fans. More of an RPG (role playing game) than the standard actionadventure fair the series is known for, tackling this game is not an easy task. One particularly frustrating section for me was being stuck in front of a death-inviting lake with no where to go. I starting chucking holy water and just about everything else I had in my sack into that cesspool to no avail. Trial and error button combinations were then deployed at this despised location. By a stroke of pure luck I finally issued the 'Kneel Down' command at the left hand side of this pool - a magical walkway under the raging current miraculously appeared! Thank the heavens for this since I was really getting sick of beating through those werewolves and goblins every time 'Day' turned into 'Night' (which seemed to happen every 4 minutes or so).
| 1992 - Nintendo Super Entertainment System : Super Star Wars | This game is extraordinarily difficult, to the point of being frustrating at times. One poorly timed jump and it was instant death for my Jedi hero. Thank goodness it contained one of the best Easter Eggs in the history of video games (in my humble opinion) - "The Cave of 99 Free Lukes". Following the directions as outlined in my Game Informer magazine, I bravely stepped off the specified cliff and furiously cranked on the Left directional button as my Padawan plummeted downward. At the last moment before it was 'goodbye Luke', I spotted the ledge to the secret cave entrance, barely making it to safe ground. I would not be disappointed. With proton blaster in hand, I unleashed the weapon's fury into the blank recesses of this grotto and 'Free Lukes' starting appearing everywhere!! To this very day that is one of the best rushes I have ever had.
| 1994 - Panasonic 3DO : Shock Wave | I admit it - I was the first in line at my local Electronics Boutique to buy this system for $699 upon its launch back in 1993. Not a good move, I know. But when I first fired up Shock Wave, I was completely blown away! Yes, FMV (Full Motion Video) had already been introduced in earlier systems, but the Panasonic 3DO did take it to the next level back in the day. The intro alone was impressive, making me feel like I was the star protagonist in an actual movie. When my star fighter absorbed its first 'neon-green proton' hit, my squad Commander promptly appeared in my HUD (Heads Up Display) and barked at me "This is not a game Lieutenant!!". At that point I was hooked. (Side note: Does anyone else think that Commander was kind of hot?)
| 1994 - Panasonic 3DO : Out of this World | Though I did not want to include two 3DO games in this listing, I would be remiss if I did not include this experience in this article. From the moment the artistic polygon animations were displayed in the intro, I was roped in. In gaming sessions with my buddies Drago and Cola, we collectively beat through this game until we hit the wall. Our Lester, in a prone position, was presented in a domed room and was subjected to an almost instantaneously electrocution. Almost two hours later, despite all the running, blaster fire, throwing up force fields, etc. we were still getting fried in this room of pain. Cola's turn was up and we were prepared for more of the same, except Drago uttered two words in an almost inquisitive voice - "crawl backwards". Yessss!! Our Lester finally avoided the lethal charge and was gratefully free to exit from this living hell.
| 1996 - Sony Playstation : King's Field | I admit to being somewhat of a fanboy of this series, but this game truly rocks. The Playstation has been recently released in the US and King's Field was one of the first to exploit the true power of this fledgling console. Upon firing up this FP (First Person) RPG game I was greeted with dark, ominous music that appropriately set the tone for my upcoming adventure. After a so-so intro the screen fades from black to reveal the brooding island that I have been shipwrecked upon. I was amazed as I maneuvered my viewpoint to check out my local surroundings. This was one of my first experiences with FP technology (to this degree) and I have been a fan ever since. This was truly a treat for all of my senses, right up until the point where I took my first three steps and plunged to my death in the icy cold waters of Melanat.
| 2001 - Sony Playstation 2 : Grand Theft Auto III | Everyone knows this game so I won't spend any time prefacing this classic. Sure, I had run over old ladies with walkers in Road Rash and had my share fair of fun decapitating foes in Mortal Kombat, but this was nothing compared to the mayhem that awaited me in Grand Theft Auto III. Sniping innocent civilians was a blast, but what I remember most was being astonished by the size of the gaming arena known as Liberty City - it was HUGE and mine to exploreexploit as I saw fit. Thank goodness I enjoy this explorative aspect of video gaming since I frequently found myself completely lost in this sprawling city navigating my 'Stallion' without any real type of plan. (I do admit that my favorite part of this game is still taking off the limbs of pedestrians with my Sniper rifle.)
| 2006 - Microsoft Xbox 360 : The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion | From the very moment I was able to control my paladin in the dark dungeon recesses at the very onset of this game, pure ecstasy is the only way I can describe it. Though I rather prefer the surreal atmosphere of its predecessor (Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind) to the 'Sound of Music' environment now presented to me, I can't help but to find myself almost being able to smell the dandelions as I make my way through the foothills of Cyrodiil. Now this is what 'Next Gen' is all about!
| | The preceding blurbs depict just a few of my most prized gaming experiences and recollections. As stated earlier, the trigger to these can be almost anything - success with a cheat code, the thrill at dispelling a nasty Boss to even your combatant's demise during an online session of Halo. The drivers change from individual to individual. There is one commonalty though - let these gems keep on happening!
