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Posted on Jun 7th 2007 at 11:27:33 PM by (Shimra)
Posted under Site News, Weekly Features

After last weeks amazingly awesome features, I pretty much decided there was absolutely no way in bloody hell I could top Tan. So, I do what I do best, I decided I would simply make everything about me. The game of the week just so happens to be one of my all time favorite RPGs, the screenshot of the week just so happens to be of my favorite  action game of all time(hard as balls too), the featured hardware is of a controller that is so unGodly uncomfortable I have blisters on my thumb from using the damn thing's d-pad while destroying all who oppose me in Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO. The featured collection is that of a user whom I've never talked to but have dreamt of having his username as my own, also his collection is nice and organized which I could only wish mine was like that.

So...Yay this week is about stuff relevant to me. Booyakasha to all those who disagree with the way I choose to do things around here. Actually, PM me because I'm running low on themes for the week <_<.
Anyway, the featured game is Shadow Hearts Covenant, and outstanding RPG from, gasp, Midway. The featured Screenshot is of Devil May Cry 3, which, if you have played the game, will make you cringe. The featured hardware is that of Nintendo's Wavebird, a fairly cool wireless controller. Finally the featured collection is that of Rajaat the Warbringer. Lots of NES games, nice cabinet, really organized. Damn I wish I could claim to be that organized.

Well there you have it. Sorry it isn't as outstanding as Tan's features. You only have to deal with this for a week my good chum.

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