Well, I must apologize for the lack of an update in April on submissions. RF Generation was sort of on an up and down swing. Unfortunately, this up and down nature of the site kept me from being able to do a submissions update for April. For that, I am sorry.
Anyways, how were submissions during the tumultuous month of April? Well, there were 1700 submissions. Not bad, given how we were down for half of the month and when we were up it was a real chore. For April, the top submitter was Fuyukaze, edging out Belgarath by one whole submission! Damn! The top non staff submitter, Darth Sidious, was not too far behind, with 183 submissions during April. Excellent work! If you're wondering who was approving all of those non-staff submissions, s1lence kicked ass and took names with approvals, soundly outdoing Fuyukaze who had the second largest number of submissions! Of course, there were plenty of people who did their part with submissions, and I'd like to take the time to thank those submitters who made more than 50 submissions in April:
Fuyukaze, Belgarath, Darth Sidious, Cobra, DefaultGen, dotDarkCloud, ApolloBoy, y2richie, Madir, and Rajaat the Warbringer.
Thanks to them and everyone else who made submissions in April!
Now, for May, well, there was this contest or something that is still going on, more on that later. We unfortunately had some downtime during May as well. Frustrating, really, but it's all sorted out now. We had 3523 submissions, which is awesome considering how we were down for half the month. We had almost 2900 image submissions in May. Damn! That's really, really impressive! Kudos to you all! Of course, there was this contest going on, and well, some people went all out in submissions. The top submitter for May was Rajaat the Warbringer. He had a whopping 1361 submissions! Damn! The second largest submitter last month was VACRMH with 867 submissions! Good job you two! In terms of the wonderful people approving your submissions, Fuyukaze kicked ass and took names in submission approvals. He's certainly been doing his part to ensure the contest runs smoothly, and I certainly appreciate everything he's done. Of course, there are many people who made submissions in May, and I'd like to specifically thank those who had 50 or more submissions:
Rajaat the Warbringer, VACRMH, Fuyukaze, NES_Rules, Vokyous, Darth Sidious, Ghost Soldier, Funk_Buddy, y2richie
Thanks you guys and everyone else who made submissions in May! Keep up the great work into June.
Now, there is this contest going on. You might be wondering the standings. You might also be wondering if the contest is going to be extended. Well, first, let me tell you the top three people right now. Currently, the top three people are, in order:
Rajaat the Warbringer VACRMH Voykous
There you go, the top three people in the contest. Will they continue to be the top three people, or will someone else pull ahead? Time shall tell!
So, when will the contest end? Some people wish for it to be extended because we were down for half of May. In the spirit of competition, I'd like to extend the competition's length by two weeks. Now, I'd like to do that, but I would like to see what other people think about that. We were down for quite a bit, and well, it's sort of crummy that the contest length was shortened because of it. So, shall we increase the length? Let me know.
Regardless, submit on! Thanks everyone, and here's hoping for an awesome June!
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Well, as the person currently in the lead and most likely to be angry if the contest is extended, I have to say, go for it. I mean, the point of this contest was to get more people to submit, and fill out more of the site's database, and extending the contest, and reminding people that it's still going on will certainly do that.
I have plenty more to offer to try to keep my lead. ^_^
I just submitted my shiny box / manual / game scans for Aerobiz (SNES) last night.
Woohoo my name up in pixels! Thanks TraderJake! I think I had 1230 submissions in the month I went right through my collection (around November 2007) - which was before I even knew there were submission stats. I'm snapping up games from time to time and hope to keep adding to the database! 
Wow, third place? I actually didn't even realize that there was a contest going on... I was just pumped to find that RF Generation was back online again, and that led me to an afternoon devoted to submissions. If it looks like the contest has been increasing the number of submissions, I'd say keep it up. Not only will it allow more people to participate, but it will definitely help out the database as well.
By the way, gotta love that name - Rajaat the Warbringer. 
Thanks, I always wonder if anyone will get the reference :-P
I'd like to see the contest extended. I don't think it will affect the winners, but will get more people to continue submitting.
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