I don't want to title this week, but if I had to, I guess it'd be....Sonic Week! Why? Well, while at home, watching TV, I would always see these wonderful commercials for the fast food chain Sonic. Well, they have these drinks that combine ice cream and flavored slushie, and I have always wanted to try them since we don't have Sonic in our area. Well, my wife and I went on vacation last week to the south and decided that we had to find a Sonic. Heaven, pure Heaven. It definitely beats our crap in the North. Anyways, I digress.
Our featured game happens to be the odd cartridge, Sonic & Knuckles. Most people love the fact paced platforming hyjinks of our hedgehog friend. This is a great game for everyone to play. Heck, it's like a 4 in 1 cart if you own some of the other Sonic games. The featured image is the Japanese front box version of Sonic Advance 2. Our hardware is one of the great "unknown to most" systems, the Neo Geo Advanced Entertainment System (Japanese version). Last, but not least, our featured collection belongs to Fighter17. Fighter17 has one of the best collections on our site in my opinion. Nearly every one of his games are owned because he plays them. That is something us collectors do not do nearly enough of.
That's about it folks! So remember, keep it tuned to channel 3. Visit the forums! Visit our collection tools! And please, visit a Sonic!

After a long hiatus, the RFGeneration features are finally updated. My apologies about that. Kicking off this week we have a theme centered around a genre of games which seems to be unknown to the RFGeneration community. I am talking about the sports genre.
The featured game this time around is WWF Wrestlemania Challenge which I firmly believe is the wrestling counterpart to Tecmo Super Bowl. Our featured image is that of Ken Griffey Jr.'s Winning Run which at the time had some of the most gorgeous graphics. The featured hardware is the classic Sega Genesis controller which is one of the most comfortable controllers ever made. Finally, our featured collection is the collection of Rabusma, a user whom has multiple versions of many systems.
So there you have it. Hopefully with the addition of sports week RFGeneration can become a bit more diversified. As always, keep it tuned to Channel 3.
I'd like to apologize for the slowness seen on the site this weekend. I do not know if it was necessarily our fault, but I have made some steps to ensure that our load on the mySQL server is decreased. Hopefully these improvements will allow for the increased responsiveness of the mySQL server, and subsequently our site.
Sincerely, David Murnan Site Director, RF Generation.com
PS: See you in Chat tomorrow!

Here is something for you all that not even the staff knew about. Want to pimp your collection stats in an easy, banner sized image? Here you go! This image generates in real time your collection stats for the games database. To get your stats up here is the general link:
Your stats will show up when you replace USER with your forum username. It may also be advantageous to save this as a separate image, as the loading speed is at the mercy of the mySQL server.
After countless hours of programming and optimizations tonight RF Generation releases the submission system version 3.0, which you can find here. You may be wondering what this submission system allows you to do, well, here is the short list of new features:
- Ability to add Alternate Titles
- Ability to add Countries to a game, if it was not a region wide release
- Ability to add a game ratings and rating descriptors, such as for the ESRB
- Streamlined Media Formats
- More forgiving submission search scripts
- Ability to search by country in the advanced search
- Ability to see all the new features on the game and hardware pages
- Lots of backend improvements
We hope that these improvements and new features further solidify our place in the internet as one of the premier games databases and collection tools. I'd like to thank everyone on staff for helping to debug the scripts as well as the donors for unknowingly debugging the system as well. Hopefully their assistance will keep the occurrence of bugs to a minimum, however, if bugs do pop up please let me know, so I can quash them as quickly as possible.
From all of us at RF Generation, thank you for keeping it tuned to channel three, and we hope that you continue to keep it tuned in for years to come.

This week's theme is about the Earth! Why? No idea, but there are a lot of games made with Earth in the title. More than all the other planet's combined actually! Go ahead, check; I dare ya!
Anyways, the featured game is Earthbound. Some gamers consider this the best RPG of all time, mostly due to the story line, gameplay, and flow. It's not graphically superior to most games of it's time, but it just works.
The featured image is from Earth Attack from the Atari 2600. Atari gets no love, so it's nice to feature it here and there. It's a very peculiar game with some incredible artwork on the cartridge. Check it out!