Let's hear about your standout moments in gaming! |
At RF Generation, we have a chat room. As for what goes on in the chat room, consider it like the Unrelated Thoughts thread, only 1000 times better. I'm serious, we know how to have fun. You'd think that a respectable person like your Site Director would not engage in such shenanigans, but pfft, I'll do what I damn well please. Why wouldn't I anyways, especially when there is awesome banter like this:
[21:03] Alfador: IT SEEMS LIKE ALL OF YOU WENT TO PRIVATE SCHOOL [21:03] Alfador: EXCEPT ME [21:03] Kimoosabi: THAT IS WHY WE ARE SMARTER THAN YOU [21:03] * logical123 liked Public School a lot [21:03] Alfador: I DOUBT IT [21:03] TraderJake: that's true. [21:03] Kimoosabi: WELL EXCEPT ROB [21:03] Alfador: I'LL CHALLENGE YOU TO A BRAIN-OFF [21:03] Kimoosabi: MAYBE WHEN HE IS DONE SCHOOL [21:03] TraderJake: i am much smarter than dustin [21:03] logical123: Agreed [21:03] Alfador: DAVE PROBABLY IS [21:03] Kimoosabi: I am pretty sure my sandwich is smarter than [NAME REDACTED] [21:03] Alfador: AND [NAME REDACTED] TOO I GUESS [21:03] TraderJake: CAPS LOCK [21:03] Alfador: 'CAUSE THEY WENT TO COLLEGE [21:03] logical123: wtf [21:03] logical123: why did it reflect my new pic? [21:03] logical123: NO [21:03] Alfador: I'LL REFLECT YOUR NEW PIC [21:04] logical123: NOOO [21:04] Kimoosabi: YES [21:04] Kimoosabi: YEEES
See, the chat is awesome. We have fun, and I'll protect the real names of people like Alfador and Kimoosabi because I care. Also, they both owe me a shrubbery. So, the question lies, won't you join us? JOIN US, WON'T YOU?
Click Here for our Chat Page
It is with great pleasure that I take this opportunity to welcome three new people to our DB Staff. These people have shown the drive and dedication that we've come to look for from our DB Staff, so we're elated to have them on board. Without further ado, here they are:
DB Reviewers ga5ket Madir
DB Contributor Pop Culture Portal
We're really excited to have these three individuals on board. It's certainly a treat to have them accept the positions that they have, and we look forward to their work. I know that we can trust them to do a great job continuing to keep the databases moving forward!
Wow, it's been a while. I am really sorry about that. You guys deserve more credit than when I feel like it. Hopefully we can get more consistent updates as to our database's grow from here on out.
Anyways, we've had quite a few submissions in the last two months, 4989 to be exact. 2167 new images. Damn! Who did all these submissions? Why, it's people like ga5ket, who is kicking ass and taking names as the top submitter so far of 2009! But, he's not making submissions alone, Pop_Culture_Portal, Funk_Buddy and Fuyukaze are right behind him in the hunt for top submitter. They're not alone though, and these people have also done their part to keep our site growing with 50 or more submissions in the last two months:
- ga5ket
- Pop Culture Portal
- Funk_Buddy
- Fuyukaze
- Tan
- ApolloBoy
- y2ritchie
- eaglebeak99
- Donkey Kong Kid
- Madir
- NES_Rules
- theGrue
- Sirgin
- Data
- Tynstar
- Cambot
- Zenki
- Moriya Hanzo
- Darth Sidious
- Rajaat the Warbringer
- sharp
Of course, when there are all these people making a whole hell of a lot of submissions, we need to have a dedicated group of staff members to review your submissions. Well, who's been doing that, you ask? Why, it's been mostly Tan and NES_Rules, our number one and two reviewers! Of course, Apolloboy, Fuyukaze, bum-man, and Funk_Buddy haven't been slacking around either each doing their part for more than 50 submissions in the last two months. Thanks goes to them for their hard work.
