I'd like to officially announce three new staff members to the RF Generation team! First off, we have two new DB Contributors, Bildtstar and Raffa1985! These guys have been a submission storm the last few months, with hundreds of images and page edits, and they have been great assets in our fight toward cleaning up the Euro sections of the DB. So take a look at the Euro sections, especially the PS1 and PS2, there's still a lot of work to be done, but its going to get there a lot faster with these gentlemen on staff.
But that's not all for staff additions, we have one more, this time its an entirely new staff position. TheGrue will be joining the RFG team as a Programmer. This position will allow him to take his already wonderful Android App to the next level, making it run smoother and faster. He'll also be helping out with normal site programming in the future, allowing us to roll out new features and fixes even faster.
Last but certainly not least, we have the promotion of Shadow Kisuragi. Shadow's been excelling at every staff position he's been at and has shown he is devoted to RF Generation, so the other Directors and I thought it would benefit everyone to have him be a Director. His main responsibilities will be overseeing the Technical/Programming aspects of the site, so he'll be the one mainly in charge of making sure the site continues to run smoothly and keeping the staff on track to rolling out new features.
So give these gentlemen a round of applause, they definitely deserve it for all the hard work they have already done and all the hard work they will be doing in the future to making sure that RF Generation continues to be THE Classic and Modern Video Games Database.
Keep it on Channel 3!
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Fantastic new staff all around! And a special congratulations to Shadow!!
Congratulations guys! Glad to hear of the promotions!
You'll be hearing more from me in the coming months on upcoming projects and changes...
In the mean time, feel free to post in the Announcements and Feedback forum on things you would like to see changed or fixed, or even added to the site. I do read them, and we've been tackling some of the things that are easily fixed while evaluating some of the more difficult items.
For now, enjoy the switch to using images for Game Ratings. I know not all of the rating boards are represented or have images yet, but I've tried to make sure the major ones have images for now until I can get the rest of the images uploaded.
Major congratulations! It's great to see things moving up.
Congratulations everyone! Can't wait to see where we go next!
A hearty welcome to the new guys, and a big congrats to the guys who've moved on up!
I'll try not to p!$$ you off too much with my antics...
With great power, comes great responsibility.
kudos to all of you, some day I hope to have enough time to also help with the site
Congrats to those promoted. RFGeneration truly is an amazing site.
Congrats guys! Well deserved.
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