RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Apr 2nd 2009 at 01:21:05 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Church of RF Generation

My children rejoice, the time of ascension is at hand. 2008 was a horrible year for us, and we were penalized badly with massive downtime in the months of April and May. This downtime lead us to search for the reason why we were down for almost two months. We searched far and wide through our logs and files, but we simply couldn't find any reason as to why we were down. It was frustrating, until we decided to reflect on our own actions. It was there, that we saw the error of our ways.

We thought long and hard about this change, and we thought hard for a reason. See, we people at RF Generation were heavens, our lax nature and our lackadaisical manner had struck the ire of the Gods. We had initially decided against doing something drastic, but this decision struck the ire of the Gods, as just noticed. It was so obvious, looking back, that we were horrible, horrible people. We were so busy trying to please our members that we simply forgot about the Gods, and they simply didn't appreciate that. In their vengeful wrath, they sent our site into limbo for two painful months. The wrath was swift, it was painful, and looking back, we understand their ire. In that respect, we repent.

Today is the culmination of ten months of reflection and identity seeking. We all truly were sinners to our Gods, and we are truly sorry to have displeased them. We wish, and will make amends to our deities. The RF Generation you know has been cleansed. Today, we begin the process of rolling out the product of our cleansing. Today, we launch our Church. We have for far too long ignored our deities. Today is the day we make things right.

The Church of RF Generation has been founded on the principles that our deities never be ignored. Who are our deities? They are the pillars that allow and foster our being as gamers and collectors. Our pantheon consists of many deities, but no deity reigns supreme. They are all equal, although everyone of us might hold one closer to our hearts. I know I personally pay special homage to Yevon. Perhaps you worship one of the holy grails of game collecting, Nintendo World Championships. Some our members find this deity to be most benevolent and at the same time most elusive.

The truth is that we all pay special homage to our deities that make video games what it is for all of us. We will never forget these deities. Our church will be a constant reminder and source of piety for our gaming deities. We love them, and always will follow them.

Join us in the Church of RF Generation. Find the deity that best suits you. Enjoy your games and collecting, but never forget of those deities that afforded you the amazing hobbies you have today.

-David Murnan
Supreme Chancellor, The Church of RF Generation

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Praise be to Channel 3!!
All hail Yevon!!!
Amen brother Dave!
I had been complaining recently about the gaming gods and now i have come to see the err of my ways thank you Dave for helping to bring me into the light!

wow,I'm a member of a church.....I am now tell my Dad he was wrong, I have stepped foot in a church
I absolutely LOVE this color scheme!! Glad to see the site back Smiley
Dave, if you're the Supreme Chancellor, can I be the Grand Poobah?
@phoenix1967: Well, I've decreed myself as Pope since no one else has stepped up to the plate so I can definitely give you that title.
@Link41: You have not stepped foot in a church you have virtually become a member.

Check out the universa life church if you want to prove your dad wrong.
You can become a minister for free via email submission.
I did it.

Bravo, well done.
I just noticed that the links change and all have their own external links.
Bravo my friends. Also i was unawares that our site director belonged to the church of satan....
Which is confusing what with him being the Supreme Chancellor of our faith....
YAY *runs to submit backlog of images* of course to show my devotion to the Retro God's
uh-oh, I've skipped church the last few weeks because I was up late the night before playing video games.
PS Love the link to the Creation Museum Smiley
Haha, the site goes back up just in time for April 1st.
Although if scientology can be declared to be religion this is just as legitimate of a cause.

Oh my brother, testify!
I actually like last year's blue and white more.
I'm feeling more and more religious about gaming today hehe. Love the theme. Looking forward to getting the image posting back to update my collection. Good work guys in battling away with the server move. Smiley Cheers!
Very happy to see the tradition keep going  ;p
This is incredible. Almost as incredible as the new NIN album.

I take it upon myself to bear the mantle and be the first heritic within your priesthood.  May thine soul be cursed for thy use of the fowl yellows.  Praise be to NINTENDO!!
Praise be that the site is back after what the site was on my birthday (yes it was on April 1st). I'll be completely satisfied when I can be able to add entries to my blog once again!
@Fuyukaze:I will second that!

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