RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Sep 24th 2007 at 07:52:38 PM by (Mezmoron)
Posted under Site News, Amplitude, Elite Beat Agents, PS3 Bluetooth Headset, Tretiy, Playstation 2, PS2, Playstation 3, PS3, Nintendo DS, NDS

[img width=200 align=right]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/U-072/bf/U-072-S-00070-A.jpg[/img]

This week we are taking a look at the Music and Rhythm genre.  Our featured game for the week is Amplitude for the Playstation 2.  This is a very unique game that has a ton of replay value.  You are basically a DJ that takes the layers of songs (Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Drums, etc.) and puts them together to make the track.  It is a fast paced game that relys on your musical ear and rhythm.

The image that we are featuring is from the Nintendo DS game, Elite Beat Agents.  This is undoubtedly one of the best Nintendo DS games to date.  It is basically like DDR in your hands!  Don't believe me?  Try it!

Our featured hardware is the Playstation 3 Bluetooth headset.  This little product retails for a modest $49.99 and will also work with any cell phone out there that is Bluetooth compatible.  This is obviously used for online communications.  Now sure, your current bluetooth headset will work with the PS3, but the red and black colors really set this one apart.

The collection that we are featuring is from Tretiy.  Now, he may have a small collection, but he has goals, which I like.  Take a look at his collection page to see what he has in mind for the future.  I think it's great that he has found a home here! 

Well, that's it folks.  Until next week, keep it tuned in to channel 3 here at RFG!

Posted on Sep 22nd 2007 at 06:57:01 PM by (TraderJake)
Posted under All You Need is Love, Promote, Banners, Site News

Deep within the depths of this site, we hid a page that perhaps some of you are not aware of. This page possibly has some things of interest for you... it is our promote page.

Why might this page interest you? Well, we know that you all really love RF Generation. Some of you practically live here (I am looking at you Scott). Well, why not express your love elsewhere! Want a promotional banner of microbar to use? We got plenty of them that you can use! You might even find some personalized content made just for you, provided that you are a member with a collection.

[img width=468 height=60]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/banners/generated/collection/den68.png[/img]

So, check out our promote page. You'll find some cool things there. Perhaps if you are not into the images you can still help to make the site known. Word of mouth works miracles, and without this word of mouth we'd be a really small site with a tiny community. But, you guys have all done a wonderful job promoting the site, and we hope that you keep it up. Tell your friends, and we hope that you'll keep it tuned to channel 3.

Posted on Sep 19th 2007 at 06:23:25 AM by (OatBob)
Posted under Site News, Features, Weekly Features, Interplay, Amiga CD32, TheBoss, Loom, Out of this World

This weeks features look back at the days of the DOS game. 

No mouse, and only armed with your keyboard, you had more control over your environments.  Text adventures gave little to no instruction to navigate, leaving it up to you to figure out where to go.  With small and expensive hard drives, reliance on floppy disks was important.  Interplay's 10 Year Anthology is a compilation of a number of these types of games, and is a good sample of what to expect of games from this era.  The high difficulty of some of these games can be frustrating at times, but looking back at them allows you to appreciate the advances that have been made in Western RPGs and adventure storytelling.

The Amiga CD32 is the featured hardware for the week.  It is known as the first 32-bit CD-Rom based console released in western countries.  With the ability to add a mouse, keyboard, and floppy drive, the Amiga CD32 feels more similar to a personal computer than console.  Unfortunately, it didn't last long as Commodore filed for bankruptcy nearly a year after release.

The featured collection for the week belongs to TheBoss.   He has several sharp pictures of his PC and Amiga CD collections; which are certainly not the easiest to collect for.

The featured image for the week is from the fantasy adventure game, Loom.  Back in the day Lucasfilm's game studio (later to become LucasArts) actually made some memorable adventure games.  Loom is noteable as the world's first fully voiced adventure game, and a decent copies have been known to fetch a pretty penny in online auctions.

Posted on Sep 11th 2007 at 06:57:59 AM by (Shimra)
Posted under Site News, Features, Mario, Sports

[img width=200 align=right]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/U-087/bf/U-087-S-01360-A.jpg[/img] Ahh yeah baby feels good to be back in style with features that aren't crapily thrown together. This time, they are actually somewhat decent and will keep me from losing my position as a features writer. So all you people out there who hate me and my sarcasm and jackass attitude, hi.

Moving on, it's Mario sports week! Ahh yeah baby. Perhaps the most fun sports games of all are the Mario sports games, so why not celebrate in style by throwing a fiesta! Go round up some illegal immigrants and have them party with you! Have them play some Mario Tennis with you or maybe even make a Mario pinata and break it with them! Ahh yeah this is going to be one hell of a week if you do that.