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you all for your submissions, even if you didn't make enough to get mentioned explicitly in our post, know that your submissions keep our site growing and strong. For that, we are truly thankful.
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[img width=300 height=290][/img] I was surfing the tube the other evening and happened across an episode of Madden Nation. Though not particularly foreign to me, I can't fully admit that I had ever sat through any given episode in this series for more than five consecutive minutes. Television offerings were extremely weak that night - Clean House Comes Clean did have its appeal, but ESPN ended up winning my viewing time. In hindsight, "Trish the Yard Sale Diva" and crew would have probably been a more entertaining choice (just for the pure eye candy). Madden Nation was more enlightening for me, and in a way I did not expect.
Being a huge Madden fan since back in the days of the Sega Genesis, I was a bit intrigued in seeing the new generation of footballers duke it out on TV in this latest rendition. I was thoroughly impressed by the skill and complex button combinations utilized to deftly guide their respective team across the digital gridiron. But as much as I was in awe of these adept performances, I was similarly disgusted with the amount of showboating, trash talk and other equally tasteless behavior exhibited by the majority of the participants. I am all about poking some fun as well as personally being the punch line, but these guys just had no class whatsoever. This was not so back in the day. For example...
As you probably know, I am an old school gamer and began my gaming 'career' back in the 70's. My buddy Dragas would shoot over little Marriott_Guys house to huddle around a 13" color television to play a game of Football on my parents newly acquired Texas Instruments TI-99 4A. Now this is as basic as you can get in a football game - a choice of 4 plays on offense and 4 for the defenders. Once your 'rock-paper-scissors' selection is made, you are basically at the mercy of the CPU. While on defense and Drago in a 3rd and 3 situation from his own 14 yard line, I locked into my "Goal Line Stand" formation. I stole a look at him, hoping to get some sort of read on his play selection. By the glint in his eyes I knew I was probably screwed. There are two dreaded words that no one wants to hear while in my current defensive alignment - I was pretty sure those were about to beat on my eardrums. My friend did not disappoint. He sucked in some air and in his best Froggie voice impression uttered those feared words - "The Bomb". All I could do is laugh and sit back and watch the beating unfold. A high-five would eventually come his way 22 seconds later once his football helmet sprite finally crossed into the end zone (this system was slow!). Gamesmanship was always a part of the equation for us and is until this day.
The players on this specific episode of Madden Nation really displayed nothing even close to sportsmanship. Maybe being in front of the camera drove their need to posture to their crew back home. Maybe these guys are asses in real life and slept through life's lesson in humility. Who knows. The over-the-top, ratings-driven antics by these clowns are undoubtedly condoned, possibly even orchestrated, by the ESPN producers of this show. Whatever the case, I would like to assume this is not a fair representation of today's gamer. Maybe I am wrong.
All I can say is this - if I didn't know why I had never before made it through an installment in this series, now I do. Those blowhards were not worth my time. Yes, shame on me choosing to watch it for that 30 minute interval. Shame on ESPN for showing the absolute worst behavior of gamers.
Trish, darlin', I'll see you next week.
On behalf of the Directorship, I'd like to formally congratulate three of our Staff Members in becoming DB Editors. These members have shown the initiative, drive and dedication necessary to be a leader on our site, and we are pleased that they have agreed to rise to the challenge of being an Editor. These three people are:
- Apolloboy
- Funk_Buddy
- NES_Rules
We're really excited to have them take on their new roles. As for what that role is, "Editors act as the leader of a section of the site, being the motivating force behind the growth of the site. Editors motivate, inspire, and lead. They ensure that their section is growing and successful. They also work to solve problems and establish goals for the growth of their section."
Congrats goes out to them! They deserve their positions, and we look forward to their work.
Wow, I didn't really expect the outpouring that we have received. On January 11 we posted a finance update, and since that time you guys have really came through with the donations. I'd like to thank the following people for their recent donations:
- Alfador
- BadEnoughDude
- cverz2
- Cobra
- eaglebeak99
- ga5ket
- Hedonism Bot
- Izret101
- kevincal
- Kimoosabi
- logical123
- Marriott_guy
- Mrs C
- NES_Rules
- Nik the Communist
- OatBob
- phoenix1967
- shoes123
On behalf of everyone at RF Generation, I thank you for your donations. It really helps keeps the site running the way its meant to be! Your donations keep this site going and ad free. The community is truly grateful for the donations that you all have made.
Of course, if you would like to still donate, we are always accepting donations. Any donations made will solely support the operation of the site, and we will always appreciate the donation. If you are interested in donating yourself this link has the info necessary for donating.