Our hardware feature is for the Atari 7800 Pro System. Sometimes considered the bastard child of Atari, this system was far too neglected. It had some great games!
Last but not least, our featured collection. This belongs to LifeGame. He has a wonderful collection as seen in his photos! Take a look!
Well, another week passes and time keep flying by. Spring is on it's way, and I bet we all can't wait. In the mean time, please come to our forums. We love hearing from new people. Don't be afraid! We talk about way more than video games, and we even have a trading fourm, so maybe you can get the game you've been looking for!
Hope to hear from you all soon, and may RFGeneration be with you!
hanks to the suggestion of DevIancE, a new feature has been added to the "All Collections" page. It is now possible to sort the collecions by hardware and software, so that you can now view people's collections as separate hardware and software collecions.
Thanks again to DevIancE for the suggestion!

I've done it...you've done it...we've ALL done it! We have all, at one time, cheated.
No, no, I'm not talking about that late-night show on G4...I'm talking about cheat codes! Those glorious unlockable rewards hidden in nearly every game in existance.
To celebrate Cheaters Week here at RF Generation, our Featured Hardware is the good ol' Game Genie. The featured game of the week is Serious Sam for the Xbox, which has a moderate cheat menu hidden within the game. The Featured Image is a screenshot from Serious Sam: the Second Encounter for the PC.
The honor of Featured Collection goes to GagaMan, with his real nice collection of Dreamcast and Megadrive games, so be sure and check it out!
To further promote Cheaters Week, I'd like to send out a personal challenge to everyone to submit as much "Cheat" info as possible. Cheat codes, whether they be your standard "up+down+circle+circle" or the old Game Genie codes, can all be submitted under "Easter Eggs" in each game page.
With all that being said, let's all go forth and promote God Mode to the underachievers in gaming!
Well everyone, here it is, the week we have all been waiting for. Yes, it is the week where Shimra presents another halfway thought out article and declares an even more poorly thought out week. Yes everyone, it is the week you have all been waiting for, it is of course Super Quirky Handheld Games Week.
Now that you have let the awesomeness seep in, I shall present to you the featured game of the week. It is an outstanding game where you take the role of a rookie defense attorney whom is quickly raising in the ranks. Yes I am of course talking about Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. Our featured image is of Trace Memory, a unique point and click adventure for the DS. Our featured collection would be DevIancE's. The reason being that DevIancE has tons and tons of handheld games and systems, not to mention the name DevIancE is pretty amazing.
Well there you have it. As always, keep it tuned to Channel 3, and may we never forget Michael Collins.
We've finally rolled out our SQL-based collection system. The new system should be faster than the previous system and will be more friendly towards future database expansion.
A few new minor features have been added: - Hardware/Software dropdown menu - Sort by Hardware/Software in stats - View all page to view your whole collection
The first time you use the new system it may take a while to transfer your collection over. After the first page load, it should run quicker and you should be ready to go! Please post any bugs in the announcements forum. Enjoy!
Today is a momentous occasion for RF Generation, as today is the day that we hit 1000 members! We are quite humbled to have reached this milestone in under three years of operation. We hope you enjoy the community we've got going here, certainly we here on staff do. Are you not a member yet? Feel free to join by clicking here! All the cool kids are doing it!
You might be wondering who the lucky 1000th member is. The answer to that question is Yurf! Congratulations on being the 1000th member! We hope you enjoy the collection tools and community as much as everyone else does!
Also, since today is Monday, we have a new set of features for you to enjoy! Our featured game this week is the decidedly different Mario Paint. Is it a good game, or is it something to be passed on? Be sure to check out Mezmoron's opinion on the game. Our featured collection belongs to nupoile! Primarily an NES collection, nupoile also has such treasures as a Vectrex, Odyssey^2, and an Atari 5200! Be sure to check his collection out. Rounding out the features are the featured hardware, the Memory Card 251 [Pokemon Box Red-Blue], and image, of front cover of the box for Greg Hastings' Tournament Paintball Max'd. Special thanks goes out to Mezmoron for getting those features up with his very busy schedule.
From all of us here at RF Generation, thank you for helping us get to this milestone. We couldn't have done it without you, and we hope that you decide to keep it tuned to channel 3. Stay tuned, more is always to follow when you put it on channel three. See you in the chat!