Ehh hem, moving on seriously, I hate getting down to the business and doing what I'm actually supposed to be doing, the featured game is Mario Hoops 3 on 3. I like it, in fact I liked it enough to include decimals in the damn score. Any collaboration with Square Enix and Nintendo is good in my book, except like some crappy game where Peach gets captured and you play as Cloud Strife to stop whoever the final boss is in any Dragon Quest game with Cloud bitching the entire freaking game. That would probably suck. Anyway, the featured image is Mario Golf for the N64. I love that game. If you don't, you aren't American, and if you aren't American, then hi. Next the featured hardware is the wii remote, or the wiimote. Anyway it puts an interesting spin on Mario Soccer. Finally the featured collection is  Magewout's because he won the 'Shimra randomly selects a user to be featured' contest. Congrats bud, congrats.

As always keep it tuned to Channel 3.

Posted on Sep 4th 2007 at 11:01:17 PM by (Mezmoron)
Posted under Site News, Super Mario Bros 3, Luigi, Cars, SNES, Turbo Touch 360, Nintendo, NES, jtaylor

Super Mario Bros. 3This week, it's time to bring out the big gun!

Our featured game this week is Super Mario Bros. 3! A favorite for many, many gamers. Maybe it is because we all grew up with this game, maybe it is because it is just stellar in every way, or maybe it is because of the silly plumber that we have all been trained to see as the poster boy of Nintendo.

Honestly, I think the answer is in all three. This is a game we grew up playing, it is a wonderful game from nearly every angle, and it does star the famous poster boy Mario. That aside, in Super Mario Bros. 3, you take on the role of Mario to defeat the evil Koopa King Bowser and his friends. With many more abilities than in the previous games, you have to be quicker, smarter, and more cunning than ever before! Check this game out if you haven't already. If you haven't, I feel sorry for you.

Our featured image comes from the Nintendo DS's Cars. This is a cute game full of races and mini-games. It is obviously based on the wildly popular Disney/Pixar movie. How could I not pick this image? Look at the car. He's so cuuuuuute! Well, my wife thinks so anyway.

Our featured hardware is in my opinion, terrible. The Turbo Touch 360 for the SNES is so hard to use, not sensitive, and not comfortable. Disagree with me? Let me know!

Lastly, our featured collection is from jtaylor. The collection may be small, but they definitely have some great games (including our featured game)! I bet our featured collection's owner has some great stories about where some of these games came from. Send him a message and find out!

Well, that's it for now folks. In the meantime, send checks payable to me and keep it tuned to channel 3!

Posted on Sep 4th 2007 at 05:25:54 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Thanks, Submissions

Hello readers and members, I hope you've enjoyed the last weekend as much as I have. For those of you not in the states or Canada, it was Labor Day weekend. In Cincinnati, we have a big party. I, along with many of my friends were there. Hopefully your weekend was as awesome as ours.

Anyways, I digress. Last Friday was the last day of August, and so it is time for me to reflect on the last month and commend you all for the submissions that you have made. In case you were wondering, 3016 submissions were made last month. Of those, 1700 were games submissions, 1316 were hardware submissions, and 583 submissions were for new images. I'd like to thank you all for helping to grow our database with these submissions, it's you guys that allow our site and database to grow, and we are truly thankful. This month's top submitter was Mariott_guy! He bested the competition with 1231 submissions. The next highest submitters with more than 50 submissions last month are, in order, Funk_Buddy, Belgarath, NES_Rules, Oatbob,  Tan, eaglebeak99, and Alabama-shrimp. I'd like to thank all members, including those who made less than 50 submissions for their submissions. We truly appreciate it.  Some people also have to approve submissions, and I'd like to thank Tan and Tynstar for approving a bunch of submissions. Tynstar narrowly beat out Tan for top approver spot last month (148 vs 146). Congrats on that, and try not to rub it in too much. 

I believe that I failed to do this post for July, and I am truly sorry. In case you were wondering, July saw 4351 new submissions. Of those, 4150 were for the games database and 351 were for the hardware database. July also saw 1675 new images, an impressive number indeed. In July, Funk_Buddy was the top submitter, with 662 new submissions. The next largest submitters over 50 submissions are in order: Tan, Belgarath, Oatbob, Speedy_NES, Tynstar, marriott_guy, Fighter17, Donkey Kong Kid, Magewout, NES_Rules, sharp, James, Mars, Apolloboy, Alabama-Shrimp, Malgyris, Rorschach, Fuyukaze, cverz2, and JWKobayashi. I'd like to thank everyone for their submissions.  In July, Tan schooled Tynstar in the approvals category, with 722 aprrovals versus Tynstar's 258 approvals. I'd like to thank everyone who approved submissions in July and August, thanks for keeping the show going.