Again, from all of us at RF Generation, thank you for your donations. It truly has touched our hearts.
To a lot of you, today, February 1, is Super Bowl Sunday. For a lot of people at RF Generation, however, February 1 has a larger significance and poignancy, as we promised never to forget, and always remember a friend who has moved on to brighter pastures.
Three years ago today, Michael Collins, a friend to many, a founder of this site, and the original RF Generation webmaster, was tragically taken from this earth. Three years does not make the memories subside. The feelings felt, and the emotional response will always reside in the minds of many. Many of us knew Mike personally, and all of you know what he and the other founders created. Mike is truly missed by many, and we will never forget.
Today is a day where we remember a friend since past, and a friend that many of you never knew you had. Mike may be gone, but his spirit lives on through the memories we have of him and this site he helped create. RF Generation would not have existed without Mike's guiding hand, and this site truly was his baby. We are indebted to Mike for what he helped create.
Mike, we miss you, and while we miss you we know that your spirit lives on. We shall never, ever forget you.
See, we have this chat room on quakenet. It's a lovely chat, and if you dare you should really consider joining it. I mean, generally there is a level of absurdity that exists in our forum, but our chat takes that absurdity and trumps it in Spades. Don't believe me? Why not check out this discusison:
21:03] TraderShake: FAIL [21:03] TraderCake: TraderMonkey doesn't fit the formula [21:03] Traderflake: OH YOU BASTARD [21:03] TraderQuake: i'm original [21:03] *** Malygris is now known as TraderBake. [21:03] TraderSnake: lul [21:03] Thunderstruck: woohoo! [21:03] TraderBake: hey guys, wuzzup [21:03] TraderCake: a lot of shit rhymes with Jake [21:03] TraderSnake: I am updating the chat log [21:03] TraderQuake: Hello [21:04] TraderQuake: how? [21:04] TraderSnake: Cause I'm special [21:04] *** Sunfireman is now known as TraderFake. [21:04] *** TraderBob is now known as TraderNake. [21:04] TraderQuake: nothing ryhmes with Aaron [21:04] TraderSnake: Caron [21:04] Thunderstruck: Baron [21:04] TraderSnake: pwnd [21:04] TraderBake: Sharon [21:04] TraderShake: I will change TraderMonkey
Does that make sense to you? Sure as hell doesn't make sense to me, but that's okay because it really isn't meant to make sense. We're having fun, and chances are you'd be having fun if you were in the chat. So, why the heck aren't you in the chat? I mean the all the cool kids are doing it! JOIN US, WON'T YOU?
Click Here for our Chat Page
As many of you know and experienced last year, RF Generation went from a shared hosting solution to a dedicated solution over the course of two months. It certainly was a tumultuous two month period which rather cruelly began on April 1, which for those of you that are new is a high holy day at RF Generation. Needless to say, we've been on a dedicated solution since June and with such a solution comes significant costs.
In case you're wondering, RF Generation costs 90 dollars per month to operate currently. The site, as you may have noticed, does not currently have any ads on it, and well, we'd like to keep it that way. So, you might be wondering how this site is funded.
To say that RF Generation is nonprofit is a huge understatement. While the fact that RF Generation is a nonprofit site (after all, it's your site) is true, it's also true that RF Generation relies solely on donations to keep the site running. Sure, we have the store, but to get that revenue you need to have a certain number of sales and frankly we don't have that many sales to sustain the site or even cash out a check.
Every month that we do not receive enough donations to cover the cost of the site the remaining cost is split between two people, St0rmTK421 and myself. While the first few months had been okay for server costs, towards the end of 2008 our donations were rather few, and we found that more often than not the two of us were footing most of the bill for the site.
So, why am I writing this? Well, I just want to let you guys know how revenue generation is going with the site. I also want to write this to make a personal plea to all of you to consider donating to keep the site running. Ninety dollars a month is not cheap, especially when one of the two people on the hook for the tab was smacked with a four day furlough, which while he appreciates the time off, hates the pay deduction. God bless America. So, please, please, consider donating. Every little bit helps. I mean, if the entire site donated a dollar we'd be good for about two years. That won't happen, but please, consider donating. RF Generation is great, we want to keep RF Generation ad free for as long as possible. Donations allow us to do that. While I can't guarantee any snazzy features for donating right now we would be forever grateful and you might get to see somethings in advance of their release, but then no guarantees there. Donating is a noble cause that keeps the community's site going. Please, consider donating.