Hello, fellow RF Genners. The weekly polls are up in the Video Game Generation forum and in the Idle Chatter forum. Please participate in the polls and don't forget our weekly Monday night chat at 7p.m. Central Standard Time. This week we will be talking about Windows Vista, the likes and dislikes between PC gaming and console gaming, and whatever else turns up. See you on Monday and don't forget about our polls. Take care and keep it tuned to RF Generation and Channel 3.
It's hard to believe. One year has passed since RF Generation lost its webmaster and co-founder, Michael Collins. In that year, we've had the time to cope, adjust, and move on, but I am sure I am not alone when I say that I miss Mike. I grieved, like many people grieved, and it still sucks to this day that Mike is gone. Mike touched the lives of many, and the community lost someone special when he passed away. Without Mike there may very well never had been this website. This website, its content, values, and community, are a reflection of who Mike was. It's special knowing that fact.
You may have never known Mike, or perhaps you were one of his good friends. Regardless of who you are, we hope that you will never forget that Mike was not only one of the driving reasons behind this site, but also a friend to many and one of the nicest leaders you could ever meet. Mike had this crazy idea when he founded the site that "No one should be forgotten". Well, if that is such a crazy idea then mark me insane. No one here should ever be forgotten, especially someone as wonderful of a human being as Mike. We will never forget you Mike, and we hope that neither will you, the members of our wonderful little community on the internet.
Mike touched the lives of many. Knowing this and what a wonderful person Mike was today we launch our memorial of Mike. Mike may be gone, but he is certainly not forgotten. We hope that on this day you will take the time to read a bit about why Mike was such a wonderful person to many. Perhaps you would like to contribute to our memorial through your own memories or reflections, and if so we encourage it. We hope though that you will take the time though to at least get a glimpse of who Mike was and why he was a friend to many.
Today RF Generation pauses to remember a friend who has passed on. Mike, you are gone, but you certainly are not forgotten.
 This week is Super Heroes week! Whether they fly through the air, use their cunning and skills, or, like the featured "super-hero" this week (The Punisher), use guns and guts to fight the bad guys, we love them all. Our featured game of the week is, surprise, The Punisher for the Xbox, one of my personal all-time favorites. The game, while somewhat similar to most 3rd Person shooters, includes some unique attributes, like interrogation that you might find interesting, to say the least.
The featured image this week is the Punisher for the NES and the featured hardware for the week is the Super Scope 6. A big gun ANY super hero might use...maybe.
Our featured collection is that of DatenshiBlue who not only has a great game collection, but a respectable game-related action figure collection.
Check out the game page for The Punisher for Xbox and see all the cheats for the game as well as the latest review.
And as always, stayed tuned to channel 3.
 Today RF Generation reached several milestones. The first milestone is that we now have over 14,000 screen shots in our database! In addition, we now have over 33,000 images in the database! These feats are a huge accomplishment, given that a little under a week ago we announced that we had passed the 32,000 images mark. Many thanks go out the following people: Tan, freak_boy, kevincal, JWKobayashi, RAMBO, Fuyukaze, AndyC, Belgarath, bum-man and anyone else I may have missed. Without these guys there is no way we could have gotten from 32,000 to 33,000 images so quickly.
In addition to the milestone that we reached in the images category, today we also passed the 8000 mark for the number of approved submissions made since we began logging submissions back at the end of October of Last Year! I would like to thank everyone who has helped to make this feat possible, but there are a few people that I would like to give special thanks to. Tan and Fuyukaze are our two submitting machines. Tan has had almost 2350 submissions since the logging system began, and Fuyukaze has almost reached the 1500 milestone. Thatââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s a lot of submissions made between the two of them, and we appreciate the dedication it took to complete all those submissions. We also would like to thank everyone who helped us reach this milestone, while there are too many people to specifically name please know that we very much appreciate all the submissions that are made to the site. Do you want to join in on the submitting fun? Click here If you would like to join in the submission party! So far 2007 has been a great year. Since January 1st we have added over 4000 images to the database. Lets all keep up the great work. Maybe we can get to 50,000 by the end of the year! Keep them submissions coming! Surely weââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢ll be able to make this goal with your help!
Keep it on Channel 3 and see you on the forums.