Thanks everyone, and as always stay tuned, you never know when new features will be showing up.

Posted on Aug 29th 2007 at 01:44:46 AM by (OatBob)
Posted under Site News, Features, Weekly Features, Birding, Ikaruga, Duck Hunt, Zapper

Good evening ladies and gents and welcome to the weekly birding feature, last weeks travels overseas brought a lot of a lot of sightings including the Japanese Grosbeak.  This particular finch is quite common in the region and a casual sit near any feeder should score you an easy sighting.  Also called the Ikaruga by the locals, its black and white feathering inspired a team of four video game designers to name one of their games after it.  I believe they're called Treasure and have made some solid hits before, but this one stands out with a new element of gameplay, the ability to change from black to white. 

Well, enough of that games rubbish... now where were we.  Right, now for this portion of this week's show we get an outside opinion on waterfowl, courtesy of fellow sportsman, Earl.  It looks like we're going on a Duck Hunt!

Well good evening there, Earl.  What are we tracking tonight?
Ducks.  Ain't it obvious?  Say, wanna Bud?
No, thank you.  So, would you be kind enough to tell us about your firearm.
dun' mind if I do.  Now this 'ere is the N-E-S-oh-oh-five, or I like to call it the Zapper.  My buddy, TH14Arsenal has got one too.

So, please do tell our viewers what techniques you use to find and make the kill on these particular waterfowl.
Well, its pretty easy.  You see my dog here, Caesar.  He does it all for me.  Now, this Zapper came with a robot, and some "ness" toy all my kids be playin with, but that robot did nothin' but spin tops and stack rings, so I'm stickin' with who I trust the most to git-er-done.
...Right, so you just sit back while the dog seeks the fowl, flushes them, and you just sit back and do... nothing.  It sounds quite simple, really.

Calm down, he only gets ornery with strangers.  Lets shoot some duckies to cheer him up.
Got one!
Got one!
woof woof woof


Wow, nice shot.  You got two of them.
Nah, its easy.  You try.
If you insist.

woof woof woof


Three misses.  That sucks man, your aims worse than all five of my sisters'
Caesar don't like it when you miss the ducks.


You better run, squirrel

Well, glad to have you all again this week. *gasp* And remember always tune in to Channel thr-DAAAAH

Posted on Aug 22nd 2007 at 04:13:31 AM by (Shimra)
Posted under Site News, Features, Weekly Features, Animals, Sparkster, Aero, Duckface, Jaguar, Rocket Knight

Rocket Knight AdventuresThe features this week are about animals.

So the featured game is Rocket Knight Adventures.  "What have knights got to do with animals?" you might say.  Well, when the main character is an opossum named Sparkster... I think you can see where this is going.  Try it out if you're ready for some pretty quick hack-and-slash side-scrolling action.

The featured image is the cover from Aero the Acro-Bat 2.  Is the cover cheesy... yeah.  Is it as bad as it looks... no way.  Its a fairly unique platformer with colorful cartoony levels.  As with most platformers from the 16-bit era, this one is always worth a decent play.

The featured collection belongs to Duckface, ja, and finally, the featured hardware is some Jaguar thing.  Too many buttons and an unwieldy size has put this one on a lot of "Top 10 worst peripherals" lists; however, I think Microsoft seems a bit partial to it because they're making a suspiciously similar piece for the 360.

Stay tuned to Channel 3.

Posted on Aug 19th 2007 at 12:37:09 AM by (Mike Leon)
Posted under site news, dark knight, warhammer, MMORPG

Who else is ready to spooge all over GTA:IV? I know it's enticing me to take out a mortgage on a PS3. It's GTA with online multi-player. How could that be anything but mind-blowingly awesome? We'll wait and see though. Given Rockstar's track record, they'll probably find some way to screw it up. (Outside of cloning GTA over and over, what have they ever actually done right?)

So Wizard World Chicago was last week, and there was a trailer shown for The Dark Knight, the upcoming sequel to Batman Begins. I hope Christian Bale does the same ridiculous Batman voice in this one. I laughed good and hard when I first saw Batman Begins. He sounds like the Ultimate Warrior talking into Skid Row's concert amp with the fx board set to “extra spooky”. Also, Katie Holmes isn't in this one. They got someone else to play the same part. That's always cheesy. The only way it could get better is if they announce it soap opera style during the film. I can't wait. This movie is going to be a riot.

It looks like the Chinese will be too busy gold farming to start World War 3. According to Kotaku, (http://kotaku.com/gaming/...chinese-mmorpg-290935.php) there will be a MMORPG set in or around the Romance of the Three Kingdoms time line.

Dear John Woo and Beijing Perfect World Co., thank you for postponing nuclear winter. I really enjoy not having radiation sores. You guys are great.

Maybe we should employ the same strategy in the middle east. Someone call Verant Interactive. I'm pretty sure those guys are looking for work since EQ2 went in the crapper.

When you die in an Iranian MMORPG do you go to a graveyard with 72 virgins?

Do the NPCs stop to pray five times a day in realtime?

LF8M for WTC. Need tanks and pilots. No healers. PST

Speaking of MMORPGs, there is a buzz about the Warhammer Online(http://www.warhammeronlin...om/english/home/index.php) game coming out next year. The word wowkiller is getting thrown around. I've personally heard people saying there won't be any grinding, and that level 1 players will be able to kill the highest level players if they are skilled enough. The funny thing is that some of this talk is outright denied on the website and the rest is, at the very least, not corroborated by any official statements concerning the game. The fact remains that this will probably not stray far from the standard “kill the same rat 5000000000 times” formula of all the rest of these games. I like the Warhammer universe and this could be a sweet game (or crap), but the vaporous concoctions floating around about it are fascinating to say the least. You know something is ass-backwards when the biggest attraction to an upcoming game is that it may actually require skill to play.

Skill? Is that the new Tier 8 raiding gear? I heard it gives +800 stamina.

Posted on Aug 14th 2007 at 06:55:59 AM by (Mike Leon)
Posted under Site news, 360, price, drop

It’s Monday, and you know what that means, boys and girls. It’s time for the usual installment of Entertainment Geekly!

What? On a Monday? It’s not usually on a Monday, you say? It is this week, bitch. If you don’t like it, I’ll have an abortion on your face.

Also, I’d like to point out that absolutely nothing happened last week. I suppose something may have happened in the middle east, or within the arena of global politics, but who follows that stuff? I don’t.

Instead, I’m watching The Hills on MTV. It’s the season premiere and LC just met a cute guy, but Whitney didn’t like him and LC probably only liked him because she was drunk. Also, people are saying that LC was in an “inappropriate video” with a guy from Laguna, but she says it’s just a rumor.

Meanwhile, I’m praying to everything unholy that someone with a brain will just drop a vial of VX nerve agent in the middle of their lavish Barbie fashion show magazine party. I want to watch them writhe in uncontrollable spasmic death throws as pox develop on their soft tissue and they vomit their guts all over their Vera Wang cocktail gowns. I would smile as the average IQ of California raises by 10 points.

Sadly, this will never happen.

But hey, the XBOX 360 costs less now. I can settle for that. And I was so surprised when I heard. Who expected Microsoft to respond to the PS3 price cut with a price cut of their own? It’s shocking!

Maybe someone will sue Rockstar this week and I’ll have something to talk about on Friday. Cross your fingers.

Posted on Aug 14th 2007 at 04:17:39 AM by (Mezmoron)
Posted under Site News, Ninja, Ninja Gaiden, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Playstation 3, PS3, Ryu Hayabusa, Playstation 2, PS2, Gran Turismo 3, GT3

Ninja Gaiden Sigma

Well, I did it. I broke down and got myself a PS3. Bad idea? I don't think so. The first game I played has captivated me! That's why this week's featured game is based on this game.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma is one of Playstation 3's saving graces. While not a game that will sell a system, it is a game that shows some of what the hardware can do. The camera work is wonderful, the voice acting is wonderful, and the controls are wonderful. That makes this game, well, wonderful! I love being able to run along walls, run on water, and heck, even cut off some guy's head! Check this game out, you won't be disappointed.

The featured image is for Ninja Gaiden for the Nintendo NES. This game is one of the games a lot of folk remember from their childhood. Everyone remembers the boss when they first see him. All of the ninja classic items were found in this title, including throwing stars and katanas. Take a look at it again. You'll be surprised at how much you remember!

Our featured hardware is the Playstation 2 GTA3 pack. This was a great buy for racing fans and non-racing fans alike. Not only did you get a PS2 system, which some argue is the greatest thing since sliced bread, you also got one of the most realistic racing sims ever made.

Lastly, our featured collection belongs to Silent_shadow. This collection is full of games. Lots of Sega, Nintendo, and Microsoft games! Take a look!

Well, that's it folks! Have any suggestions on what you'd like to see featured? Send me a message or an email! Maybe I can get my hands on it and get it on the main page! Check out the featured thread and leave some comments! And always, keep it tuned in to channel 3!

Posted on Aug 13th 2007 at 01:17:30 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, One Million Visits

I'm surprised I even caught this stat, but as of yesterday RF Generation officially broke the one million visits per year mark. That doesn't mean one million unique visitors in the past year, but still its an impressive feat. Essentially, a visit is a session that a user spends on a site. I know most of you probably won't understand the notion of a visit, but for those of you who do and those who don't, we are certainly touched by the statistic. Just to give you an idea of how much the site has grown, in September of last year we had 14621 visits. In July of this year we had 209662 visits. You all must certainly love us, and we are touched. This site is nothing without its community, and it's nice to know that our community is so strong. For this fact, we are truly grateful.

Thanks for your readership, and thanks for being a part of our community. We hope that you enjoy the direction we've been going, and if you wish for something new or unique we're always certainly willing to listen. Thanks for being there with us, and we hope that you will all continue to keep it tuned to channel 3.

Posted on Aug 11th 2007 at 03:48:15 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Member Blogs, Tan Wants This Badly

RF Generation has had a lot of things added in the last year, and one of those additions, the blog, launched with the new site design.  Well, some people thought that the blog was so nifty that they asked if they could have their own blogs. Well, starting today, they can.

Introducing... the Community Blogs. Here, you can find our member's blogs, or you can start your own, provided that you are a registered member of the site. Of course, this blogging system is programmed by your neighborhood friendly Site Director, so this release is a beta, some new features are yet to be added, and some things may yet work perfectly. If you catch a bug, let me know, I'd certainly love to quash it.

I've tried to add as much customization options to the blog script as I can, so please take advantage of them. Since this script is beta, I am open to suggestions, but I do not intend on adding any features that would take extensive coding. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the blogs, perhaps you'll find the scripts of use, or you'll just enjoy reading its contents.


Posted on Aug 8th 2007 at 04:33:31 PM by (Mezmoron)
Posted under Site News, Barry Bonds, Hank Aaron, Baseball, Homerun, Record, Steroids, 756, Washington Nationals, San Fransisco Giants, Mike Bacs

I know this isn't video game news, but regardless, it is one of the biggest things in American sports.  Barry Bonds has finally passed Hank Aaron on the homerun list to sit atop alone at 756.  In a game where Bonds was hitting 2/2 with a single and a double, he stepped up to the plate for the 3rd time.  An 84 mph pitch came his way and then the ball traveled 435 feet into the right field bleachers.

The fateful pitch came from Nationals pitcher Mike Bacsik in the bottom of the fifth. 

How do you feel about this?  Were you able to put aside the possibility of the "era" and enjoy the moment?  Let us know!

Posted on Aug 7th 2007 at 04:43:51 AM by (OatBob)
Posted under Site News, Features, Weekly Features, Kirby, Tilt, Maracas, Samba de Amigo

Kirby Tilt 'n' TumbleFeatures this week are mixing things up a bit.  One of the big "next-gen" selling points for the Wii and PS3 are the use of motion controls as a new means of playing games in relation to mashing buttons and twiddling your analogs.  First off is a handheld game with a built-in tilt controller.  That game, my good friend, is Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble.  Tilt forward, and it feels like Kirby will roll off screen, and a little flick will pop him into the air.  This game earned me a lot of funny looks the first time I was seen wiggling my Game Boy Color around.

Shakin' it up is the featured hardware, the highly sought-after Dreamcast Maracas.  These babies were never bundled and fetched a high price in stores; yet, they worked with only one game!  (Well, maybe a few minor exceptions, but they are poorly applied.)  Lets just say that they didn't sell too well and have become a wee bit difficult to find.  Speaking of that one game...

The featured image for the week is the cover shot for Samba de Amigo.  Why the Japanese version?  It captures the spirit of the game.  Anyways, playing it for the first time might remind you of your first forray into DDR, club-footed and uncoordinated.  Never fear, for an easy learning curve will make you a cha-cha master in no time.  Available in all three major regions, this game is for every culture.  Getting some of my Columbian friends into it was definitely a rewarding experience that everyone seemed to enjoy.

Oh boy, that commercial gets me excited every time.

The featured collection of the week is someone with even more funky rhythm controllers.  Sauza12  has a lovely standee for Donkey Konga in addition to all three GameCube games that make use of the Bongo controllers.  In addition to that he also has some interesting items including two arcade cabinets worth checking out.

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